• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

What are you grateful for ?

i could probably get rather emotional about my love for my friends and local-ish alternative scene but that is alot for my baked brain 2 take in LOL. so atm i am honestly very grateful for my warm bed and weighted blanket.

oh! and food, delicious food.
You will be much better off for staying away from the Benzodiazepines whenever you possibly can and then advancing to taking them . . . 'never'.

I would only take them if I was in complete shock within life. Like for a death and something that painful mentally.

Opiates are just a fight. Something that you can't back down to get through until it starts to get better. And you can do that by taking less and less

until you won't take anything at all. Then you can tell the tale because it is quite the experience.

Anyway all things take time and patience. Especially this.

You are doing so good for getting this far already. It is nothing fun or anything that you can explain sometimes. And then you will just know that it is possible.

And you can !!!!!!!!!

You sure sound determined though !!!!!!! ❤️‍🔥

You are doing great ! Even if you just don't know it yet. It IS possible.

Awesome You.

Alright now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)👍 Remember you are already ahead of the game. No benzo withdrawal for sure.

You are so on your way. I mean I know it's not easy but you are. Keep On now. 😯
Thank you very much. I sincerely mean that. Today’s day 4. My goal is just make it through today. I have therapy this afternoon so hopefully that’s another thing to help ease the constant calling on me to redose.
Going to setup another consult w a suboxone sr so I have plenty on hand because that’s the only thing keeping me pseudo together.
Whoever said it gets harder as you get older was absolutely right. Each struggle w this feels longer like it’s never going to end but….ill make it through today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.
Thank you very much. I sincerely mean that. Today’s day 4. My goal is just make it through today. I have therapy this afternoon so hopefully that’s another thing to help ease the constant calling on me to redose.
Going to setup another consult w a suboxone sr so I have plenty on hand because that’s the only thing keeping me pseudo together.
Whoever said it gets harder as you get older was absolutely right. Each struggle w this feels longer like it’s never going to end but….ill make it through today and worry about tomorrow when it comes.

Nice !

We had about 1 1/2 mile walk and she won 60 USD off of a fiver at the far end point.
The walk is important and grateful for the opportunity to be there/here.
Grateful to be free of so much self destruct type of behavior.
Grateful to see a smile. :)
today I'm grateful for having a job where on certain days they have no clue if I have done any work or not, or even attended at all (ie today)
I'm grateful for having had the idea of putting extra coins in my coin 👛 because when I arrived at the supermarket I realized I left my wallet at home (again!)
At least this way I had enough for the bus back home and didn't have to beg for a ride (sometimes bus or taxi drivers take people for less if they believe the story they are told).
Having the ability to be myself.
Not sure who that is exactly but I'm me.
Bully for you, 'ol chap, ya made it. :) 😬
We had about 1 1/2 mile walk and she won 60 USD off of a fiver at the far end point.
The walk is important and grateful for the opportunity to be there/here.
Grateful to be free of so much self destruct type of behavior.
Grateful to see a smile. :)

Last night I had a dream that I won a 2 mile (lol) road race and won $2,000 and also like 37,000 money in Belgium or Yugoslavia? In my dream it equated to $400. I'm going to check that right now out of curiosity but I'm positive it's wrong.

Also I'm grateful for having the time to plan things out. Even though too much time makes me feel useless. I can at least relax mentally and plan things.