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Just finished Varlam Shalamov's Kolyma Tales, stunning series of often quite brief fiction based on his and others experiences in the Gulag. His condemnation of the Gulag was even more merciless than Solzhenitsyn's, a very powerful work.
About to finish this "series" and my frustration w/ the sentence structure is reaching a pique. My complaints are somewhat similar to Raz's concerning the style and layering of the Hunger Games. Also, this guy wastes paragraph after paragraph reiterating shit. He spends half a novel rehashing details from the previous books. The stories are passable mysteries, but I'll be glad to move on:





Re read on the last two and the first one, and this next one in honor of the hobbit:

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Reading Stranger in a Strange Land now... just finished Crime and Punishment-- best book I've read...
Reading Horns again by Joe Hill. So bad ass.


Joe is great. I have a personalized copy and a couple signed ones. :) If you haven't yet, read 20th Century Ghosts. Short stories are really what he does best imo.

I'm reading an upcoming short story collection I'm helping to edit.
Reading Stranger in a Strange Land now... just finished Crime and Punishment-- best book I've read...

I like you. If you feel up to a Dostoevsky challenge take a shot at Brothers Karamazov.


EDIT ^Just finished this - a quick read, but rather enjoyable in its use of mythology in depicting the perils of war.

Now I'm rereading this, as the first time was for a seminar. I'm gonna flay it this time:

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I like you. If you feel up to a Dostoevsky challenge take a shot at Brothers Karamazov.

I have it sitting on my desk... along with 50 other 'to-reads'

I just found this graphic novel, The Nao of Brown, that is pretty fucking awesome. Will probably finish it tomorrow or the next day at Barnes and Noble...
re-reading this, my favorite Martin Cruz Smith, most of it's set in the the abandoned town outside of Chernobyl

I'm reading Bruno Jasienski's I Burn Paris at the moment. I'm not far in yet but I'm finding it very interesting, although it is very dystopian so probably not everyone's cup of tea. Apparently it is quite a classic piece of Polish literature that has only recently been translated.