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What Are YOU Craving Right Now? v. What is a tolerance break?

I want some ketamine, I've just had a small bloody Mary, fucking crap stupud alcohol lol

Its tasty as I like bloody Mary's, but I'm not a drinker

I want a big fat line of K or 5 waaaahhhh
I'm on a tolerance break from K, I'm not craving anything for once in a very long time, I've not took an antidepressant for nearly a week, I started benzos 5 days ago but that's naughty as I quit a long time ago, but I didn't care as I need my sleep and can't stand anxiety and wanted off the antidepressants called mirtazapine

Anyway the only thing I've had today is a cold lattee and cuppa tea, no food, no energy I just washed up sat on a chair lol

My therapy today was talking to my sister on the phone then my neighbour, I normally get anxiety and can't talk on the phone not today though

Maybe it's my crystal pendants I put on today to try the natural way, but let's see what happens tonight as insomnia is what I can't cope with
@Flower Fairy You're experiencing the best of dissociatives maybe - their antidepressant afterglow which can last for more than a week. Long thought they weren't addictive because of this but lost the effects with increasing tolerance. It should be possible to maintain this for long time though.

So - deschloroketamine. I'd pay extra for somebody selling that to me right now (in RL, not here online!).
iv coke or well made rock

iv 2fk or 3meopce

plugged dilaudid or intranasal, pre-fent heroin with a good benzo like valium or bromazolam

on valium and oxy right now. a few shots of blow would really clinch it.
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Bang 60mg morphine along with lyrica AND some benzosss. For my bday in 14 days w00t.
A cigarette but I quit 8 years ago so it's an urge I won't act on.
I know how I'll feel if I actually do it so, no.
D-meth. I definitely prefer downers over uppers, but occassionaly (once in 2 months) i like to go for a meth binge, but only d-meth because i have very mild negative side effects and comedown comparing to racemic meth.
LSD i can barley go a month without throughout my entire life til i start getting strong urges to return and escape from this world to the LSD reality. By 3 months without it is usually as long as i can go but every time i return i go so hard on it i almost lose my mind completely rinse and repeat for my entire adult life.
Been having some cravings for weed lately. I'm kinda glad I'm finally craving something other than heroin or oxy after 2,5yrs clean. :)