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Opioids What are the best things for the opiitch?

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Apr 29, 2018
Recently got switched from Tramadol to Dihydrocodeine. I'm very glad I did. The high feels better and the pain relief itself is much better, too. The only downside is the itching is much worse for me. I have Loratidine and Cyclizine (currently out of Cyclizine) but don't know how much to take for an opioid itch in particularly? The Loratidine are one-a-day so would chewing one in a crisis break some time release?
Anything else I can do to stop the itching? Obviously, apart from taking less Any medication, creams, lotions, anything?

Edit: I also have a hemp cream and a mild corticosteroid cream I have for what I thought was dry skin but is apparently a stress-rash, if either of them would help?
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Not really Chem, Loratadine at 20mg works for me somewhat. Or you could try piriton style nasal sprays, should help quicker obviously. My go to is 25mg Promethazine, obliterates both the histamine high jack and nausea at any level!!
Not really Chem, Loratadine at 20mg works for me somewhat. Or you could try piriton style nasal sprays, should help quicker obviously. My go to is 25mg Promethazine, obliterates both the histamine high jack and nausea at any level!!

Thanks! Will definitely pick up some promethazine at the pharmacy. I planned to go there for some OTC Naproxen this evening anyway.
Yeah promethazine is good and it's sedating too.

It's better to take the antihistamines an hour before you dose opiates, as when you're itching already, they won't work as well.

Prevention is better than cure,.and this is very true of antihistamines especially!
Definitely use hydrocortisone, it always works like a charm for me, every time. Also, I have never heard of phenergan being used for the itches. I have been prescribed it for nausea but who knows...
Generally better known as an anti-emetic you’re right Beachy. But it’s a first generation anti-histamine by birth!!
It's quite the versatile bastard I e heard. Also got anti psychotic qualities too apparently! Is it related to thorazine?
It’s not bad at all, Chlorpromazine yes but only 1/10th as potent in that regard. Beats Ondanestron hands down as an anti-emetic for me. Mad as hell rush when a shot of IV when I have been admitted to hospital I remember well.
It’s not bad at all, Chlorpromazine yes but only 1/10th as potent in that regard. Beats Ondanestron hands down as an anti-emetic for me. Mad as hell rush when a shot of IV when I have been admitted to hospital I remember well.

Promethazine has a rush? Uh oh! Here come the amputations...

Damn I loveeeee the itch! Wish I still got it lol Have you tried Benadryl?

Yeah OP, benadryl aka diphenhydramine is pretty much just as good for the itch and added sedation.
Thanks for all the suggestions, guys! Diphenhydramine was my go-to before I got prescribed Cyclizine.
Been very thoroughly chewing 20mg Loratidine (to make it work instantly instead of 24hrs) and it helps a lot. I get my Cyclizine tomorrow. Think I'mma try and get Promethazine from aforementioned pharmacy as a back-up, though.
Yeah good man, don’t let them fob you off either, it’s there trust me. Get the nasal spray Cetrizine etc, if you need a quicker onset!!
Hey guys, just stopping by to be a bastard for a moment while I have the chance. While I understand that the pruritus (itching) can be super annoying and in many cases can even lead to open sores on the face and body, it's not a symptom that is actually concerned with immediate safety. While I understand that people think we are a "one stop shop" sort of deal, that's not really the case. We're here to keep people safe who use drugs. We're here to provide the information to folks that can't or won't be provided by the establishment at-large. This is an issue that you could call your doctor up and ask him about, which is always the preferred option.

You're not even using illicitly at this point, so you can easily ask for the information officially, hence I have to end this in order to make room for threads that are more closely aligned with our guidelines, i.e. concerned with people's imminent safety. No harm done.
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