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What anxiety medications have the least affect on the psychedelic experience ?


Apr 22, 2016
I searched and couldn't find a good answer. Also please don't waste time saying people with anxiety shouldn't do psychedelics. I am an experienced tripper and psychedelics have been extremely helpful in overcoming anxiety.

Out of all the anxiety medications which ones have the least effect on tripping and rolling? I am currently on an SSRI (Brintellix) and it completely blocks my ability to feel MDMA and significantly mutes my psychedelic experience although I am still able to trip.

I am looking at Buspar, which from my reading makes it possible to roll again but still has some affect on psychedelics. Anyone tried tripping on both an SSRI and Buspar at different times for comparison?

My daily medication:
Dexedrine (one of the active drugs in Adderall) 20mg / day
Brintellix 5mg / day
Ability 2.5mg / day
Wellbutrin 150mg / day

These are all low to medium doses

Drugs I would like to be able to do:


kava, valerian, mulungu bark, skullcap, phenibut

Those are all excellent anti -anxiety substances none of which negatively effect psychedelics to my knowledge. They are especially awesome because unlike benzos and SSRIs they dont just mask the symptoms of anxiety, but can actually help you get to the root causes, in my experiences, that is if you are willing to introspect and face your fears.
Did you mean "Abilify" instead of "Ability?" If so, then that medication will block the effects tremendously.
Don't take buspar with psychedelics. That shit is widely known to cause brain zaps as a fairly common side effect, which would CERTAINLY cause a bad trip. not worth the risk
That's quite a cocktail of serious brain - chemistry altering drugs you're on. With that combo, pretty much any psychedelic you take will not work. Taking MDMA and related drugs could be dangerous.

Also, being completely honest, if your mental health is such that all of those medications are required, you should be abstaining from drugs. Pretty much the only danger posed by classical psychedelics is a bad reaction by people of unsound mental health. You could easily be launched into a serious depressive or manic episode, experience severe depersonalization/derealisation, or any number of other psychosis.

I'm not trying to be rude or judgemental, but if you require 3 psychiatric medications and an amphetamine in order to function normally, drugs should be the last thing to consider playing with.

I know you said not to waste time telling you people with anxiety shouldn't trip, but I have a hunch that your condition is a bit more serious than anxiety. Routine anxiety would usually be treated by something milder. You're on two strong antidepressants, one antipsychotic, and one amphetamine.
I can trip and roll just fine on the 45mg of Buspar I take daily, but it's not a very potent anxiolytic and does nothing at all for many people. It probably wouldn't be able to replace your current regimen.
The only thing that I can think of (apart from benzos) is propranolol. In my mind that is the most benign anti-anxiety medication. I've got no idea if there are any actual dangerous interactions though. All the rest seem to be significantly more powerful/disruptive. SSRI's and their other affiliated cronies etc.

I know you said not to waste time telling you people with anxiety shouldn't trip, but I have a hunch that your condition is a bit more serious than anxiety. Routine anxiety would usually be treated by something milder. You're on two strong antidepressants, one antipsychotic, and one amphetamine.

I concur with this.

The best anti-anxiety chemical (apart from any benzo) that I have ever taken, is aniracetam. Although that in itself could significantly alter a trip.
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I have to concur with the others here in that if you need all those serious medications, your mental health is obviously not in a fit state to be bombarded by mind warping psychedelic drugs. I would advise abstinence if I were you, or just stick to the odd beer or toke on a nice high CBD weed strain. No point risking further damage to your mental health just for a few hours of tripping.
Additionally, it's a terrible idea to switch psych medication in order to be able to trip. Sure, for some of us psychedelics are important but it should never take priority over your mental health (which is again in that same line of HR as above).

The psych medication you should take structurally is the one (ones) that improve your quality of life, nothing different and nothing else. If you feel you can be so casual in just pick and choosing what to take to facilitate tripping, I get huge doubts about if you really need everything you are taking.
Unless your doc is of the school of thought to prescribe anything that seems like it may remotely apply - and yeah in some parts of the world (the statistics in the US are staggering honestly) there are way too many Rx.

Getting used to and getting off some of these psych medications can be quite taxing on mind and body, let alone with a multiple script.
Look into nootropics/adaptaogens/diet and try and reverse some of the damage that has probably been done.
I use tenex(guanfacine) occasionally for anxiety and it works pretty well. pretty under utilized medication imo. No weird interactions with anything that im aware of. works for physical types of anxiety bc it lowers your BP. Also gabapentin, but i can't recommend taking it daily. Its quite the dependence for me. It doesn't interact with anything but not everyone can tolerate it. I think its a good drug, I just wouldn't take it everyday if I could do it over again. Has a tendency to produce some brain fog and kind of dumbs you down once you have been on it a while. Im tapering that one now and its not fun.

I was on some heavy cocktails for a few years myself. It was a pretty painful experience stopping them that I am just now starting to recover from. Was really sick for almost two years and im not quite out of the woods yet. If you have been on those meds for a while, esp abilify, then you need to taper slow. APs can be a real bitch to quit if you have been on them for a significant amount of time.

They put everyone on big cocktails now, you start with some depression and anxiety and by the time they are done with you, they have you on six different pills and fill your head with all types of non sense and you are schizo. Psychiatry in the US is out of control, so I think its a bit unfair to be telling someone they shouldn't trip. Some people with depression and anxiety trip just fine. Im bipolar allegedly and I don't have any issues with tripping. For some folks with 'mental illness', tripping can be useful and even productive. I think its good to get off the hardcore pills tho if you plan on tripping.
Additionally, it's a terrible idea to switch psych medication in order to be able to trip.

This is insightful Solipsis. Part of the challenge with psychiatric medications (especially anti-psychotics such as Abilify) is patients discontinue suddenly. I concede the medications have undesirable side effects respect a patients choice in abstaining from medications if the side effects outweigh the benefits. If patients discontinue they should taper slowly. Stopping suddenly could result in rebound withdrawals.
According to this new study, buspirone reduces the effects of psilocybin in humans:

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2016 Apr;26(4):756-66. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2016.01.005. Epub 2016 Jan 22.

Modulatory effect of the 5-HT1A agonist buspirone and the mixed non-hallucinogenic 5-HT1A/2A agonist ergotamine on psilocybin-induced psychedelic experience.

Pokorny T1, Preller KH1, Kraehenmann R1, Vollenweider FX2


The mixed serotonin (5-HT) 1A/2A/2B/2C/6/7 receptor agonist psilocybin dose-dependently induces an altered state of consciousness (ASC) that is characterized by changes in sensory perception, mood, thought, and the sense of self. The psychological effects of psilocybin are primarily mediated by 5-HT2A receptor activation. However, accumulating evidence suggests that 5-HT1A or an interaction between 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors may contribute to the overall effects of psilocybin. Therefore, we used a double-blind, counterbalanced, within-subject design to investigate the modulatory effects of the partial 5-HT1A agonist buspirone (20mg p.o.) and the non-hallucinogenic 5-HT2A/1A agonist ergotamine (3mg p.o.) on psilocybin-induced (170µg/kg p.o.) psychological effects in two groups (n=19, n=17) of healthy human subjects. Psychological effects were assessed using the Altered State of Consciousness (5D-ASC) rating scale. Buspirone significantly reduced the 5D-ASC main scale score for Visionary Restructuralization (VR) (p<0.001), which was mostly driven by a reduction of the VR item cluster scores for elementary and complex visual hallucinations. Further, buspirone also reduced the main scale score for Oceanic Boundlessness (OB) including derealisation and depersonalisation phenomena at a trend level (p=0.062), whereas ergotamine did not show any effects on the psilocybin-induced 5D-ASC main scale scores. The present finding demonstrates that buspirone exerts inhibitory effects on psilocybin-induced effects, presumably via 5-HT1A receptor activation, an interaction between 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors, or both. The data suggest that the modulation of 5-HT1A receptor activity may be a useful target in the treatment of visual hallucinations in different psychiatric and neurological diseases.

Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

I had one of the most euphoric drug experience while on Valium and eating a few mushrooms.
The anti psychotic is for mild tourettes syndrome actually, and my anxiety is actually pretty minor. I actually don't have depression at all, everything is for anxiety or ADD. I appreciate the concern but I'm not at all worried about my mental state being affected by psychedelics, I've take a very cautious approach and had great experiences even with DMT.