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Mkat will keep people in line, i've seen the whips he keeps in his closet before....!;)
Would like to think that amongst all this "high volume of shite" that a lot of good work is being done by everyone involved, everything is being read in between the lines and people are getting da educations that they need.

Educating and correcting goes down smoother than flaming it seems, but hey that's logic and reasoning and who wants any of that. =D

Contradicting yourself - Reading between the lines takes logic and reasoning :D.

When were talking about harm reduction, a user new to the scene does not know what the 'lines' are, they are unable to decipher fact from fiction as they have nothing to base their assumptions on. They read x = z (between the lines is y) they then start to believe that x = z, they then tell their friends and false information is passed on.
Mkat will keep people in line, i've seen the whips he keeps in his closet before....!;)

Hey! Don't be giving away my secrets now! :p

When were talking about harm reduction, a user new to the scene does not know what the 'lines' are, they are unable to decipher fact from fiction as they have nothing to base their assumptions on. They read x = z (between the lines is y) they then start to believe that x = z, they then tell their friends and false information is passed on.

Yep. This is exactly what happens.
Well fuck when you put it that way of course hahaha but I meant it in the way that there's other people here too that aren't half retarded like "Hi Guys we're just over here with all the shite" like I'm not a broom in a closet in some dingy hallway just being brushed aside wtf, like there's some smart people on here like yourself Swedger like give yourself a pat on the back if you make a good post as you should, if you are helping other people everyone deserves a pat on the back that's how I meant it like give yourself a bit of dignity and try and be a part of the change like fuck I don't like M&ED sounding like its a shithole full of dumb fucks and e-tards its a mad community in here is what I'm trying to get at but yeah Bearlove I get you :D
You're so fired. Don't think I didn't see the HAT666 either. LOL!

Thank you sir :)

@afterlyfestyle - buddy, that post made no sense. It probably would work if you quoted Bearlove ;)
HAHA! No way mang, not fried...maybe a bit tie-dyed but fried?!? That's just crazy! Also your the one who chose the name not me! ;)
Well fuck when you put it that way of course hahaha but I meant it in the way that there's other people here too that aren't half retarded like "Hi Guys we're just over here with all the shite" like I'm not a broom in a closet in some dingy hallway just being brushed aside wtf, like there's some smart people on here like yourself Swedger like give yourself a pat on the back if you make a good post as you should, if you are helping other people everyone deserves a pat on the back that's how I meant it like give yourself a bit of dignity and try and be a part of the change like fuck I don't like M&ED sounding like its a shithole full of dumb fucks and e-tards its a mad community in here is what I'm trying to get at but yeah Bearlove I get you :D

Haha - You should have read between the lines of what 'Swedger' was talking about ;).
Just re-read the convo Mkat its all there haha honestly it is, & Bearlove I see what you did there ;)

Anyway, peace love be the change errybody all that hippy stuff <3