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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Stimulants Weird speed boredom effect

I get the opposite lol. Everything is fun/exciting, but the only withdrawal I really would get is (well, I'd be like...I COULDN'T stay awake no matter what, sleep for like 306 hours, and that would be it as far as withdrawal, apart from) everything would seem tiring and boring.
Have you tried something as simple as a good book or binging a TV series?atching tv series but then I

I get the opposite lol. Everything is fun/exciting, but the only withdrawal I really would get is (well, I'd be like...I COULDN'T stay awake no matter what, sleep for like 306 hours, and that would be it as far as withdrawal, apart from) everything would seem tiring and boring.
Have you tried something as simple as a good book or binging a TV series?
But when Im in that stage it feels like it would be super boring and I would just stop watching after 5 minutes even if it were a good show, maybe I should force myself. Btw how often do you redose if you snort, I think my issue might be redosing too often or too much and then depleting the dopamine too soon. I now snort an ordinary line every 3 hours or so and Its much better then before, but what is yours routine?
And regarding the shadow people, In my oponion Its just psychosis, not actual entities eating your soul, just amphetamine and sleep deprevation are eating it away. If there is a pshychic way to sense enteties it would surely be trough a lot of meditation and hard spiritual work, not sleep deprevation. So I feel I will be fine if I only binge rarely when I have the chance cause I like to add weed and watch that delirum(idk Im weird)
And regarding the shadow people, In my oponion Its just psychosis, not actual entities eating your soul, just amphetamine and sleep deprevation are eating it away. If there is a pshychic way to sense enteties it would surely be trough a lot of meditation and hard spiritual work, not sleep deprevation. So I feel I will be fine if I only binge rarely when I have the chance cause I like to add weed and watch that delirum(idk Im weird)
Even seeing spiders on the window and bugs on the ceiling is sort of psychadelicly fun to me, but I am aware if this was to turn into a habit it would stop being fun prety fast.
But when Im in that stage it feels like it would be super boring and I would just stop watching after 5 minutes even if it were a good show, maybe I should force myself. Btw how often do you redose if you snort, I think my issue might be redosing too often or too much and then depleting the dopamine too soon. I now snort an ordinary line every 3 hours or so and Its much better then before, but what is yours routine?

I don't use anymore, but when I did (Amphetamine Sulphate), I used to redose approx. every 5 hours. That was for both swalling and snorting, although I actually preferred to swallow it [I used it primarily to not eat as I was anorexic at the time and I felt the appetite-suppression was stronger when the amphet was taken orally.
I don't use anymore, but when I did (Amphetamine Sulphate), I used to redose approx. every 5 hours. That was for both swalling and snorting, although I actually preferred to swallow it [I used it primarily to not eat as I was anorexic at the time and I felt the appetite-suppression was stronger when the amphet was taken orally.
got it, I overcame the boredom with weed and online gambling (I would not recomend gambling)
fuck...how do I stop now...I took amphs too lightly, I cant seem to have a week where Im not at least 3/4 days on it and the rest of the week I sleep, and I always tell myself NO MORE, and I do it again, I think Im gonna get fucked by this shit in the end, fuck around and find out I guess
I won agood jackpot just 6h ago and I already lost all that and gambled away 80e more, def a good idea to never touch gambling

Yeah my brother used to gamble a lot. I was surprised how often he won, often decent amounts, but he always kept going and lost it all and more.