Weight Gainer


May 15, 2011
I started working out again after essentially a year off. I'm not doing a hardcore bulk yet or anything but I have ramped my diet up a bit and am using my homemade weight gainer again. Anyways, I thought I would share my recipe. Imo there's really no need to buy an expensive weight gainer when you can make your own. Anyways, here's what I use...

8 whole eggs
2 cups of milk
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
3 scoops of whey protein

Blend everything up in the blender... It seems to work best if you put the eggs and milk first then the ice cream and protein powder. Either way it works out to be about 1557 calories and 136 grams of protein, or 519 calories and 45 grams of protein per shake if you divide it into 3 shakes (which I do).

There is of course a risk of salmonella when using raw eggs, but I've used them in shakes for probably close to a decade without getting sick. If you're worried about it tho you could always use Egg Beaters or a similar product.
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Ive gone vegan so thats out of the question but its not bad at all

Might add some peanut butter in there also
That would definitely work. You could add pretty much anything you want really.
I would not want to live this lifestyle if shakes weren't a possibility. Makes things far easier.

My morning shake is typically

2 cups of eggwhites
2 handfuls of spinach
1 cup of oats
half a scoop of either protein powder or a tablespoon of peanut butter for flavoring. (rarely have protein tho)

Then another shake before bed without carbs and some whole eggs in there.
I found drinking eggs when mixed into a shake vastly easier than trying to choke down 6 scrambled eggs every day. When I blend them into my shake mixture I can't even taste them.
Supposedly they aren't as bio-available as when they are cooked. But it doesn't stop me from eating raw eggs either.. It also supposedly lowers biotin.