Weed cocaine to Crack and heroin living with HIV :( my story so far


Nov 19, 2016
Hello every one,

Im new to the forum but not new to drugs I'm 28 from as young as 12 I was smoking cannabis mainly hash when I was a kid which progressed to much stronger weed I had a long running love/hate relationship with cocaine when I first tried cocaine I must of been around 20ish can't remember exactly. I do remember my life was what I considered perfect then I came into a nice some of cash when I had accident on the road so I had a lot of money no job and i will remember that period of my life forever let me give you an example of my life then... It was summer I'm like 19/20 cash in the bank I lived then in a nice home I'd just passed my driving test I would wake up maybe walk to the shop get some beers ring up my dealer cop a oz of coke then go get nice bit of weed and stroll Home headphones blaring happy as a pig in shit... It was around the time the Xbox 360 came out I remember buying it and a 32" flat screen when they first came out.

i would stock up on coke and weed beers etc then I would literally wake up smoke a bong have breakfast cup of tea few lines and be online gaming all day I honestly loved it at the time while every one was living in what is known as "reality" for most let's be real it's a boring 9-5 type job they do t enjoy it simply pays the bills right, I was in my own drug induced virtual reality I lived this way for years I wasn't a typical coke head back then I actually joined the gym and took care of myself.. Anyway after a few years the money ran out and I had to go back to a normal life somewhat not much changed my drug intake went down because of financial reasons but I would still binge on coke but it very quickly done the opposite effect it crept into all aspects of my life work etc ruinined friendships and stuff...

Then when I look back to what felt like rock bottom I met this girl and bam I was in love for the first time I still makes my stomach go now thinking about it :/ I'd been with lots of girls but never in love.. I fell hard for this girl and we ended up sharing a house a dog everything I had never been happier in my life I woke up to amazing sex and breakfast instead of drugs my life felt it had a purpose I meen I didn't particularly enjoy my job at the time but how else was I gonna put food on the table and pay the bills for my and my girl right? dam I was so happy back then :( a good 3 years went by so fast and Its a long story so I won't bore you and more after I fucked up on a few things eventually she told me it was over. I was crushed beyond belief it's been years and when I think of it, it still hurts.

This was when things seemed to go downhill somewhat I remember I ended up going to the docs and being put on antidepressants i came off after about six months and yeah was still down I started to drink alcohol heavily it became a real problem I was a alcoholic it would just take away the pain numb me I couldn't think straight so it helped me escape...

Then I met another girl man it had been years but it felt like it was happening again I really liked her and I found when I was In a relationships I could drop drugs like a bad habit.. But she lived a hours drive from me and the distance was hurting things I remember it was around Easter not long ago think last year she had arranged a hotel for us and I ended up going out and getting drunk the night before taking ampetamines all night watching porn and basically I was still awake from the speed at 5pm the next day I'd took that much.. :( she txt me saying she was on the way my heart dropped I couldn't reply I was embarrassed. She txt me she was there and the bastard I am I didn't even reply I made her so upset and myself she didn't want anything to do with me after that rightly so...but a few months passed she messaged saying she can't stop thinking about me and I felt the same this is when things just this year have went from bad to worse for me guys.

in the few months after this I went on some pretty epic binges cocaine alcohol amphetamines diazepam I even smoked ice over in London I had a lot of unprotected sex high and drunk and yeah when I come to my senses I wanted to get back with this girl I thought I will get my self checked out at the clinic it had been a long time I had no symptoms just for peace of mind and to my horror discovered I had contracted HIV I'm on medication now but iv felt suicidal a few times and have never spoke to this beautifull girl again :( she not gonna want to be with me now :( no one is!

this happened this year guys 2016 so it's fresh my last time feeling very suicidal I ended up drinking at about 9am week day and walking around the place I used to live in my first relationship mentioned a girl walked past me and said its a bit early for that my reply was its a bit early to throw myself under a train but that's my plan she kept walking but came back 5 mins later asked me what was up I told her about my diagnosis she went on to tell me she was a crack and heroin user.. We bacame friends I'd tried crack once before and told her to cop me some so she did i can't lie it feels good now I'm developing a crack addiction and iv visited a lot of dealers In a short space of time and they all sell both heroin and crack so I copped a small bag and smoked it and was a bit let down to be honest but it scares me that in the last few months iv became suicidal and don't think any girl will want to be with me again.. So my thoughts are purely on getting high at the min I can see this road being messy but I really don't want to be here guys I'm loosing the will to live. Im literally going to cop a small bit of crack and heroin today :( don't know we're to go or what to do but I feel so alone right now :( il report back soon guys...
That sucks and I am sorry about your diagnosis. At this point you have two choices 1- do drugs and let heroin wrap itself around you like a blanket and make you feel better for a bit. I can promise you though that your blanket will become filled with holes and the cold will get it! Instead of being a warm and fluffy blanket it will become an albatross. H is not going to be like your other drug binges. It will eventually blow your life apart. I know at this point you don't care. 2- get as healthy as you can, take your cocktail, join some support groups. For all you know there's a female version of you going through the same thing. I don't know anything about HIV/aides but I do know that it's not a death sentence like it used to be. Did you just get it? Do you know where you got it from? If it's new and at minimal levels don't some people take their meds and get to a point where it's barely traceable? Correct me if I am misinformed but if you go down the H road you will not be taking care of yourself I can promise you that. You will put H first and will do whatever you have to to keep the sickness away. You have always come to your senses before but things are different now and you need to take care of yourself. This doesn't have to be the end. Educate yourself and give life a try before you throw it away on heroin. It won't keep you happy long. I promise you that. Eventually you will just have to maintain and do it to feel normal and it won't be that warm blanket it is for you today. Just really think about before going down this horrific road.
My3sons thank you for taking the time I appreciate it,

i really dont don't want to throw my life away iv done a good job with all other drugs the amount of jobs and relationships iv ruined is beyond a joke, as for catching HIV I have no idea I went a good few months of wreck less drug and alcohol fuelled sex binges I genuinely think I'm kind of addicted to sex and porn it sounds funny but iv always been highly sexed the thing is I had zero symptoms I went just for a general check up as my intentions were to get back in touch with a girl I mentioned above and do all I could to make things work now tho I darent go near any girls my sex drive has almost gone along with confidence.. I have caught it early and get regular bloods my levels are un noticeable now I'm on meds but even so I know it's there in my head.

its crack as well iv developed a taste for it its very short intense high but seemingly euphoric I know I'm fucking myself up but kind of stuck in a rut right now iv pushed away everyone and I'm hiding this from family I couldn't hurt them anymore then I have I scored today but always feel worse when it's gone I can blast through crack at a fast rate.

i wish I knew of some sort of online groups to talk with people who are going through the same thing, and hiv only develops to AIDS if you do not know you have it and are not on medication and it takes up to 10 years to change from hiv to full blown AIDS :(

i dont know know what to feel right now I'm thinking about going on anti depressants...
I think antidepressants is a good idea. Is it possible this girl you wanted to get back with may be positive too? Maybe she doesn't know? Could it have come from her? If you think that's possible maybe you should tell her so she gets on medication too? And doesn't spread it further. If you know for sure it was after her I understand why you wouldn' 't want to say anything. If it was from her then she needs to know before she finds out because she is sick. you never know what could happen. You could be a support system for each other. Have you checked into any local support groups? Im sure there must be some in or close to your area. Drugs are only going to prolong the inevitable, which is acceptance. It's a tough nut to swallow. No doubt about that. It should also be a wake up to all those reading this. This can happen to any of us. I am so sorry you have to go through this. I wish I could say something to make it better for you. Be kind to yourself and as tempting as it is to get lost in the comfort of drugs it will only make everything worse in the long run.
It's so hard to accept! I can't just yet and it's not from her I had a crazy few months like I said but the last girl I was with amidst this madness I had to tell once I knew I had it and luckily she was put on a short course to prevent and she's clear.

im so lost really am it's the worse thing ever my life is totally changed forever no one to confide in nothing literally feel so alone horribble really is..
I was a avid bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast Iv had a few months off im going to have to get myself back training again I love steroids and training I think my test levels are low right now as well which isn't helping I'm going to have to start sticking myself with needles again just steroids tho not smack lol I haven't injected heroin ever and don't really plan on it.. I'd love training hard it sent my appetite so high right now I'm barely eating, I would train and then eat smoke a bit of weed maybe some Valium and relax that's something I really am passionate about I need to get it back in my life
I guess it's down to me nobody could blame me in this circumstance to rot in my own self pity and escape reality with drugs but it's not going to be a permanent solution I'm all for using drugs in moderation and with some discipline which is hard especially for the the stronger drugs but really it's on me be a peice of shit and cry about how life's dealt me a tough hand or use this as experience and to to be as positive about life as I can and learn and help educate people in a similar position, it's not a death sentence unless you let it be I guess... It's going to be a emotional rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs but I don't want to throw it away and die just yet... I got some things I need to achieve and a family all be in dysfuntional that I want to think fondly and positively about me... Like yeah I fucked up ALOT but eventually I turned it around it can go either way.... I just hope that I make the right choices.. God bless you all take care.