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WEDINOS Annual Report 2014 - 2015

Possession is not an offense unless there is intent to sell

Believed to be purchased MDPV - sample tested 25I-NBOMe and 25H-NBOMe :!

Thanks for posting that Stee :)
My current favorite recent sample on the website - Purchase Intent - Amphetamine - Major Sample - AH-7921

Buying street drugs is going to turn into the biggest lucky dip on the planet come the 7th April :(
A sample was found to contain Ocfentanil, paracetamol, caffeine and methamphetamine.

The figures just show how much of a lucky dip buying rc's and street drugs is now - especially with these Fentanil analogues showing up. Like you say after the 7th it's going to get worse.
Possession is not an offense unless there is intent to sell

Believed to be purchased MDPV - sample tested 25I-NBOMe and 25H-NBOMe :!

Thanks for posting that Stee :)

Yeh thanks Stee.

I missed that possession bit when I first read the bill!! It's a double edged sword and quite ridiculous in reality. Basically we are banning everything but now you are allowed to possess a psychoactive substance provided it is for personal use. They decriminalise possession!! That is a MAJOR step forward in the "war on drugs" in the UK imho.
Perhaps that's exactly what they want?...I thought the police had enough on their plate already and the paramedics. We've been slammed with anti terror laws that have hijacked any freedoms that did remain and now suddenly all the emergency services, Border Control etc have the man power and time to deal with what is going to be a huge explosion of crime and unnecessary deaths. Bizarre. Haven't heard much about what the EEC regs are making of this rogue lasso?
Perhaps that's exactly what they want?...I thought the police had enough on their plate already and the paramedics. We've been slammed with anti terror laws that have hijacked any freedoms that did remain and now suddenly all the emergency services, Border Control etc have the man power and time to deal with what is going to be a huge explosion of crime and unnecessary deaths. Bizarre. Haven't heard much about what the EEC regs are making of this rogue lasso?

IMHO and I say purely as my take on the whole debacle and of course there are many other angles.

However it's about accountability. If little 16 year old "Johnny" decides to take drugs he crosses a line created by those who don't want to ever understand the reasoning behind little Johnnys action.

To them it is his own stupid fault; society isn't failing him he fails himself. However if little Johnny has found his drugs legally they are accountable and it is their issue, they make the law. They need to change it as they are accountable.

This bill simply removes any accountability on the governments behalf in a response to little Johnnys parents who blame the govt for his actions because he was able to access them "legally".

It goes all the way through the whole debate.

In the govt view- Drugs are illegal. They are used by misfits and no hopes. They educate about them and those who choose to ignore the education then it's their own fault.

Those who make the laws can not and will not actually sit down and look at why people choose to use and look to protect users from poor supply and facilitate safer access to them. They can't because the majority of society is anti drugs. We forget this sometimes but the reality is we are a very small minority group compared to those who demonise.

They should only ever be via the criminal market place. A market place which in their view does actually contribute to the UK economy indirect.

If they catch small use then they can now save further money by throwing them back and not having to arrest and process.

A very clear situation for me and very logical. if you take their stand point and not ours. IE at least logic to a person that has no real understanding or wish to understand the logic of drug use nor wishes to actually address the deep routed reasons offering help and support to those who are often the most needy in society. Machievellian Govt principle in full effect.
This now opens the doors for growing, making your own without breaking the law ? DMT, Mushrooms etc
No, it would seem that possession of these substances - explicitly named in prior acts - will rightfully remain illegal. The so-called 'decriminalisation clause' in the new bill was inserted purely to counter any hysteria from the pro-drug lobby over the overnight criminalisation of previously (technically) law-abiding citizens. It opens no new avenues whatsoever.

But experienced chemists could synthesise some of the better NPS that have been on the market over the last few years. As long as they were not added to the MODA and providing that such chemists only produce compounds for personal use with no intent to supply them to anyone else then it would appear that they would remain within the law....
If only posession for personal use is decriminalised then you still wouldn't be able to cook it, for personal use or not. I'd be surprised if they explicitly allowed synth for personal use.
In the Wedinos "flyer" it doesn't pertain to substance that were previously legal but actually to ALL psychoactive substance. Or someone has really screwed up on that one and if they are a govt organisation they have made a very big no no!

There is no way you could catergorise every substance. The bill itself destroys the category system effectively and this flyer does basically state decriminalise possession of ALL.

Of course obtaining growing etc. is not decriminalised. Plus I'm sure in ref to Dark markets you also break the law by importation etc.

Production of course is an offence and does not change in anyway. Even trying to make a chemical for your personal use - that is production. If it's made in your pocket and you ain't dealing quantity then it does appear you'll end up with a slap and confiscation and not criminal action.

However grey line warning - what is personal.
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The act covers anything now or in the future that has any effect what so ever on the body / brain. Even trying to produce something which may have an effect irrelevant if it's known to science or not becomes an offence.
I think not. There's enough catch-all potential in the act to begin with, and even-more-novel substances could be appended to the Act. Besides, synthesis is not simple possession, and would strongly imply intent to distribute. The nefarious chemists / dealers would face justice like any other drug dealer.

I stand corrected. Production of and NPS or potential NPS is prohibited by the act
I think not. There's enough catch-all potential in the act to begin with, and even-more-novel substances could be appended to the Act. Besides, synthesis is not simple possession, and would strongly imply intent to distribute. The nefarious chemists / dealers would face justice like any other drug dealer.

Ok I see where your coming from now, I described what I tried to amke out would be potential hobbyists with no intention of supplying any drugs they produce. Yet you describe them as nefarious, from which I can only infer that you think anyone who would want to obtain such drugs are evil and wicked.

ProjuectGUTS - forgive me but I will not be responding to anymore of yor posts.I have no time for those who defend prohibition. It costs lives, has no basis in science and is based on nothing but ultra conservative morals. People with views such as yours make me physically sick, and are impossible to debate.
Yes you did. You reffered to my 'hobbyists' as nefarious dealers who would face justice like nay other dealer.

Anyway, thats enough replies to your posts. As I have stated, I cannot relate to you as human being in the slightest so it better that we leave it here, as Im not here to cause shit or start arguments.

I have a question, read loads on this topic and still the contradiction arises. Allegedly they are stating that substances marked 'safe for human consumption' will be exempt from the ban but then wasn't that the WHOLE point in the first place, the products on the market they are 'banning' are marked clearly 'Not for human consumption'..so WTF?..If anyone can clarify this please do so.
I have a question, read loads on this topic and still the contradiction arises. Allegedly they are stating that substances marked 'safe for human consumption' will be exempt from the ban but then wasn't that the WHOLE point in the first place, the products on the market they are 'banning' are marked clearly 'Not for human consumption'..so WTF?..If anyone can clarify this please do so.

It doesn't matter what the substance is going to be used for any more, whether a new chemical is synthesised as a potential a cleaning product or fertilizer, if human ingestion is suspected to cause a psychoactive effect, the chemical will be banned outright an will not allowed to be supplied for any purpose,

The Psychoactive Substances Act - Surely an landmark piece of law as it bans potentially millions of things that dont even exist yet.
I have a question, read loads on this topic and still the contradiction arises. Allegedly they are stating that substances marked 'safe for human consumption' will be exempt from the ban but then wasn't that the WHOLE point in the first place, the products on the market they are 'banning' are marked clearly 'Not for human consumption'..so WTF?..If anyone can clarify this please do so.

The Act I think is pretty clear in what it bans.

It bans anything now and in the future that has any effect on a human.

That would even include something like chilli or chocolate, but to counteract these "everyday actives" they give exemptions or as an when the need arises.

It's been very rapidly drafted and details are still VERY unclear how they will give exemption. However any known active drug such as coffee tea cigarettes which is controlled via govt method (taxation licensing etc.) already has specific exemption. If you for example decided to make your home brew (ethanol / alcohol) and you weren't licensed you could actually fall under the production aspect.

As I see it (I could be wrong but then again I've not read anything yet to say otherwise) it's the perfect way to make money. Company pharma A has its OTC drugs trade and has govt license to produce and sell.

Company pharma B a new entry offering much lower pricing wants to introduce its own product. Now they need to go through govt test and analysis license etc to get approval rather than simply undergoing drug trials. money money money.

The act basically gives the govt control of the legal drugs market allowing it to determine who can and cannot sell in the UK, destroys emergent drug markets where billions have been made at the cost of govt "face" and stabilises the black market by pushing recreational underground removing all accountability from the govt if people wish to procure.

It's exactly what has happened in the wider chemical industry market under REACH legislation.

That wonderful bit of legislation effectively closed the door on any new chemical company wishing to set up shop or any enterprise who sources cheaper in say China and trade it to the Eu. fair trade doesn't exist anymore.

REACH was a piece of legislation sold as protecting the people which effectively doesn't it just controls a market. They ve got the Chem industry sown up now.

All the big players just get bigger sucking up all the poor unfortunates who can not ever hope to cope with huge cost increases for even understanding the red tape. Even when they do the costs for a small player on additional registration, evaluation, testing and Approval just can't ever be economic and allow them to compete with big players.

Same now will happen in Pharma. Big get bigger and there is no place for a novel compound produced through unique insight and intelligence unless it's via a big pharma.

I could be totally wrong I'd like to be corrected but alas usually legislation always hides it real truth behind a diversion. Smoke and mirrors works. Most people I've talked to haven't even heard of this legislation coming in!