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Ways to ease the come-up of MDMA?


Jan 7, 2013
I just began rolling again in the last year. There had been a drought in my town and everything was pipes or worse.

Then, I began getting ahold extremely high quality MDMA, probably some of the purest in the world, this i'm sure of.

I have rolled 3 times with this stuff, each 100mg.

Every time I've taken it though, I have an extremely difficult come up.

I get VERY cold, so I don't want to move and I'm usually at a show/festival/dance where i'm already not wearing a lot of clothes. And my mind begins to race, i mean rrreeeaaalllyyy RACE, while my body gets an extremely heavy and sedated feeling. I'm experienced with both LSD and Mushrooms and neither seem to cause my mind to race and cause as much disorientation on the come up nearly as much as MDMA.

The first time was at a huge show, was at the DnB stage and with all the lights, incredibly loud bass, and some guy (whom at the time I was so paranoid and mentally disoriented, I thought he was an undercover who knew I was messed up) asking if I was alright just by the look on my face. I ended up grabbing my friend and begging him to just take a walk with me for a second to calm down. I figured this was mainly because it was 100mg of incredibly pure mdma after not rolling for years (even before I spaced my rolls 2-3 months apart, and only rolled a handful of times ever).

Not so much.

A local show in my town, the biggest event put on as we had never had any big name DJs come to town, so it was kind of a big deal. Held in a warehouse downtown, and it was a dubstep show (liquid stranger and megalodon) so very dark and loud vibes there. And once again, during the come-up I got very overwhelmed, had to go sit down outside away from the music for a good 30 minutes and constantly had to be taking deep breathes to keep anxiety in check. Although I love this music, it may have been the vibe put off by the style of the music that caused me to get overwhelmed.

Third time, was at the biggest festival ever held in my state, two day festival. The second night, after tripping on LSD the first day with absolutely zero problems (day full of laughing, smiling and dancing). I took MDMA right as the sun was setting, and I got sooooo cold, I sat down on the hill with 30,000 people around me and my mind just went racing so fast, began second guessing myself on things I shouldn't have even been thinking about, stuff like whether I should have told a girl how I had really felt a couple months before, whether I chose the right college, whether I needed to get my life together and not be fucking taking drugs in the first place, etc. etc. (Not that my life was at all not together, I just got on a bad thought train from the come-up)

Each of the times I've rolled on these occasions, during that 1st hour of come up, I deeply regret taking the MDMA, in the sense of saying to myself "what the fuck are you doing dude, why". then once that first hour passes and I peak, all this falls away entirely, and I proceed to have the time of my life and can't remember why I was thinking so weirdly in the first place.

Does anyone else get this? It's like my body is struggling to adjust to the new state of being, and sort of rejects it and hates it. It's like I feel TOO GOOD and t has an opposite effect. It's incredibly uncomfortable and problematic for me, and the people around me who are also rolling who end up being concerned about me.

Now in the past, probably 2 or 3 years ago, I vaguely remember getting ahold of MDMA at a similar purity and taking about 4 shots of alcohol before the roll and it seemed to take this edge off. I understand alcohol is bad in combination, but a couple shots and cutting myself off can't be that bad right?

I've thought about lowering my dose, but I realize MDMA is sort of an "all or nothing" kind of drug, so I'd hate to risk being disappointed as I don't take enough to get the full roll, especially as I only roll on very special occasions (almost always big shows)

I've also considered that, before these last 3 rolls, i never really went to big shows and rolled with friends in other settings, and it may just be the loud music, lights, and hundreds/thousands of people that causes a sort of sensory overload.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
my come up is like this but i never feel good even after i come up but try taking 50mg wait 20 mins then take the other 50mg
Maybe you should try taking it in a well-known space, like your house, with one or two friends.
If you still suffer from the comeup then I would ask myself if MDMA was truly my drug. It's not only about the peak (in which you feel good), it's a "trip", but not from here to there. Comeup, peak, it's all part of the journey.
MDAI has a smoother comeup, IMO.
Last time, I wanted a dose of 200mg, but I knew that the come-up would be hell (I did that before, come-up is really tough, but after that massive euphoria). So last time I did 100 mg followed by 100mg 30 minutes later. This eases the come-up a lot. Your peak is just a little less strong (in my experience, anything you dose within 15-30 minutes of the dose basically just adds to the first dose). So what I would do is divide your dose in 2, and spread them 30 to 45 minutes max. apart. In your case, instead of 100 mg at once, I suggest 60 mg, followed by another 60mg after 30 minutes. Your total dose is slightly higher, but your roll will last slightly longer.
Like Achten I think you might benefit from trying this stuff in a safe home environment.
Have you tested the stuff by the way?
You could also trying with a smaller dose and topping up an hour later.
High anxiety can happen on the comeup a lot of the time for some people- the stuff may just be very strong as you say (tesssst it), and your body and mind can't adjust to the sudden extreme changes very quickly. It sounds like you do adapt eventually which is good, but it's too much of a shock initially. Think of how many things are changing for you in that moment, though, it can be pretty intense!

I suggest home rolling as well. You can be warmer or cooler if you need to, change clothes, be physically comfortable, lay down or go for a walk, get a drink, go to the bathroom easily without lineups, and if anything happens you're somewhere safe. Festivals are very overwhelming to begin with, super over-stimulating. So is MDMA. I get panicky at times if I roll at clubs or something, due to the lack of control over my surroundings and feelings of being "trapped" (if I want to go home I have to catch a cab, I paid for cover and don't want to waste my money, security will kick me out if I need to sit down, bathroom lineups are so long and tedious, my clothes are uncomfortable but I can't change, etc). Set and setting are the two biggest important factors when it comes to taking entheogens/empathogens and if the setting is wrong for you, chances are the experience will be difficult.

Try rolling at home and see how it feels! And recognize this is fairly common, nothing to be too concerned about :)
The first 5 or so times I did E I had a terrible panic attack each time. But since then I've become much better at dealing with the come up (though I still find the come up uncomfortable) and I also get racing thoughts but instead of feeling cold I usually get a temperature spike (at least it feels to me as if my body temp is shooting up - every time I ask my girlfriend to check my pulse and put her hand on my forhead she says everything appears normal).
I really think anxiety can play a big role in perceived bad psychadelic drug reactions. Sometimes it's nearly impossible to tell if actually having a bad reaction or just perceiving that you are. Especially when the come up is very intense.
I also find that sitting down and using rhythmic breathing or even just taking deep slow breaths and focusing all of my attention on my breaths seriously helps with the come up.
I find capsuling it slows it down a tad. I get REALLY anxious and nervous come-ups.
the finer the crushed up powder the faster it will metabolize.

I took 150mg the other night, drank two beers during the come up and had no issues.
Huh come up?? Just used to sweat buckets and be stuck to a couch for 30 minutes and then it was on, dancing, empathy, euphoria, great! Seems like MDMA is not a substance that agrees with you. Some people for whatever reason just don't enjoy or physically can't handle certain substances. Like being allergic to a medication say codeine: Your not really allergic cause your throat and face don't swell up and kill you but you itch like crazy and feel really nauseated while the next person may only feel a mild itch and no nausea etc.

Try taking the MDMA at home in a comfortable environment with close friends and see if that helps. As the above post mentions perhaps a J will ease the come up but be careful if in a club or festival obviously. Etoh (booze) and MDMA don't mix well and I've seen many friends start the night out pumped with huge grins plastered on their face only to be crawling using a railing as support to a cab while having dry vomits and looking like utter shit from mixing MDMA and Etoh. The MDMA magic has vanished a long time ago for me due to excessive abuse.

Don't stress you like LSD etc maybe psychedelics are more your thing. Try 2cb if you can find it, a low dose is similar to MDMA and much better than 4MEC/bkMDMA. Also aMT at say 25-30 mg is a great MDMA alternative to much 45+ mgs can be an ordeal though and it takes around 1.5-2 hours to fully kick in but lasts much longer than MDMA. Both of these substances are as well researched as MDMA and have been used by people for just as long. AMT was used in Russia as an antidepressant in 5 mg doses and 2cb has been around the club/rave scene as long as MDMA. 2cb was a short lived legal alternative after MDMA was banned in the US and it was also marketed by a German pharmaceutical company as an aphrodisiac in the 90's until 2000 when the UN decided to outlaw it. Also 2cb is a favored shamanistic tool among certain South African tribes and they feel it is better than their traditional shamanistic herbal tools. :)
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Ive had the same issues. I just relax breathe and think its all gonna go away. My friends also put me in a good vibe
This happened on my first roll, and another time when some extremely strong and pure pills came around. To be honest you get use to it after a while, even though it may always cause a little anxiety. What i do when i'm at raves , is either keep my self busy try NOT to think of what i just put in my body. Instead just look around me, talk to friends, look at light shows etc... again just chilling and acting like i didn't take anything. Either that, or if it gets pretty intense i ask someone to go out side with me and the come up seems to be much easier out side where there aren't all these people surrounding you and bass pumping into your chest. Most important thing to remember is, just relax if you have good product there isn't anything to worry about. So don't let your mind start taking you to unwanted places, you already took the drug... now make the best of it.
At shows I can get overwhelmed and panicky on just about any drug. I've found staying towards the back of the crowd towards the beginning of a show and then working my way up as I feel more comfortable helps. Not so much pushing/claustrophobia and you decide what you're willing to deal with. Downside is you might not get the huge adrenaline rush of being up front at a big show when the performers come out. The obvious advantage is avoiding anxiety.
I suffer with anxiety, and recently, some panic as well but that has considerably faded. The come-ups for me used to be really unpleasant and the first time I did mdma, I was wise enough to be in a home setting with some sober people which really eased any excess anxiety or panic that could've made the whole experience terrible. Breathing exercises have always been pretty useful for dealing with any anxiety or panic so when I was coming up the first time, I just started taking really deep breaths in and out, focusing entirely on my breathing to see if it helped. It worked amazingly, and in a couple of minutes, I was way calmer and was able to experience one of the best times of my life. Deep breathing means you take in more oxygen which in turn helps break down hormones like adrenaline, cortisol and noradrenaline which make your heart race and cause anxiety, plus the general euphoric feeling and pleasure that really deep therapeutic breathing brings is amazing at tackling the weirdness and sometimes scariness of the whole come-up process. I know it's a bit of a bummer to say, but maybe mdma isn't the sort of drug that you should be taking in those sort of situations. To help this, I find taking a certain drug in a safe home setting can really help to ease the anxiety around the whole drug and can ease the process when moving away from that setting into a new one, making the experience way more enjoyable.
holy shit i started reading this thinking, wow this sounds just like me!

Then I realized its my old account ahhahahah

I still have this same problem, just sort of accepted its part of the experience and I'm not going to die even though I feel like I am lmao.
I only enjoy taking MDMA with my lover, best friend, and soulmate alone in the privacy of our own setting. I would totally feel horrible like the OPers said about doing it in environments where you just can't tolerate anymore causing extreme anxiety and panic, mind you guys, true panic attacks can make you really feel like your going to die or have a stroke, and they can be painful as well. Never take psychedelics unless you have total control and security of yourself