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Want to give 2cb to this girl I know, dosage problem.


Mar 11, 2014
Hey, so I have two capsules of 2cb. One weighing 36mg and one 28mg and I don't know which is which.

I am going to a party soon and my friend wants to try 2cb. I've done it snorted once before, around 10-15mg and it was really good.

She has a friend that has never tripped before and wants to.

We were going to do MDMA that night too.

Could you help on what I should do? I was thinking either:

- Take the caps, one each about an hour after the md

- Take the caps the next day/morning long after the md

- Eyeball the 64mg into 3 piles of around 21mg, then sniff 2/3 of that and then there's enough for everyone. But it's risky, and I dunno about the new guy

Cheers for any advice (Y)
Hi welcome to BL / PD :)

So are we to understand that you didn't weigh them yourself or at least don't have access to a scale? Get one asap, for starters.

And you have a male friend and a female friend who both seem to be interested to try it? I think it is irresponsible to give them eyeballed doses, you probably shouldn't do it or if you do anyway... explain to them how there is a margin of uncertainty, give them an even lower dose to try (not higher than you even have personal experience with, are you kidding? You wouldn't even know what you would be setting them up for.) and account for that margin, and emphasize that you are not taking responsibility for the outcome. Typically in such a situation people rely on the expertise of the one who is providing such a substance. In your case that would seem misplaced. You owe it to them to explain that even if it means probably turning them off the idea. That is just honest.
Yes 2C-B tends to be mild mentally and is forgiving physically, but it could be a challenge to learn how to deal with a trip the first time while at a party. Can get confusing.

Also over 60 mg oral or 40 mg snorted are very high doses and having experience with 10-15 mg isn't really saying much. It feels more like MDMA than trippy like LSD / mescaline at that point.

Let these people try psychedelics in a different setting and don't be irresponsible with high and/or uncertain dosages for heaven's sake.
Hi welcome to BL / PD :)

So are we to understand that you didn't weigh them yourself or at least don't have access to a scale? Get one asap, for starters.

And you have a male friend and a female friend who both seem to be interested to try it? I think it is irresponsible to give them eyeballed doses, you probably shouldn't do it or if you do anyway... explain to them how there is a margin of uncertainty, give them an even lower dose to try (not higher than you even have personal experience with, are you kidding? You wouldn't even know what you would be setting them up for.) and account for that margin, and emphasize that you are not taking responsibility for the outcome. Typically in such a situation people rely on the expertise of the one who is providing such a substance. In your case that would seem misplaced. You owe it to them to explain that even if it means probably turning them off the idea. That is just honest.
Yes 2C-B tends to be mild mentally and is forgiving physically, but it could be a challenge to learn how to deal with a trip the first time while at a party. Can get confusing.

Also over 60 mg oral or 40 mg snorted are very high doses and having experience with 10-15 mg isn't really saying much. It feels more like MDMA than trippy like LSD / mescaline at that point.

Let these people try psychedelics in a different setting and don't be irresponsible with high and/or uncertain dosages for heaven's sake.

Cheers man. Yeah I see what you're saying.

With me and the girl we have done plenty of other trips so we're pretty confident about it, obviously we'll stay on the safe side. I am just a little worried about her mate who hasn't tripped before. Puts me in a situation where I don't really want him to but it's tough to tell him. I'll probably just explain everything and ask him what he thinks.

Do you think oral 36 and 28 are ok? They were weighed by my friend so I know the weights but he didn't mark which was which. I just worry that 36 will be much stronger than 28, or will it not make too much difference?
Solipsis' advice is very good. Take heed!

Can you go back to your friend with the scale and re-weigh the doses? After I weigh out drugs, I like to make a little paper envelope, and mark the exact dosage on it, so that I know exactly what's in it. That way there's never a surprise.

The 8mg difference between 36 and 28mg is quite large, I wouldn't roll the dice on that at all. In my opinion, giving someone 28mg of 2c-b on their first time tripping is quite a bit too heavy as, especially if you are planning on comboing with MDMA. You can check out the dosage chart at erowid to see what are some typical doses:

For someone's first time, I would tend to the lighter side. But definitely you should put the decision in their hands and encourage them to do their own research and learning.
Yeah label them somehow, I recall having used spots of pure food coloring agents to color label different gel capsules but that would be elaborate. The smurfmail envelope thingies would be absolutely fine.

The difference between those dosages really depends on other factors IMO. For starters not everyone is equally sensitive. Speaking for myself I am not unusually sensitive to it and I didn't have much problems at all with doses around 40-45 mg but that is with experience and at a completely unemcumbered home setting.
On the other hand I have had doses of around 20-25 mg at party settings and felt like I was alternating between having a good time and having difficulties with processing all the sights and sounds and social subtleties etc.

Setting is so much more a determinant in this matter than the 8 mg difference IMO. Call it risky, call it adventurous, but 2C's at parties are not always as easygoing as taking empathogenic euphoriant stims, by far. You can do it, but stick to yourself to begin with. Take steps and stay at least a bit in control before you take your next step like adding more drugs and getting drug-naieve friends high. 28 mg carries enough potential uncertainties and downsides as well as upsides, obviously 36 mg even more. And they are both higher dosages than the lower twenties range I just mentioned, notice that?

Perp has a good suggestion to try and re-weigh: if you can't get your own scale on short notice substitute with borrowing someone else's! And if that is an option you can dial down both the hit meant for yourself and one or two hits meant to introduce your friends. I'd say the lower ten mg range would be fine for them. You don't want to discover one of them is very sensitive like I mentioned being absolutely possible, for such people stepping up from 12 to 14 to 16 to 18 mg would be a big deal each time as if it were 2C-I or 2C-E. And that is at a home setting!