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Voyeurs in China are Getting Off to Girls Doing Meth on Camera


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
Voyeurs in China are Getting Off to Girls Doing Meth on Camera
Brendon Hong
September 2nd, 2014

The Chinese Northeast is flooded with meth from North Korea. But with crackdowns from the authorities, Chinese chemists are now cooking up their own batches. Many of the raw ingredients are produced domestically. Motherboard previously reported on the state of meth in China: just like in the US, there are plenty of open spaces in rural areas that are perfect for setting up makeshift meth labs. In a labor-intensive country where blue-collar workers need to work long hours and consecutive shifts, some see meth as a welcome stimulant that helps them earn overtime pay.

Purer meth is packaged as something a bit more luxurious. Visit a karaoke bar in China and you might be offered an “ice-skating” package. “Ice” is the common name for meth in China, and “ice-skating” is the common expression that means doing meth. Some karaoke bars are fronts for brothels, and since users insist that meth heightens their sexual arousal and strengthens their stamina, it's no surprise that the drug has made its way into the escort and entertainment industries. Managers make extra cash by charging johns for narcotic voyeurism. Apparently, some men get off by watching young girls do meth.

Even though the meth karaoke girls of China undergo severe health risks to make money, they are not compensated well. Jingjing is from an agricultural village in Jiangsu, a province on the eastern coast of China. Like many young people in China, she had dreams of living in one of the major cities. After she turned seventeen, she made it to Shanghai, where a friend from her hometown helped her land a job at a legitimate massage parlor. But she wasn't making that much money, and the bills were stacking up, so she moonlighted as a karaoke hostess at night. It wasn't long until her manager was pimping her out as a meth girl, and once she was hooked, the karaoke lounge was the only place where she knew she could get meth. Every time she “ice-skated” with a client, she was paid ¥350 (less than $60). Falling deeper into addiction, she needed more than what she was getting at work. She located a meth dealer by searching online, and told her boss that she could start sleeping with clients for extra income.

Drug education in China is nearly nonexistent. The Department of Propaganda produces numerous “drugs are bad” banners, but they are summarily ignored as the countryside is blanketed by the same red cloth with screened slogans like “Park in a civilized manner,” or “One child is enough.” Information about narcotics comes in the form of dry statistics, like the number of arrests and quantities seized by the security apparatus, but the actual effects of harmful drugs are not commonly known. Jingjing said she had no idea what meth would do to her body because she never learned about it from her parents or teachers. Questions about drugs were met with responses like, “Don't ask about bad things.” She didn't know that once the euphoria wore off, she would be unable to sleep or eat. Her boss kept her groomed but she was losing a lot of weight. She was always tired, and the reason to show up for work was no longer to earn a paycheck, but to keep up with her addiction.

Jingjing said she was eventually fired for “not looking pretty enough.” Even though her boss was the culprit who introduced her to meth, he blamed her for losing weight and not keeping up with her appearance. “What man would want you?” he asked.

Read the full story here.



Okay, so I was just reading a lot about recreational drugs in China and this is the second story I came across with this interesting paraphernalia being used to smoke methamphetamine. It seems to be a bong with a whip. Does anyone know where to get a good photo of one of these set-ups?
In the San Francisco episode of "Drugs Inc" there was an American guy employed in the same line of work.
Those have been around for a long time. If I wasn't on my iPod I'd link a pic but there not hard to find, just image search something like "water meth pipe" or "water oil burner".

Haha of course they misused the term narcotic like everyone does...
Those have been around for a long time. If I wasn't on my iPod I'd link a pic but there not hard to find, just image search something like "water meth pipe" or "water oil burner".

I can find plenty of pictures of quaqs/meth bongs, and I've seen lots of those at head shops around here. But never with those strange whips (and when I Google it I don't see that either).

To me, it seems like it would be an inefficient way to smoke. I would imagine a lot of the drug would crystallize within the long whip, and then I don't think it would be recoverable.

On a side note, I am sceptical about the claim (that I'm seeing everywhere) that North Korea is or has been supplying a large proportion of the methamphetamine in China. I think it's a very compelling narrative, and the media has jumped on it for this reason, without any concrete proof.
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Ha, I thought you were talking about the piece! It just looks like a piece of flexible plastic tubing, not like that's to hard to find... Would have to agree though would probably waste a lot of material.

IDK about North Korea supplying but meth in China and asian countries is nothing new. Just check out the term yabba and you'll see what I mean!
IDK about North Korea supplying but meth in China and asian countries is nothing new. Just check out the term yabba and you'll see what I mean!

I am fascinated by meth use/culture in East/Southeast Asia. Some of these countries have the highest usage rates in the world. It's neat how that meth is not stigmatized as much as in Western countries (relative to other recreational drugs, as drug use generally is a lot more stigmatized). For example, everything I've read suggests that methamphetamine is more socially acceptable than cannabis among the Chinese. It would be an interesting adventure to go see what it's really like in that subculture, but even if I were to learn Mandarin I'm not sure if a laowai could integrate himself...
Okay, I've looked into this a little more and it seems as if some people don't even use the glass bulb as a bowl, they just burn it off tinfoil and inhale it in through one straw, through the bong water, and into their mouths through the whip:


I imagine this isn't the most efficient method for getting really high, but since in China meth is much more of a social drug, I can see that this would be a chill way to do it.

More photos:




I guess I'm a voyeur too... haha.
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They must lose at least 1/4 of their toke in the water or crystallizing in the absurdly long straws.
If you look at the one pic it looks like there is bubblegum holding the straw in the bottle. That is some ghetto rigged macguyver shit haha. I'm sure heroin is highly taboo, I could see opium being viewed diff tho since its all natural and not semi synthetic or fully synthetic like ice.

And yea those rigs they use prob waste so much product by recrystallizing in the straws. Must be cheap enough there I guess.
I always assumed that the fetishisation of drug-taking was strictly the domain of other drug fiends...then again, western culture seems to frequently indulge in vicarious 'partying' as entertainment, so perhaps getting kicks by watching others get high is a wider cultural phenomenon.
That said, it's a really fucked up way to exploit vulnerable people in a country with such draconian drug laws.

I have a friend that used to live in Phnom Penh, who had a girlfriend that used a lot of methamphetamine.
In Cambodia, as in much of south east Asia (and china too, it would seem) they would vape meth off foil, into a pipe that is then run through water in a bong-like set-up as these pictures show. I've also always thought it must waste an awful lot to smoke something so water soluble through a bong - which is confirmed an a story he told me about his ex-girlfriend.
He asked her "what are you doing tonight?"
To which she replied "cooking".
Bemused, he said "...but you don't cook!"
So she explained that by "cook", she meant to simmer down the water from her smoking apparatus, in order to recrystallise (or in some way retrieve) the meth that had accumulated in it.
In this case i think it was 'yaba' - meth pressed into pills that are vaped/'smoked'.

As for whether or not the North Korean government is involved in methamphetamine exports in the region; there appears to be evidence to support this - they certainly have been involved in drug traffic, as a heroin seizure known in Australia as The Pong Su Incident seems to indicate - as a high-ranking North Korean government official was among the crew members on a smuggling ship.

Strangely enough, I feel like the crystal meth taboo is only a fairly recent thing in Australia (beyond the taboo that is present in all illicit drug use) - as in the late 90s, early 2000s when meth became prominent in Australian drug circles, it seemed to have fairly wide social acceptance. Nowhere near as much as 'ecstasy' did, at the time (when 'bunk pills' were practically unheard of, and people I knew that would never consider smoking pot or taking any other drugs besides alcohol and cigarettes - would happily drop a pill on a night out) it seemed that taking meth was fairly accepted on the social hierarchy of drug taking.

Unlike the US, where meth has had negative cultural connotations for decades - it seems that meth has picked up a lot of social baggage in the last 10-15 years - but amongst drug users, meth still doesn't seem to have the stigma that is has in other parts of the world.
This may be due to Australia's rather lacklustre drug market (illegal drugs are expensive in comparison to most other developed nations, and drugs such as cocaine are prohibitively expensive to the lower ends of the drug taking socio-economic spectrum, so perhaps meth fills that void with little competition.

It seems a stretch to suggest that proximity to Asia has anything to do with it, but as Asian cultures influence and become part of Australian culture - perhaps it makes sense that drug culture norms are part of this cultural mix.
As Australia's drugs have long been connected to south east Asia in terms of origin (#4 heroin from the Golden Triangle has been a part of Australia's drug scene since the Vietnam War era) - so maybe it isn't too far fetched to see a link between the (anecdotally) superior quality Asian-import meth, and the culture that is more accepting of the drug that links it to Australian shores.
I'm not sure if that makes any sense, or if it is the slightest bit true, as I haven't taken meth for many years.

Some Asian countries (particularly Japan) have a long history of widespread methamphetamine use - so I'm not surprised that the social attitudes towards its use are different to those in the 'Western world'. This may sound incredibly over-simplified (and frankly it is) as Asian cultures are diverse and varied between different regions and communities - but as illegal drugs are so strictly forbidden in most Asian counties - with extremely harsh penalties for drug crimes - the cultural influence of America (for example) may have a lot less influence in terms of drug-related stigma than it does in a country like Australia - where the exchange of ideas (helped by common language and many other cultural elements) are a lot less restricted - and something like the taboo surrounding meth use can cross over quite easily - whereas China has many barriers preventing this negative connotations of a particular drug from taking root in Chinese culture.
I'm sure it is a much more complicated dynamic than that - but fully synthetic drugs like methamphetamine have exploded across the world in the last few decades, in part because they do not require fields of plants (such as heroin, marijuana, hash) or other naturally derived standard precursors such as Safrole (MDMA) to manufacture. This is probably the biggest driving force in the continuing spread of methamphetamine, come to think of it. Even in countries that will execute people for selling it - where there is demand, there are drugs - and there is always demand.

Shit - that was an incredibly long, rambling post. Sorry about that...
Believe it or not, I am not high on meth!
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