viper the rapper and other artists that don't have proper release dates


Jan 2, 2014
so hear me out

viper's wickipedia says that he was born in 1971

this was viper supposedly in 2008 when "you'll cowards don't even smoke crack" was released. that would make him 37 years old. at first thought, i'm gonna be like, "he looks a bit younger than 37, but okay."

then all of a sudden, from the age of like 37 into his fourties, he just completely changes his entire facial features

doesn't seem right to me. it looks like "when ya'll cowards don't even smoke crack was released" he was probably a teenager and this would've been in the late 80's and early 90's. i'm pretty sure he released a ton of music through out the 90's and that's when he started to age and look like he does in the second video i posted.

PLUS unless i've gone completley 100% insane "ya'll cowards don't even smoke crack" with the album cover the same that i posted was on the internet in 2003. i remember watching it on you tube... and after i watched it i remembered that i heard the instrumental of the song while watching public access cable when i lived in the city in like 1993.. i don't think viper creates his own beats like said on the internet. i think "you'll cowards don't even smoke crack" was an instrumental album from the 80's that didn't get much credit so they let viper rap over it in the early 90's. maybe he created the music. i really don't know. but i'm pretty sure i heard the instrumental as a kid and then i definitely saw the video of him rapping on you tube in 2003.

this was also supposedly released in 2008, look how different his face already starts to look

here's another picture of viper when he was younger

this picture is a little blurry, but in the lyrics at 1:40 into this song, it sounds like he says "my fear of death in 95". i'm thinking in 1995 he actually even was starting to look like how he did in this blurry picture
here's another good viper song that i'm pretty sure came out just being released in the early 2000s

i've also joked on this message board about not believing that viper smokes that much crack, but i'm pretty sure he's got some crack breathing patterns trying to hype up his new albums and you tube channell. lol. pretty funny to watch.

SO DOES ANYBODY REMEMBER VIPER FROM BEFORE 2008? i totally don't believe the wickepedia or anything... there are a few other sets of videos or non hip-hop stuff that got released with the wrong dates on you tube. i'll post about them in a little bit
i should really post some pics of how i aged from when i was an early teen until i turned about 17 or 18 until i was in my 20s... i really can't believe that's how viper aged with the dates, and i'm pretty sure i've heard his music at other time periods. i'm not sure why they are doing this.
now on to the second part of my post.

so this and a few other videos from "the vhs sessions" series video compilation that was made by some guy in new work was out on the internet in 2003 too,
but all of the dates of the videos are labeled in the bottom of the screen as 2015 and 2016.
it was on you tube in 2003, but they deleted it all and reuploaded it again like it was made in the dates of 2015 and 2016... i don't know why.
here is one of my favorite videos. this dude has super guitar talent to play real soft and create sounds i haven't really heard on guitar. i think it's great

there are a bunch of other videos from different bands recorded the same way, i'm pretty sure in the early 2000s, but it's made to look like it was all released on different dates like i wrote

anways, i can think of a few other bands whose labels released their stuff and then said that it was a new release years later. i totally don't get it. it's like they are trying to make me question reality. but i specifically remember the stuff and remember talking about it all to some of my friends... the dude fraternal twin even used to post on some message board i read. it was a big deal in my life. he commented about taking psychedelic drugs and a bunch of people on the board called them "performance enhancers". he even recommended going to a canadian website to get lsd anologues. lol. there is no way that i'm not remembering it correctly. lol. he was commenting on taking the anologues so much that he would always check his stool for blood like one of the older posters a vietnam vet warned about. he said despite the fact that people would always pay him for paintings and he'd feel obligated to trip when making them and that he was dosing for all his shows, he still never had blood in his feces. lol. he definitely commented about checking though. i feel like no one is going to believe me. lol. there was a member of this site saying he knew aaron carter from video chats too. lol. i feel like i'm in the same boat saying i have knowlege of such a cool musican. lol
i'm not going to comment about any other bands whose labels released their stuff on different dates, because i don't want to get sued.. i think you can clearly see from the pictures of viper that something is up with his ages/pictures and the dates the stuff was being released... the other vhs series thing, i'm not even seeing them claim that it was released in 2016. it just appears that way, so i think i should be good, and if i ever did get sued, some one else would definitely remember and stick up for me. fraternal twin had thousands of fans on the message board that i was talking about reading alone. lol some ones got to remember... maybe some one here remember viper being bumped in the hood or something too back in the day now that i mention it...

sorry if this is a lame post. i've been contimplating whether or not to post it for a while. i might check reddit hip hop about this too to see if anybody remembers the viper stuff. maybe people are devoted to the lie though, old viper gang bangers won't let the truth be known. they want to confuse me. lol
are you sure it was on youtube in 2003? Because google tells me YouTube went online in late 2005.
I never realized he put out so much rap, some of these songs are catchy.

I can't remember when I first heard you'll don't smoke crack. I vaguely remember hearing it maybe 12 years ago, but I thought it was just a one off meme song.
are you sure it was on youtube in 2003? Because google tells me YouTube went online in late 2005.
pretty sure they had some sort of similar service people were uploading too unless i've totally lossed it... either way vipers photos don't look like any person i've ever seen age.
maybe hes brother of Lamar Davis from GTA V. But Lamar was just above few inch on his belly than usual 70kilograms hive worker. Now.. developers wanted Lamar slim and fit, just some pompous fibre from his 56ish' kilograms. Why I somehow happend to have a straw for both? Idk but they both share same chemistry of moving their tongue with saliva same time in that mechanic rusty hood "no one has time to..." type legacy.
I tried listening to “ya‘ll cowards don’t even smoke crack” because I liked the title but i didn’t care for the slow delivery. I always wanted to do a rap song tilted “Blame yo daddy’s dick” it’s about how women who were loved a little too much by daddy can never be pleased. Feel free to use it because I probably never will.

*edited unnecessary obscenity
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it says on his you tube that the above song came out in 2003... so if the first album i posted out came out in 2008, this definitley doesn't make sense. like the picture is of him when he's old, and then he's young in 2008, but a year later in 2009 he's old again... pretty sure "you'll cowards don't even smoke crack" was released some time in the 90's, but viper does like reissues and then lies about it, not making any effort to cover up that he isn't aging correctly on the cover. lol...i think this has something to do with MK ultra and the CIA letting telling viper to release stuff twice and claiming that it's new. they want to confuse and bewlider me as a targetted individul. there is definitely a compilation album of some of vipers work on you tube and it says it was released in 1997 but i'm pretty sure "you'll cowards don't even smoke crack" was actually released a few years earlier which makes no sense with what is written about his career on the net, other than the weird pictures of him aging which doesn't make sense.

anyways thanks to blue light for letting me post possible conspiracies about one of my favorite artists,

if anybody likes vipers beats and r and b with female singers, they might want to check out this album by lisa jaynes viper made all the beats and takes credit for writing the lyrics too. lisa jaynes kind of came across as a mediocre singer at first, but the more i listen, the more i fall in love with the music. i've listened to it a bunch in the last few weeks after forgetting about her for several years:
So pretty bad news story coming out about Lee Carter, the dude that calls himself Viper the rapper

this shit is so messed up. i'm kind of thinking it was some sort of set up with the gang he was in, like let's have this girl fast and act like Viper was torturing her. i'm thinking they probably paid her off to create this news story, but it's not really making me want to listen to his music anymore. like "you'll cowards don't even smoke crack" is one of my favorite beats. i've actually even grown to like his rapping, but this shit is too much for me to be able to even listen to and enjoy... part of me think it's some type of conspiracy to get people to not enjoy his music, what ever it is, it's depressing and makes me not want to listen to his music even though i loved it so much... Like this is so messed up, this story and what i read on reddit makes it sound like the girl broke free of his captivity multiple times and was hospitalized afterward only to be let back into Vipers custody... something about this all doesn't seem right, but none of it makes me want to listen to his music like i said.... it's kind of weird, none of his lyrics are really about torturing people, mostly just about having money, going to the mall, and smoking crack, not really anything about being a terrorist or torturing people like some rappers actually do get into.

Another folk/indie musician that i really liked recently came out with some writing that made me kind of feel weird about listening to his music too, this by Phil Elverum the guy that does The Microphones and Mount Eerie... He claims he likes to "roll coal with his deisel truck and how he doesn't sexually score enough and only has gotten blow jobs for the past few years... lol... something about this made me feel like the dude with all songs about the vastness of the universe was just looking to get some blow jobs. lol... i never muched like the smell of spit. this really isn't a big deal, but a good deal of the people on reddit were like "that's just the dudes sense of humour" and what not, not really taking him serious.. but i'm pretty sure the dude actually rolls coal cause he doens't believe in global warming, like i've talked about how history isn't real and every thousand years or so they burn all the trash and start in the 1900's. this was all on the net before and i'm pretty sure the dude was actually on a message board in the early 2000s where people would talk about this weird history or lack of truth in the written history we use... I've actually listened to some of this dudes music a few times to remember how i felt about the albums thinking he was some righteous dude before, and i guess i don't really care that he likes for his fans to blow him, but it's just weird to me, like i'm gonna start hallucinating the smell of spit on skin by listening to his music. hasn't happened to me yet, but i would've rather not heard that rumour... i think it's kind of funny the "rolling coal" too. don't really know what to think.... here's the article everyone on you tube thought he was just making stuff up https://webcache.googleusercontent..../&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au&client=firefox-b-d

anyways, phil elverum really isn't a bad dude as far as i know, but this shit with Lee Carter, Viper is something that's going to make me enjoy music less because his music meant so much to me... i really feel like something is being taken from me.