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Video: Police arrest mum filmed sharing bong with toddler


Jul 21, 2005
Video: Police arrest mum filmed sharing bong with toddler


A YOUNG mum has been arrested after video footage emerged of her sharing a bong with her 22-month-old son.
Rachelle Braaten, 24, was arrested after mobile phone footage of the toddler inhaling marijuana smoke from the bong was handed to police anonymously.
In the clip (see below), adults can be heard laughing in the background as the little boy sucks from the device and coughs.

"I guess it was a joke and stupid mistake that wasn’t really funny," Ms Braaten, of Washington in the US, told officers.
She claimed the boy suffered no ill effects from the experience but conceded: "He is two and he shouldn't have known about that. He shouldn't have that in his body."
According to Washington's Komo 4 News, Ms Braaten said she felt “horrible” about the incident, which is believed to have happened five months ago.

She has been charged with multiple drug offences, including delivery of a controlled substance to a minor.
She was released on bail yesterday following an appearance at Lewis Superior Court.

The boy has now been taken into care along with his five-year-old brother.

Their father, 25-year-old Tyler J Lee, was also arrested after police recovered 40 marijuana plants from the house.

Washington is one of a handful of US states that allows possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use.

With video -

A "mum", huh?

He is two, huh? Lets give him a substance which could permanently fuck up his developing mind.
I would never support removing a child from the parents simply because the parents use drugs.
But for a parent displaying such ignorance or apathy as to give their toddler drugs, I think it may be the only solution.
Man i'd like to give HER some nasty shit that fucks her up BIG TIME! Damn people...
I mean yeah 22 months, damn that's not even 2 years old.

But for real, it could have been worse.
I'd rather see some kid getting high at that age than being physically abused IMO.

Still doesn't excuse the mother of course.
To be perfectly honest that is essentially physical abuse, yet directly on the brain, so is necessarily mental abuse too. The effects of marijuana on a developing brain are harmful at best, and on essentially a baby who is less than two it could have serious serious detrimental effects way beyond your "average" fifteen-year-old lighting a joint, that's not even considering if he's susceptible to psychosis. Consider too that smoking a bong is the most efficient way of smoking weed, and that he coughed, which is associated with higher intake and intoxication.
I would never support removing a child from the parents simply because the parents use drugs.
But for a parent displaying such ignorance or apathy as to give their toddler drugs, I think it may be the only solution.
Meth? Really?
It depends on some factors. A hard core meth head or crack head or even heroin addict is not always fit to look after a young kid. But in saying that I bet there are many parents who use and do it responsibly. Not everyone goes nuts on those drugs, even though they are obviously very addictive to many people.

Same with alcohol, imagine how many kids have had to put up with alcoholic parents and the shit they'd have to deal with.
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I wonder what was going through her mind when she did that. Why on earth could she possibly think that was a good idea? Ugh. Obviously we will never know a straight answer, but I can't help but wonder. 8:)?
It depends on some factors. A hard core meth head or crack head or even heroin addict is not always fit to look after a young kid. But in saying that I bet there are many parents who use and do it responsibly. Not everyone goes nuts on those drugs, even though they are obviously very addictive to many people.

Same with alcohol, imagine how many kids have had to put up with alcoholic parents and the shit they'd have to deal with.
Very true. I guess meth is crazy over here and I've never met a recreational, responsible meth user. I mean, the binges they go on is crazy. Their behavior is crazy unpredictable. Lucky for them, it's hawaii so everyone has a lot of family, support, and baby sitters on the fly. I can't imagine not having the child care support. >o<
Meth? Really?

Well, you named the worst case scenario...I can imagine that some meth users might be able to continue parenting in a reasonable manner... maybe... or maybe I am just dreaming. They might neglect the child, I admit. High possibility. But neglect would be the reason for taking the child away, not drug use (in my world, anyway).

In any case, giving a child drugs is very different from the parent using drugs.
I hate that shit. I have sometimes have weed laced food or acid laced candy in the fridge and instead of just hiding it i tell the kids, never touch this it will make you sick. They know its mine if they want cookies or sour patch kids i will give them money, but never ever touch mine. Its also in a locked box too just in case. I consider it really bad parenting when kids get a hold of drugs, but actually giving it to them is beyond retarded.
Isn't marijuana more benign than drugs people medically give to kids this young? I'm not saying give a baby a hit weed for recreation but if the babies sick a drop of a tincture doesn't seem like an unreasonable medicine. I just think people are overreacting hard.
Isn't marijuana more benign than drugs people medically give to kids this young? I'm not saying give a baby a hit weed for recreation but if the babies sick a drop of a tincture doesn't seem like an unreasonable medicine. I just think people are overreacting hard.

A tincture is wayyyyyy different then having her baby inhale smoke into his still developing lungs. This baby didn't have cancer or anything so this was wrong on so many levels. Should the mother be given the chance to get her baby back? Yes. Everyone deserves a second chance. But she has some serious growing up to do