Video Games as an art medium?

Don't worry about it, Tora. That's the reason I asked: I wanted to see a differing opinion. :)
I'm so used to the thought of games as art that I've never really seen an argument.
games as rt & gaming rt is a really interesting topic right now. alot has been done recently to use gaming platforms and systems as an artistic medium, playing w/ the gaming conventions. there are a lot of gaming mods & hacks that have been produced by artists to circumvent the original gaming experience. also, gaming systems are some of the best visaully interactive digital environments being produced right now.
I'm going to be moderating a forum @ a new digital arts site launching in sept. I'll let you know when it's up.
--------- so to me. gaming art is different than most commercially prepared games. BUT - I'm an avid gamer too, and I do see some amazing work being done w/ commercial games. after finishing FF8, I actually cried because I established such an emotional connection to the story line and visuals of the game - it was a completely immersive experience.
...godamn - sorry if this was a little disjointed, it's 4am CDST and I can't sleep...
I agree with Tora_Chan!
:D know, you can call sometime!
hey blue, I don't have yer digits they is wrong on me phone....arrrrrrrr...darn it all to hell
[ 17 August 2002: Message edited by: Tora_Chan ]