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VICE: This new app can tell you how much weed you smoked (and much more)


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
By Liam Deacon Sep 25 2014


If you’re a drug user, chances are you smoke, swallow, drink, or snort your chosen substance recreationally. Statistically, as long as you’re not taking stupid amounts of that substance, you’ll probably be OK in the long run. That said, it’s hard to know for certain what constitutes a “stupid amount," as official guidelines on alcohol (“no more than x drinks a week”) and drugs (“don’t take any ever”) aren’t all that realistic in practical terms.

It’s exactly that—harm reduction for recreational, or “unproblematic," alcohol and drug users—that the people behind Global Drug Survey (GDS) hope to address. Gathering feedback from a huge network of alcohol and drug users from around the world, they’ve devised the Drugs Meter and Drinks Meter, two interactive services (available online or in phone app form) that can tell you exactly how your usage compares to others around the world, as well as giving you peer-collected advice on how to take whatever it is you take.

There are also a couple of other features—one that shows you roughly how much you’ve spent on weed in the past year, for instance—designed to let you decide whether your intake is something that needs correcting. Finally, The High Way Code (HWC), published earlier this year by GDS, tells its users in no uncertain terms how to both enjoy their drugs and take them safely.

I recently spoke to Dr. Adam R. Winstock, founder and director of GDS, about how his organization’s tools are changing harm reduction.

continued here http://www.vice.com/read/global-drugs-survey-adam-winstock-835
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Call me paranoid but I'm a little leery about having an app that states my drug usage on a devise that has both GPS and my personal information. I like the idea of "showing" people how much they dose because its easy to not realize it but I will hold off on it.
Hmm.. I kinda agree with the post above mine. It is a lil interesting though.
I think ill pass.
I don't know anyone who has a drug problem who would want to see signs of their abuse put in their face. It's a novel thing but I don't know well it would work in practice.