Very concerned over psycosis-eske symptoms from dxm use/serotonin syndrome


Apr 7, 2015
Hi and please take this seriously from the perspective of me.

I can't really think straight right now, but hopefully I can get some input here/advice. Last night I tried low dose dxm and 5htp which was a mistake... as mid experience I developed what felt like SS, gutted it out and tried to resist it as I was in no real state for an er visit and the process of getting help. it felt moderate in intensity.

some say you can't get SS from 5htp, yet on other sites even reddits 5htp sub and other drug subs many did. It's been almost 24 hours since then yet I feel like it's somehow messed up my serotonin system, I still have these psycotic-eske thoughts and thoughts running wild, like idk general mental health wise I often had this thing where I was aware of what someone would say or do before it happened, like pre-congnition, since this combo, its way worse, and I feel like honestly I am overconnected to everything. I was fine this morning, drank a few beers (acts on serotonin) and boom the symptoms are back I don't think this is actual clinical psycosis but it does feel like I am very unhighed rn. I have the other symptoms of SS as well, but the most disturbing is this dyphoric hyperawareness of things, its like in my mind I am thinking people are laughing at me and that, like I anticpaite that to happen, I can almost see it, I just feel too hyperaware in a more than most way. I beleive it's SS cos i still have the bowel sounds thing and all these thoughts in my mind, not voices. I can't really describe the experience, because I quickly forget about it. the dex itself was drank slowly, idk if that has something to do with it

Like what is my game plan here? I was thinking about an er visit tomorrow, but I am concerned it will be like humiliating. or they'll inject me with antipsycotics... i can just sense that would happen, and by that point it would have sorted itself out it def feels like my neurotransmitters are outta wack and everything seemed brighter, linked in intensity of the symptoms (everythign is brigher) is linked a lot to the other symptoms. I am also worried it may progress to something worse, does this sound like psychosis or just SS

I have used dex before and I felt ungrounded, but also reborn, for a day then I was fine with; never mixed dex and 5htp though last night, it was only 300mg but still it's almost like the dex unhighed my mind a bit, but I believe it's serotonin related to the intensity of symptoms being linked to how much serotonin is in my body or how it feels. As in, when I used to get natural serotonin rejuvenation you know diet wise and after sleep and not using anything I'd usually feel happy like its supposed to make you, now everytime that happens (serotonin naturally being produced in the brain) I get... this. Thats all I wanted to say, whats my next step or advice. the half lives of both are short and it was hbr so it should have worn off soon, but either natuerally, on its own, or after using something serotonin related it sparks it. im hoping itll just sort itself out, what next.
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Do you have a high temperature?
Slightly raised. My heart's pounding a bit as well, it's like those stories you hear on folk who do other drugs and have a drink of beer and it comes back full swing. I think it will sort itself out lest call 111, or get a taxi to the ER. I know m post came off hypochondriac like but honestly it's basically the truth, rn I'm so so

How long is this gonna take, it's kinda feels like something that I'd imagine ssri withdrawl to be like, yet I have taken none, but only in the context of ss

Edit: it's increasing a bit now, I believe alcohol increases serotonin yet when with smoking that temp stopped it. I'm trying to lower available serotonin as to me this temp stops it. I have some clonus rn as well. lay off the alcohol (I'm desperstly trying to "burn up" my levels as it feels like it's keeping it under control. imagine they'd give me a benzo and check my vitals. I think I should go to the ER soon, my thinking is foggy I'm worried it'll get worse I don't know how alcohol (?l 24 hours later even sparked it.
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Your temp not being real high is good and it's been over 24 hours so I'd guess you just need to try and relax some and ride it out and you probably just stressed your body, but if you start feeling super bad then don't hesitate to go to the emergency room
I'm tempted to go to the ER because my blood pressure has felt somewhat raised for some time now, but it also decreases, hope I'm not at major risk of stroke or nothing I sure hope... If it gets worse obby I'll go but I live wit folks a d it's 5am. It's either thator alcohol withdrawal but I dont think it is it really feel linked to serotonin I hope I haven't flicked up my reward system in some odd way linked to alcohol/serotonin.

edit: i noticed alcohol slightly helps im guesssing it has something to do with (burning up) the serotonin stores, same with smoking. now i realizze these are shit coping resouces but i do those already. rn im not too bad but im praying it wont get worse, im thinking of just avoiding any serotonin stuff or alcohol for a while, i have booked an app for the er the 111 people (probs sound like a right hypo) said i should go, should be here any min. edit: they arrived.
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meh last night I still had some of the dastardly symptoms and that. They did the normal like tests and that. Said it could last up to 45 hours, I should avoid anything that could interact with serotonin or whathaveyou longest ive heard it last is 72 hours to a week but I don't even see how it could last that long...

I actually think it's either still in my system the dxm (which i doubt) or the SS-eske thing is still present like there's still an excess of serotonin in my brain/body, told the er nurse I thought it messed up my reward system or something, which isn't exactly totally impossible sure I've got a bit of hppd as well, seems from my limited experience with psychs (some good times some bad) im vulnerbale to it I already had VS and colours in CEVs and this has sparked it up again, the excess serotonin I think. Even with sigma trips this could only ever last 4 days and the longest i heard SS-residual symptoms lasting was a week or two with maois. I FEEL as thought I'll return to 'normal' in no more than a few days tops though.

worried I had some 'reaction' the the several hours of high blood pressure too, at the time of the ER I wasn;t too bad and they said nothing of my blood pressure so I get thats not so bad... that made me a bit afraid for my health i had a physical assesment and I felt off balance and my fine motor coordination was a bit off, still is. mental health wise I still feel shaken up after i came off the trip and that I was semi alright.

is there a specific name for what this is?
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