Vent your painful memories


Bluelight Crew
Sep 29, 2017
I noticed we don't really have a place for this so here it is. Vent any painful memories that you want to get off your chest. I'll start.

I was sixteen, living on the streets, a buddy and I ended up on a dope house, we were shooting coke with the dealer it was my buddies brother. We're all talking and everything seems fine, my buddy goes to the bathroom and I'm kinda spacing out, I hear a click on the table. I look over and the dealers got his gun in his mouth, before I can say a word he pulls the trigger, and hes gone. I still see that when I close my eyes
I noticed we don't really have a place for this so here it is. Vent any painful memories that you want to get off your chest. I'll start.

I was sixteen, living on the streets, a buddy and I ended up on a dope house, we were shooting coke with the dealer it was my buddies brother. We're all talking and everything seems fine, my buddy goes to the bathroom and I'm kinda spacing out, I hear a click on the table. I look over and the dealers got his gun in his mouth, before I can say a word he pulls the trigger, and hes gone. I still see that when I close my eyes

That is a horrible image to carry. I cannot imagine his brother reentering the room. Ugh. I'm really sorry, bp. ((<3)) I will carry the image of my son's body, but even more the feel of it, until I die. In the beginning I had panic attacks and really, really wanted to die so I could be free of the chaos and pain of reliving that experience. Now (61/2 years) I still will sometimes feel nauseous when it comes up but no more panic attacks. The way I look at it now is that is a part of me as much as remembering his laugh or seeing his living face. His death, including the pain that ended it, is as much a part of his life as anything that came before it.
I'm sorry about your son herby, I've read a bit about him on here.
My good friend, like a sister to me, started to experience a personality disorder. But it was hard to tell what it was form, I think she always had it to some extent but she got on etizolam and eventually was taking at least 10mg a day. She also drank a lot, and when she'd be fucked up, she was absolutely terrible to be around. Constant attention-seeking, forcibly requiring positive affirmation from friends, making a fool of herself all the time, and any slight amount of criticism resulted in verbal assaults from her. Then, she got into 3-MeO-PCP, she was shooting up a lot of it every day, 24/7 she was on it. Combined with the benzos, she started to really lose it. The next few months were horrible to witness. She started faking injuries for sympathy, creating elaborate plots to get people to feel sorry for her. It was like I couldn't even recognize her looking into her eyes. Then one day we hadn't seen her or her dogs for 24 hours (she lived upstairs from our other friends, which is also my band house and I'm over there a lot). We went upstairs and found her dead on the floor, in a pool of blood, needle in her arm and drugs and needles strewn around the floor. She had pitched forward after shooting up opiates and broken her nose on the floor. Really traumatic, the whole thing. When we got the toxicology report, she had been full of fentanyl. So we're pretty sure she went out to get heroin and it was really fentanyl, and then she shot up a bunch, thinking back to her days when she used to be addicted to heroin.

But honestly, as horrible as that was, I think watching my dad slowly succumb to ALS is the worst thing I've ever seen.
I have several very traumatizing memories. I won't give a lotta detail because that just brings it all back n I'll have a horrible time for hours or days.

The hardest to live with is like Xorkoth above me, watching and listening to all the anguish a parent went thru before death. I will always be haunted by every minute of that .
Watching someone you love suffer is definitely very hard, I watched an ex fall into a bad heroin addiction after we split, it was horrifying, watching a beautiful young woman waste away, and feeling like it's partially your fault because she started using opiates with you.
Watching someone you love suffer is definitely very hard, I watched an ex fall into a bad heroin addiction after we split, it was horrifying, watching a beautiful young woman waste away, and feeling like it's partially your fault because she started using opiates with you.

While obviously I don't know the specifics in your case. I do believe that it's almost never really someone else's fault.

I've had people blame people I used with for getting me back on drugs. But that shit was never true. If it hadn't been them it woulda been someone else. And often the only reason I was even in a situation where I could easily get back on drugs again was cause to some extent I'd knowingly put myself there.

My point is, I tend to think we can only blame ourselves for starting to use or use again. Or at least, if there is someone else who shares some of the blame, it's usually not the other people we used with. But still I know that's probably small comfort.

As for the rest of this thread, I can't say I particularly wanna talk about my various painful memories right now. Many of them I've written about from time to time before. I have to be in the right, or perhaps wrong kinda mood before I wanna talk about some of them and right now isn't that time. Others memories there is never any times I want to talk about them.

Something I continually find troubling is how powerful and triggering sometimes even very very minor things can be. Like, one big thing that you'd think would be very triggering won't bother me at all, other times things that are so seemingly minor and tiny will fuck my head up all day. Traumas weird like that.
Yes it is, certain smells trigger me, but alot of big things like blood don't, I've always found that odd.
Agreed ; there are tiny triggers everywhere. Lately I noticed I'll be in a horrible or agitated , discontented mood for a day or two ..... only after that passes I will realize some tiny thing kicked it off and painful memories are what was truly Eating at me. And the trigger was something I was not conscious was hitting me.
Example maybe I saw a person in a dream .... not even recalling it til after 1-2 days of angry nasty moods have been making me question "what the Hell is my problem??"

Weird how that works

Tubbs --
Smells have ALWAYS been a big trigger (is it because the nose is so close to the brain? ? Well it's no nearer than our eyes ... idk )

I remember last fall (like maybe October or Nov 2016) I walked into a hardware store w my husband n a friend. .. got a little ways in and nope nope nope I had to run back to the truck n Lost My Shit; crying shaking freaking out.
The store. The smell of tires and leather and farm equipment --- it triggered some kinda "oh I miss my dad!" feelings. They were overwhelming enuf I chose not to make that breakdown in public view .... (my dad had been dead around 6 months then).

It was a store we went to often, growing up.... home/farm/ auto style place. After that event I still shop there at times but I always kinda Brace Myself and gain that awareness before I walk thru the doors: I might Get triggered....
Yeah I have the dream thing happen from time to time. Far as I know I usually remember my bad dreams but sometimes I won't but they'll still affect me and I'll feel off all day.

Another frustration is frequently I can't really even express what I'm feeling. It's like some kind of underlying sense that there's something I'm feeling, something I'm looking for, and I know what it feels like but not what it is. And what it feels like is like nothing else I can think of and like nothing I could begin to describe. There's no words for it. Just this underlying sense of darkness that feels like it's driving me to self destructive behavior but beyond which I can't describe or explain to anyone.

Not having words for what you're feeling can be so frustrating because even if you wanted to share what you're feeling you literally can't.
Yeah I have the dream thing happen from time to time. Far as I know I usually remember my bad dreams but sometimes I won't but they'll still affect me and I'll feel off all day.

Another frustration is frequently I can't really even express what I'm feeling. It's like some kind of underlying sense that there's something I'm feeling, something I'm looking for, and I know what it feels like but not what it is. And what it feels like is like nothing else I can think of and like nothing I could begin to describe. There's no words for it. Just this underlying sense of darkness that feels like it's driving me to self destructive behavior but beyond which I can't describe or explain to anyone.

Not having words for what you're feeling can be so frustrating because even if you wanted to share what you're feeling you literally can't.

Yes. I recognize this.
Do you have another Outlet for the feelings? Like .... idk.... art or dance or music ; something YOU create which is borne of the Feelings and is built of expressive nature? Do you know what I mean? Since Language is failing as an expressive outlet, there needs to BE ONE . Preferably NOT a harmful one. (Some ppl harm themselves with objects or substances as the frustration grows ).

I hope ya find that outlet.....
The safe one you need.
I noticed we don't really have a place for this so here it is. Vent any painful memories that you want to get off your chest. I'll start.

I was sixteen, living on the streets, a buddy and I ended up on a dope house, we were shooting coke with the dealer it was my buddies brother. We're all talking and everything seems fine, my buddy goes to the bathroom and I'm kinda spacing out, I hear a click on the table. I look over and the dealers got his gun in his mouth, before I can say a word he pulls the trigger, and hes gone. I still see that when I close my eyes

Jesus, that is beyond awful. Im so sorry, man. <3 Glad you are here to tell the tale.

I think its important to express your pain. This theread is important. <3

I was fortunate to have that opportunity over the years, in various contexts; one, on here; with the support of some kind BL'ers. I carry some stuff (as we do) but I just mainly look forward, my time is short. Facing yourself is the hardest, I rekon, especially when you feel you've 'been defined' by/in the context of the toxicity or dis-ease of a familial situation, or elements of your growth have been stunted by being stuck in broken/toxic parental/family/social/cultural relations. Resolution, is a creative endeavour - it requires endless love(compassion), courage, mindfulness, humility, learning, ingenuity, work, care and support - living is all thats important ( living, not existing).

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Thanks man, I really think we needed a thread like this, yes we all carry things, and it's hard to talk about them. But having a place to be able to get it off your chest anonymously is good.
Absolutely. Without facing pain and only after that and moving on from it, there is no growth. Thanks for starting it. <3
You're absolutely correct, it took me along time to realize that. And of course if it helps just one person it's well worth a few minutes.
My older model (girlfriend) was cheating on me and I just sort of accepted it and hung out with both of them at lunch in highschool. I was always coming down off heavy ecstasy binges and my mind was too trashed from a 800mg overdose to really care. I was aware and given the chance to stop this but I just didn't care
I love this forum. <3

I've been lucky, my life has been good. I've experienced and am experiencing deep pain, but my childhood was good, I love my parents and they did a great job, and I've had a good life all things considered. But I know a lot of people aren't that lucky. My girlfriend had some trauma in her childhood that has resulted in profound effects on her life. Sometimes I feel like it's really easy for me to talk about solutions to complex emotional issues. I hope for everyone experiencing trauma that you can find your way out of that. You're beautiful, and you're wonderful, and you deserve the same things everyone needs.

My dad though... it's so fucked up. It's the saddest and most horrifying thing I've ever seen. My dad is a great man. He worked in and eventually ran the family business on his side of the family, the president and CEO of a manufacturing plant. A while back, their main client decided to outsource to China, and they weren't able to recover, and the company eventually went under. My dad didn't take a salary for 2 years because he told me, our family is fine, we've been fortunate, but my workers and their families are not gonna be fine without a job. He worked himself to the bone so as many of the people who depended on him would be able to keep their jobs as long as possible. He cared so much.

A little over 5 years ago he started to notice that he couldn't raise his arms all the arm up, and after a little while of this getting worse, he was diagnosed with ALS. Over the past 5 years his life has transformed into hell. He and my mother have always been an amazing couple, very sweet and into each other, they were best friends. He had just retired, and they were talking about all their plans to travel and do all the things they always meant to do. In addition to that, my dad is the kind of guy who loved taking care of other people, the last thing he's ever wanted was to be a burden. But ALS has basically reduced him to a brain inside a dead body. He was really positive about it when he just couldn't lift his arms, and when he started to lose his balance, and when he had to use a walker, and he could manage to do normal things for himself.

But for the past 2 years, in increasing amounts, he's been entirely incapable of doing absolutely anything for himself. He's almost entirely paralyzed, and he's months away from losing his speech, he's hard to understand already. He can operate his hands minimally with a lot of effort to operate his chair, but he has no plans for or desire for the computer speech thing where it tracks your eye movements. Besides his hands (which are fading), he can turn his head slowly and move his mouth enough to barely talk, and he can move his eyes and eyebrows. He is on assisted breathing almost all the time, he can't go more than an hour without it. My mom is his primary caregiver. She has some help now but she seeked out help too late and the damage is done. It's crazy, he's anxious all the time now, he can't even scratch an itch on his face or do the most basic of things for himself. He would have died 2 years ago if he didn't have technology. My mom has to lift him up on hoists and help him take a shit, and stick preparation H up his ass. It's so degrading for him, and the worst fucking part about it is that their relationship has utterly changed because of it. She has this resentment towards the situation that she sometimes just blatantly turns towards him. I can barely stand to see it. This Christmas time while I was visiting, it was almost too much to bear. She so obviously disdains him, partially, not totally. Usually she is really good with him in the morning and afternoon, but she gets burned out at night and I can't believe sometimes the attitude she gives him. Like, dude, I know I can't understand what it's like for you, but do you think he WANTS to have to ask you to do all this shit? FUCK no! This is worse than death for him. He wishes he could have just died suddenly so you would remember him from before ALS wreaked its particular horrific form of personal hell on you. His every moment is pain and hurt, he is experiencing hell. What the fuck is wrong with you?? I can't even describe it but it hurts my dad so much. But then, god it's so intense to be there for just 10 days. She does it 24/7/365. And it's really intense, it's like you're always on edge and in this state of horror, and not 5 minutes go by without some sort of need from him. And what sort of incredible pain does it cause to see the degeneration in the love of your life? I have a really hard time with it too, but I try to imagine this happening to my love, and I don't even want to go there, that would be so much worse. My mom has always been religious, in the best kind of way, she's super involved in her church, went back for a master's degree in something related to religion, and she believes in love, she has none of the trappings of destructive religious attitudes. It's always brought her a lot of happiness and peace. But it's so clear her faith is being tested. Personally I am not religious, I have my own sense of spirituality, but it's causing her so much anguish, it's terrible to see.

Basically, fuck ALS, it's a horrible disease. Absolutely awful. Everyone treats him differently I feel like, except me. My siblings and mom all see him regularly, but I don't. Every time I visit I try to talk to him the same. I show him that I recognize that I know that he's still in there even though he's more helpless and requires more care than an infant, that he's the same person. It's all I can do. And what the fuck is he gonna do when he can't talk anymore? I shudder to think, he is so uncomfortable already, he starts feeling intense pains and has to be adjusted for example, he has to explain to you what he needs, otherwise how would anyone but him ever know? How does anyone know if he has an itch on his face? I think he has wanted to die for the past 2 years but he can't say that, he can't bear to do that to us, especially to my mom. But I kinda feel like she halfway wants it to happen. And he knows that.

It's just so fucked up. The most tragic thing I have ever witnessed. My dad, of all people, does not deserve this. He lived his life for others, he was as close to flawless as you could possibly ask for, he is SUCH a good person, I will forever respect what he has done in his life. And his life is ending in this long, protracted personal hell, and it's so fucked up, and there's nothing I can do, or anyone can do.
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I'm sorry to hear that xorkoth, Neuro diseases are horrifying to watch. They take some of the strongest people and bring them to thier knees. My grandpa passed from Parkinson's, and my dad has huntingtons disease, Ive never had a relationship with my dad so I can't even begin to imagine how hard that is.
I've had people blame people I used with for getting me back on drugs. But that shit was never true. If it hadn't been them it woulda been someone else. And often the only reason I was even in a situation where I could easily get back on drugs again was cause to some extent I'd knowingly put myself there.

I said a version of those very words to my son's friends at his memorial: "If you are feeling guilty about introducing Caleb to a drug or providing Caleb with a drug, please do not. You all knew Caleb enough to know he was always going to do what he wanted to do. If you had not given something to him, he would have looked for it elsewhere. We make our own decisions in the end."