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Benzos Valium question

Dec 8, 2019
I’ve been off Valium’s for 6 weeks and I’m having a minor surgical procedure done tomorrow and was thinking of taking 20 mg of Valium an hour before, I’ll be awake during the procedure, will I feel them ?
Yes you will absolutely feel it. I’ve even prescribed Valium for years and gotten myself down to 2mg tabs daily. Some days I’ll just take 7 or 8 so that’s 16mg and I def feel it like it should feel.
Yes you will absolutely feel it. I’ve even prescribed Valium for years and gotten myself down to 2mg tabs daily. Some days I’ll just take 7 or 8 so that’s 16mg and I def feel it like it should feel.
Congrats on getting yourself down too 2 mg , Bravo

I dropped from 5mg down to 0 mg about 6 weeks ago, I’ve only taken 1 Ativan in 6 weeks and felt nothing from it that’s why I asked about the Valium..I’m surprised you feel the 15 mg
I can see I've missed the boat on this one, but for anyone else curious regarding the same, 6 weeks of abstinence would be enough to reduce your tolerance by at least 90% I would imagine.