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Using MDMA therapeutically when alone?

What I have is probably in the 80-85% purity range, which i think is pretty typical for crystalline "molly".

I have tested in a variety of ways (short of mass spec) but am wondering if i should try 50mg of it as a sort of allergy test now to gauge what I have here. Although that of course will probably tell me little (other than that 50mg isn't poisonous).
50-100mg is certainly not a microdose. And taking MDMA intranasally is pointless. I believe the bioavailability is similar to or even worse than oral.

You're getting some pretty cut shit if most people you know aren't rolling off 100mg. The several studies MAPS did for PTSD found incredible therapeutic effects from 80-120mg. Most people should not need more than that.
I find 110mg to be the sweet spot personally with the batch I have in my stash. 120mg hit me a bit hard and 100mg was pretty good for my first time but maybe a touch weaker than expected. My friend who is very experienced with MDMA + psychedelics and taking the same batch found 90-100mg to be a good amount.
If you and everyone you share your M with needs more than ~120mg for a roll and you aren't all unusually tolerant and/or all have high bodyweights, you are probably getting M from a bad source (avoid street dealers) that is cut and/or not actually MDMA. The only other exception would be if you have a history of abusing MDMA, in which case you should be avoiding M anyways to allow your serotonin receptors to repair themselves.

Advocating that people take 130+ mg is incorrect and dangerous if they go too far above that (e.g. 200mg)

To clarify, when I say I had 100mg I had tolerance due to the gram of MDA I took over the course of a week a good few months back + other dosings and some MDMA too over the summer-autumn. Yes, I took a lot of MDMA until my twenties, then took a huge hiatus and took it only 1-2 times a year, max. for over a decade, if that. I assure you, the experience has become fully restored and my serotonin receptors appear absolutely as fine as anybody elses, unless somebody wants to somehow conduct some kind of experiment and prove otherwise.

Either way, about 50mg insufflated is easily a microdose without tolerance. My friend is giving me some this week so I'll gladly try again, without any current tolerance.

With regards to getting incredibly cut shit: I can only say that I've tried my absolute best to source the best MDMA I can since I first acquired crystal MDMA in 2005: I've had numerous different types and batches from numerous sources, and I've always weighed my doses since day one; and do so for my friends before we go out (unless I'm at a party and just going all in). I've tried, a lot of different MDMA. Basically whatever is the best I can reasonably find in the UK/EU. I seriously, highly doubt I simply got cut shit all those years, in comparison to whatever you got. I'd imagine that on average, it was roughly the same. Unless yours is consitently 20mg stronger. FTR all my MDMA is lab tested, and I often post said lab results and photos of the MDMA in EADD. I'm yet to discover any active cut.

And taking MDMA intranasally is pointless. I believe the bioavailability is similar to or even worse than oral.

It isn't pointless at all. I said:

I have exprimented with microdosing MDMA this past year or so and I would take 50-100mg or so, usually in lines so it hit fast

I wanted it to hit fast, so ergo, it was not pointless. It was exactly what I wanted. It generally hits harder and faster, but doesn't last quite as long and is typically different.

Advocating that people take 130+ mg is incorrect and dangerous if they go too far above that (e.g. 200mg)

You've just said that 100mg was weaker than expected your first time. Then you said 120mg hit you too hard. 130mg is hardly a world away (an extra 10mg) if you want to ensure you come up properly. Not sure why you mentioned 200mg, I didn't.

Like I said, my personal experience says you need to break through to get the deep and psychedelic connection to MDMA, and not to teeter round the edges. I don't personally find that MDMA is something that tends to hit people 'too hard'. IME once people are up it's all flowers and sunshine.

Regardless, hand me the finrest MDMA in the world and 50mg orally will absolutely not be enough to come up properly. It's a totally functional dose, at best. Regardless, it's below the the MAPS studies (and maps are seeking federal approval, not neccesarily the exploration of higher and more effective doses).

If it hit's you too hard at 120mg, then I think that probably explains any difference between our relative experiences.

I'd appreciate if if you didn't try and tell me my past history of personal experience was somehow 'incorrect', or dangerous, especially when you're taking a roughly similar dose; and it does not tally with my reality. MDMA is incredibly forgiving, in my personal, real life experience, and that of these forums. Also, UK MDMA culture and expectations of responsibility is for whatever reason, very different culturally, to that of the USA and canada, as evidenced numerous times in numerous discussions, ad infinitum, on these very forums.
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What I have is probably in the 80-85% purity range, which i think is pretty typical for crystalline "molly".

I have tested in a variety of ways (short of mass spec) but am wondering if i should try 50mg of it as a sort of allergy test now to gauge what I have here. Although that of course will probably tell me little (other than that 50mg isn't poisonous).

You could always try it and post if you have any type of break through experiences, or more of a microdose! Would probably help prove my point that it's IME a totally inadequate dose... unless you maybe want a creative microdose type boost. =D

That said, I'm sure you'll be fine. If you've tested it numerous ways, I can't imagine you'd have any problems. Have you tried it before?
Haha I love this.

Exactly, take a breakthrough dose. But breakthrough. You need to actually 'break through'. I just have never personally seen that with 100mg. Certainly not 50mg. (reffering to my above post, more than anything)
I can "breakthrough" with as little as 90mg but my source is very pure and I'm a slim guy. I just go with 100-120mg because it's easier to weigh out on my scale and it's a dose that seems to work well for all locals I've given it to. 100mg per cap is a nice middle ground when you're capping up a lot of doses. Fat guys like one of my friends can just take two and be at the same level as the rest of the group.

100mg should be more than enough for the vast majority of the population. Especially if they're naive to MDMA and weigh close to average/ideal.
What I have is probably in the 80-85% purity range, which i think is pretty typical for crystalline "molly".

I have tested in a variety of ways (short of mass spec) but am wondering if i should try 50mg of it as a sort of allergy test now to gauge what I have here. Although that of course will probably tell me little (other than that 50mg isn't poisonous).

I think you're overthinking this to much. A "allergy test" should just be like 1-2mg. I wouldn't even bother with that if you've had MDMA before and your tests are coming back as MDMA. Same with making all these plans for doing it alone. Just take it and give yourself the 3-4 hours in a nice setting where you know you won't be interrupted. Nothing bad is going to happen. MDMA is actually very relaxing when you're doing it alone and you'll work through whatever problems you need to work through without having to guide the experience.

I've deleted it now due to someone finding my account on here but I used to have a large thread in the trip reports forum that dealt with taking MDMA in non-social settings. I've done it alone more than I've done it with groups. I think I have about 10 total MDMA/MDA experiences in the last 20 years. Of those:

-2 were in party/social settings with people I didn't know
-3 were with a very close friend in a home setting
-5+ were done alone, at home, with no social interaction what-so-ever beyond hanging out with animals like cats/dogs/farm animals

This isn't LSD, shrooms, or anything where you need to be concerned about the experience not being positive. MDMA is going to provide you 2-4 hours of positive self reflection. You'll work through whatever is bothering you. You'll have a good time. Trust me there is almost no way to fuck up a solo-MDMA experience.

I envy you a bit. I wish I had a girlfriend that I could do MDMA with. I have only had one experience with MDMA where females were even present and never one where a girl I was dating was present. Even the one experience I had where females were hanging out was one where none of them took any. I have been around a lot of girls that were taking MDMA but I've never really engaged with them socially beyond making sure they were alright. I once found a young woman at a party sitting on the ground in the woods. She had a large dose of MDMA in her hand and begged me to lick it off. I kinda regret not doing it but I was more concerned about helping her get back to her group than I was taking MDMA myself at the time. She was gone and had no idea where the fuck she was at. I helped her back to her friend's RV then went about my business.

I am running low on MDMA myself. Plan on taking some tonight alone to work through some personal issues. Need to stock up on MDMA and MDA while I still can. I worry the sources I use won't be around soon and it'll be harder to get such things into my country. I had been saving what I have left (about 200mg I think) in the hopes that I would have a chance to take it with female company. But I haven't met a girl I trust in a long time that I thought would be interested in taking it with me. Most of the women I date are either very anti-drug or scared of less common drugs like MDMA. MDMA isn't really widely used in my area outside of the one group that throws all the parties in the woods. Most of those people are a lot younger than I am so I find it really hard to relate to them even when I'm sober. Plus now that I've cut off my hair they all think I'm a cop because I don't fit in that well with that scene anymore.

Sorry for rant.

Anyway dude just give yourself the time and take whatever dose you need for a proper roll. Trust me, nothing bad will happen and I'm sure you'll find it a great tool for working through your personal problems. I don't even suggest re-dosing. Just save those re-doses for future experiences. The 2 hour peak is all you'll need.

I'm off to roll.
I can "breakthrough" with as little as 90mg but my source is very pure and I'm a slim guy. I just go with 100-120mg because it's easier to weigh out on my scale and it's a dose that seems to work well for all locals I've given it to. 100mg per cap is a nice middle ground when you're capping up a lot of doses. Fat guys like one of my friends can just take two and be at the same level as the rest of the group.

100mg should be more than enough for the vast majority of the population. Especially if they're naive to MDMA and weigh close to average/ideal.

I think you're overthinking this to much. A "allergy test" should just be like 1-2mg. I wouldn't even bother with that if you've had MDMA before and your tests are coming back as MDMA. Same with making all these plans for doing it alone. Just take it and give yourself the 3-4 hours in a nice setting where you know you won't be interrupted. Nothing bad is going to happen. MDMA is actually very relaxing when you're doing it alone and you'll work through whatever problems you need to work through without having to guide the experience.

I've deleted it now due to someone finding my account on here but I used to have a large thread in the trip reports forum that dealt with taking MDMA in non-social settings. I've done it alone more than I've done it with groups. I think I have about 10 total MDMA/MDA experiences in the last 20 years. Of those:

-2 were in party/social settings with people I didn't know
-3 were with a very close friend in a home setting
-5+ were done alone, at home, with no social interaction what-so-ever beyond hanging out with animals like cats/dogs/farm animals

This isn't LSD, shrooms, or anything where you need to be concerned about the experience not being positive. MDMA is going to provide you 2-4 hours of positive self reflection. You'll work through whatever is bothering you. You'll have a good time. Trust me there is almost no way to fuck up a solo-MDMA experience.

I envy you a bit. I wish I had a girlfriend that I could do MDMA with. I have only had one experience with MDMA where females were even present and never one where a girl I was dating was present. Even the one experience I had where females were hanging out was one where none of them took any. I have been around a lot of girls that were taking MDMA but I've never really engaged with them socially beyond making sure they were alright. I once found a young woman at a party sitting on the ground in the woods. She had a large dose of MDMA in her hand and begged me to lick it off. I kinda regret not doing it but I was more concerned about helping her get back to her group than I was taking MDMA myself at the time. She was gone and had no idea where the fuck she was at. I helped her back to her friend's RV then went about my business.

I am running low on MDMA myself. Plan on taking some tonight alone to work through some personal issues. Need to stock up on MDMA and MDA while I still can. I worry the sources I use won't be around soon and it'll be harder to get such things into my country. I had been saving what I have left (about 200mg I think) in the hopes that I would have a chance to take it with female company. But I haven't met a girl I trust in a long time that I thought would be interested in taking it with me. Most of the women I date are either very anti-drug or scared of less common drugs like MDMA. MDMA isn't really widely used in my area outside of the one group that throws all the parties in the woods. Most of those people are a lot younger than I am so I find it really hard to relate to them even when I'm sober. Plus now that I've cut off my hair they all think I'm a cop because I don't fit in that well with that scene anymore.

Sorry for rant.

Anyway dude just give yourself the time and take whatever dose you need for a proper roll. Trust me, nothing bad will happen and I'm sure you'll find it a great tool for working through your personal problems. I don't even suggest re-dosing. Just save those re-doses for future experiences. The 2 hour peak is all you'll need.

I'm off to roll.
Tbh I've never done more than one pill in my 10+ROLLING CARÈER and never needed more than that. If u get good quality shit, one pill is more than enough. MAYBE, a half a pill booster. But doing half a g of mdma or 3+ pills is a waste imo.
I've done pills and crystal and I tend to agree. The pills that come through my area from a good source are actually dosed way too high most of the time. Half a pill is usually somewhere in the range of 90-120mg. The last batch of pills I had were 200-250mg each. One pill was more than enough for two people. I made the mistake of taking a whole pill out of that batch at Disney World. I had a really fun time but I paid for it the next day and it was obvious to everyone around me that I was rolling hard.

Typically, my doses look like this:
-100-120mg dose followed by 50-60mg re-dose at the 2nd hour
-90-120mg dose with no re-dose

I consider re-doses to mostly be a waste and only do them when I'm rolling with other people and want to extend the experience for another hour.

The people I've been around that go through grams of "molly" in one session are usually the types that don't test their drugs. I've taken some of their "molly" and for the most part it just felt like speed and what I assume methamphetamine must feel like. Well, either that or one of the many mdma-like research chemicals that filtered down to the street level dealers. Most of that stuff I've seen in the wild doesn't even look like the MDMA I get. Same for the pills. I can tell they're lower quality presses compared to the kind I get.

Not trying to brag about my source. I just know a local that imports the same stuff anyone can get delivered. I don't mind paying him a little extra to avoid having to deal with getting it myself. I like being able to walk into someone's home, pay cash, and be given my choice of several different presses, crystal, and MDA/MDMA. Usually, I stock up from that person about once every 2-3 years. MDMA and MDA keeps forever in a freezer. The last time I stocked up I bought a gram and it has lasted me for almost 4 years at this point.

MDMA is one of those drugs that's best saved for special events, social gatherings, and working through personal issues. Last time I got into the batch I did it with a friend I hadn't seen in 2 years. We shared a traumatic experience. Within an hour of taking MDMA together we'd worked through the problems and rekindled a lifelong friendship.

I'd hate to end up like one of my friends. I gave him a pill out of my stash that was dosed very high. He didn't even feel anything from it. I took a pill from the same batch as Disney World and was lucky because it was very close to being way too much.

By the way if you ever get the chance to interact with Japanese tourists while rolling hard I highly suggest it. I was walking around the park giving away toys to cute girls the entire night.
@Tranced I definitely did not put my message well at all and I apologize for that. My point was that (at least from how it came across to me) you were implying that 100mg could be considered a microdose and 130mg should be an absolute minimum therapeutic dose when microdosing MDMA is something that nobody should be doing regularly due to its neurotoxicity and 130mg is very much on the high end of what research for both therapeutic and recreational (e.g. Rollsafe/Dancesafe recommendations) use indicates is appropriate, not the low end like you suggested. I did not mean to invalidate your experience because everyone has different natural + usage-created tolerances. What I intended to say was just that OP should start with 100-120mg for the first roll since they have not used M in a long time. After rereading my message it definitely does not come across as intended, so I apologize again for that.
@Tranced I definitely did not put my message well at all and I apologize for that. My point was that (at least from how it came across to me) you were implying that 100mg could be considered a microdose and 130mg should be an absolute minimum therapeutic dose when microdosing MDMA is something that nobody should be doing regularly due to its neurotoxicity and 130mg is very much on the high end of what research for both therapeutic and recreational (e.g. Rollsafe/Dancesafe recommendations) use indicates is appropriate, not the low end like you suggested. I did not mean to invalidate your experience because everyone has different natural + usage-created tolerances. What I intended to say was just that OP should start with 100-120mg for the first roll since they have not used M in a long time. After rereading my message it definitely does not come across as intended, so I apologize again for that.

Thank you, im glad we found an undsrstanding.

Just because... such is. me...I also completely disagree with the idea that doing 1000mg + 3 pills is a waste, but it is literally not worth our various disagreements. If you search for my MDA posts from the summer you will see that i'm a total outlier with regards to MDxx and I tend have a history on this forum of completely disregarding a lot of mainssream ideas surrpunding MDMA; but I realise that it's partially because the UK approach to MDMA subculture seems to entirely differ to that of every other country on the planet, for whatever reason. Basically, I love getting absolutely mashed and tripping on MDMA, and I also love using it to be social and spritely, or for therapeautic reasons, or microdosing, which I see value in; though I have been through the brain fog, the comedowns, etc and I generally use it very sporadically these days, with the exception of last year. Basically Im a complete ecstasy advocate, and I have very limited... limits... that I impose upon myself.

@Xpander - are you by any chance named after the lord and master of ecstasy, the great artist Sasha, and one of his finest works?
Thank you, im glad we found an undsrstanding.

Just because... such is. me...I also completely disagree with the idea that doing 1000mg + 3 pills is a waste, but it is literally not worth our various disagreements. If you search for my MDA posts from the summer you will see that i'm a total outlier with regards to MDxx and I tend have a history on this forum of completely disregarding a lot of mainssream ideas surrpunding MDMA; but I realise that it's partially because the UK approach to MDMA subculture seems to entirely differ to that of every other country on the planet, for whatever reason. Basically, I love getting absolutely mashed and tripping on MDMA, and I also love using it to be social and spritely, or for therapeautic reasons, or microdosing, which I see value in; though I have been through the brain fog, the comedowns, etc and I generally use it very sporadically these days, with the exception of last year. Basically Im a complete ecstasy advocate, and I have very limited... limits... that I impose upon myself.

@Xpander - are you by any chance named after the lord and master of ecstasy, the great artist Sasha, and one of his finest works?
Correct, Best fucking track ever.
You walk amongst the gods my fellow prog friend. <3

You a fan of Cloud Cuckoo?

Absolute Pill 0' Clock.

Sasha slaughters ecstasy dancefloors like nobody else I've ever witnessed.

Yesss, even tho I've only seen him live once in his more deep/melodic phase like 3 years ago. U know what is one of my favorite absolute fucking bombs ever? This track by quivver that appears on Sashas GU san francisco. Such a dark track, everything is perfect though.the vocals, the hit hat and the drop is just massive 👌 check it out.
You walk amongst the gods my fellow prog friend. <3

You a fan of Cloud Cuckoo?

Absolute Pill 0' Clock.

Sasha slaughters ecstasy dancefloors like nobody else I've ever witnessed.

Shit man, sraly I've listened to it again and this track is SAVAGE. Thank you for sharing this absolute gem.🤍
You walk amongst the gods my fellow prog friend. <3

You a fan of Cloud Cuckoo?

Absolute Pill 0' Clock.

Sasha slaughters ecstasy dancefloors like nobody else I've ever witnessed.

Owe manc, u a Geordie lols. Do u still listen to new tracks from the new techno,/tech house scene? Fking Patrick topping from Newcastle is such a beast.
You could always try it and post if you have any type of break through experiences, or more of a microdose! Would probably help prove my point that it's IME a totally inadequate dose... unless you maybe want a creative microdose type boost. =D

That said, I'm sure you'll be fine. If you've tested it numerous ways, I can't imagine you'd have any problems. Have you tried it before?

Well today I tried 58mg as sort of a low dose test of potency or what you could describe as a "mega-dose allergy test". I certainly felt it rather stronger but mostly it made me feel weird/anxious and kind of edgy.

Granted i had taken 30mg of dextroamphetamine early in the day. But I am pretty certain i would have had a similar result regardless of the dexedrine. But I suppose now I know the strength of this batch, seems pretty strong.

I felt like i almost felt good from this dose but never actually felt good. Almost felt like reaching out my arms and stretching on a bed, almost felt like i was freezing cold and wanted to be under blankets, almost felt like yawning (all the typical serotonergic effects). Pupils are a little dilated.

I pretty much knew this would be the outcome, though I was hoping it would be a little more pleasant. It was a suprisingly rough comeup for something that didn't even materialize into anything, probably because of the dextroamphetamine (or maybe it would have been even a worse experience without the dextroamphetamine).

For my actual dose I'm thinking maybe 140mg or so. No dextroamphetamine of course, in fact I'll probably discontinue the dextroamphetamine for a few days prior. I wonder if taking it 1 month from now would be too soon. I can't imagine that this 58mg dose released too much serotonin.
Well today I tried 58mg as sort of a low dose test of potency or what you could describe as a "mega-dose allergy test". I certainly felt it rather stronger but mostly it made me feel weird/anxious and kind of edgy.
Lower doses tend to have this effect. They give you a body load and a bit of anxiety and you're never quite tripping enough to feel good.
. I wonder if taking it 1 month from now would be too soon. I can't imagine that this 58mg dose released too much serotonin.
MAPS did a study where they were giving 120mg doses with 60mg redose to people 3 times 3-6 weeks apart. Comedown was no worse than placebo. You should be fine to do once, just do not make a habit of taking it two months in a row.