Site Feedback Useless space making posts far apart


Jun 19, 2008
It's been over a year and all this space is still bullshit.


...It didn't use to be that way.
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when you complained about it last time, (admin at the time) animal_cookie told you: "the admins have discussed tweaking the skin but it doesn't seem like the payout is worthwhile for the effort that it would take."

what made you think it was going to change?

it's a whopping 10px. you'll need to find a way to learn to live with it.

10 pixels? It's much more than that. I'm not gonna count, but I'm talking about the space that the "reply" and "quote" buttons take up, and the little thing below that, and the tab above the next post, and then the other tab...

I guess I don't understand why it would take so much effort, seeing how it was fine the way it was before. Instead of tweaking the current format to bits, I would just go back to the old one. I know going back to old formats isn't a popular move among people who take pride in their web developing... but...

Just indulge me for a second:

Go to this page:

Skim it, look at it, take it in. See how you can see 7-8 posts on the screen? You can read one, look at another, compare posts, and perceive an overall flow of the conversation.

Then, go to this page:

3 posts on the screen at a time, at best. Tell me that it's easier looking at this and getting the gist of the conversation.
3 posts on the screen at a time, at best. Tell me that it's easier looking at this and getting the gist of the conversation.

It's easier for me, and I prefer the spacing the way it is.

If I ever read an archived thread I immediately go to the full version.
Also, archived threads don't require the "edit"/"reply"/"quote" boxes - which require a bit of space.
If the layout in full-version mode were too constricted, it would be incredibly difficult to use it with a touch screen (ie smartphone) device, as the buttons would be too close together.
Also, can we talk about the fact that the "quick reply" box takes up more than my entire screen? Why is that?

It's easier for me, and I prefer the spacing the way it is.

If I ever read an archived thread I immediately go to the full version.

The opposite for me. What's your truth is my falsehood. What's my falsehood is your truth.

And vice versa.
10 pixels? It's much more than that. I'm not gonna count...
i did. it's 10px.
Tell me that it's easier looking at this and getting the gist of the conversation.
i don't think it's any easier or any harder. i'm very accustomed to reading bluelight and my basic approach is start at the top of the page and scroll down slowly or more quickly depending on whether i am reading or just scanning. i've never really given the specific number of posts on the page much thought.
