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Usage and Experience of Ethnobotanicals a Summary of a few rare and common Herbals


May 16, 2012
First I will start my report with Erthyrina Mulungu a new Tree bark I have been experiencing. I just bought 100 grams not of powder but of actual Tree bark.
This tree is from South America , Brazil. It has a healing effect on the body, it strengthens the liver and the internal organs. It has very strong Sedative effects for a Herbal/Tree compound in fact I would compare its sedative effects to that of Benzodiazepines and some of the sedating Antidepressants.

I was using Sceletium Tortuosum, Kanna for a while but now I switched to a new herbal compound Erythrina Mulungu, its properties very strong physical relaxation, strong heavy head feeling, and a strong sedative effect as soon as half of my tea cup is drunk I start to feel it come on very pronounced effect I get drowsy and detached I heard it combines well with Cannabis too haven't tried it yet . Sedative effects exceed Both Valerian Root and Kava Kava, and I would say by far for example kava kava and Valeriana knock me out for a few hours 5-6 hours when I have trouble with sleep but stuff kills insomnia knocks me out for 7-10 hours. I would classify this as one of the strongest herbal Sedatives. 5-10 grams of Tree bark knock me out like one gram of Clonazepam or 50-100 grams of Trazodone. The feeling when it comes on is a slowing down of mental processes a feeling of a lot less tension a very nice body relaxation through all of the muscles in your body, if your an insomniac and your tired this will knock. I would recommend Erythrina Mulungu for comedowns from Stimulants such as Cocaine and Amphetamine. It has physical and Muscular relaxation effects and it has a strong sedative component I was never able to stay awake through all of its effects. The next day you wake up more energized according to the Brazilians it has an effect of stabilizing the Central Nervous system. The next day when you wake up you feel more refreshed and stabilized physically and mentally it renergizes. So try to find it Erythrina Mulungu, a potent herbal sedative with effects a lot stronger than Kava kava And Valeriana. It has Gaba, Serotonin and Cholinergic effects.

The next compound is Sceletium Tortuosum, Kanna one of my favorites, It originates from South Africa, Cape town region . Mesembrenone, Mesembrine and Tortuosamine are the active alkaloids It is a succulent herb. Effects are as stated slightly psychedelic without a paranoid edge (ill explain why its slightly psychedelic its more like MDMA but with a hint of Mushrooms as you feel a greater connection with people and Nature trees, flowers the outside world appear brighter and more beautiful also another note using Kanna a few days in a row and then tripping on Shrooms seems to diminsh the effects shrooms ) , Stimulation coupled with Relaxation , increased Energy levels, increased sociability, Analgesia it increases your threshold to both Physical and Emotional pain and Physical pain is a lot less intense which proves the hypothesis that Physical and Emotional pain are interpreted by the brain as the same exact thing and proves Kanna as a strong Herbal antidepressant. It has Antidepressant effects on the scale of Pharmaceutical Antidepressants and it surpasses St.johns wort by far.

Its anxiolytic effects are coupled with a Moderate to strong Mood lift feelings of happiness, smiling a lot , Stimulation, Energizing properties. It has qualities similiar to Cocaine and Amphetamine and with the crappy quality of Cocaine. I can tell you I had better highs at times on Kanna then on Cocaine. It also seems to increase the Euphoric and Energizing effects of Alcohol and it increases the effects of Marijuana synergies. Its great for using it for like a month or two if your Anxious it will diminsh such feelings completely and it will actually Make you feel like your more in Control again, I was suprised that such strong Anxiolytic and Antidepressant existed in Nature and what most amazed me was that its opposite of benzos instead of leaving you dazed, sedated, disoriented. Kanna seems to take the edge of things yet at the same time , stimulate, Enhance both mental and Physical Energy levels, Clearing of mind is observed as well , Euphoric feelings and Happy feelings , Increased sociability feelings of excitement it is a Herbal Stimulanting Antidepressant its mode of action is on Serotonin Dopamine and it works as PDE4 inhibitor increasing blood flow to the brain and peripheries Increased sexual enhanced can be noticed as well .
Its hard to completely explain it but I will say that I had very good quality Kanna from South Africa Extracts and Regular powder. However the positive effects of Kanna are usually felt only the first 2 months of usage then later on it can cause you to get slightly hooked and it can leave you feeling more stimulated and anxious than usual so keep usage occasional or max two months in a row.

I have used Extracts and Regular powder of Kanna.

The next compounds Valeriana Root and Kava Kava.
I tend to make a tea blend of the two and mix them Valerian root and Kava Kava to relax in the evenings before sleep. Lately I have used shredded Mulungu bark as its more potent.

Anyhow I will start with Kava Kava, My experience today. I drank one Large Energy drink A monster and then I felt stimulated, jittery excited wow Energy drinks are horrible for your heart and health. Then I decided to make a Kava Kava tea I proceeded drank the tea and I Felt that the effects of the Energy drink where reversed especially the high heart rate, excessive stimulation and such I felt slight muscle relaxation proceed through my body I felt my mind cleared and I think Caffeine and Kava Kava are a good combo Nootropic or for studying concentration and such. I started to listen to music on Youtube The music is heard more clearer sounds better, infact Kava Kava is great for listening to music. I felt an anxiolytic effect spread over, and my mind slowed down not much bothered me not much to think about your thinking slows down, Kava Kava is a mild and interesting natural Anti-Anxiety medicine.
Main effects: Muscle relaxation, Increased appreciation of music pretty cool effect , Relaxation, reversing the negative effects of Caffeine and other substances, Sedating, Pleasurable somewhat, seems to stabilize and slow down excessive levels of jittery, excitement, makes you more calmed. Stops the physical effects of anxiety such as a high heart rate and stuff seems to be Natures Benzodiazepines, Kava is comparable to low dosages of Xanax for me. Kava leaves me feeling good :)

Valerian root not much to say combines well With Kava and increases the Anxiolytic effects of Kava and its more sedating than Kava but it has no other specific and pleasure inducing effects as Kava does.

The last Substance Mitragyna Speciosa- Kratom
I have tried many variants of Kratom- Maeng Da Kratom, Bali Kratom, Red Bali Kratom, Indo Bali Kratom. I have chewed the leaves as well the effects come on faster and peak a lot stronger and then Taper off more rapidly, it is very Euphoric when chewed and the effects continue to build up when you peak its very Opiod like my pupils constricted completely my soul detached from my body and everything felt really good. I felt a feeling my mind reaching a new realm it was psychedelic like and I had nothing to say nor nothing to feel. This was at the peak of my chewing experience with Maeng Da Potent Kratom. It was a strange feeling and chewing Kratom the effects are a bit harder to explain the effects are more opiod like and the peak is more intense. The effects when chewed last 1-2 hours quickly peak and taper off quickly, I had dried leaves. But the strongest effects are at 30-45 minute line.

Its effects when taken orally last from 2-5 hours. The peak is at the second hour and then the effects taper off.
Different variants of Kratom tend to lean towards different effects. Stimulating and energizing blends include Bali Red Kratom, Maeng Da kratom. They also increase Physical Energy, making physical work and exercise easier and reduce pain. The high on such blends is more comparable to Cocaine like stimulation you talk more feel more sociable , you can get more done, the Physical stimulation is neat I did some cleaning for a business and I would take Kratom before cleaning and it really helped me out a lot.

The other variants of Kratom tend to have more opiod like effects relaxation, Moderate pain Relief, Feelings of Euphoria and Bliss, Nodding type of effect.
Increased Appreciation of Music, Antidepressant Anxiolytic effects.

Anyhow Kratom the high is quite potent and it even has a slight crash the next day, where you feel more irritable and shitty but generally the crashes on Kratom are bearable, its slightly to moderately addictive too as the high is pleasurable and you could go back for more of the initial pleasure.

Anyhow I am experienced with the Botanicals, Herbals get to me if you have questions about the above compounds.
Anyhow Herbals are powerful at times stronger than the stuff out there on the Market due to the shitty quality of drugs in certain countries this can cause people to switch to Herbals , Especially if your getting good quality Botanical Material as I am.

Kratom is powerful in its effects I hope it stays legal,, Nobody knows for sure though its becoming illegal in more countries. Which sucks... It does even have a crash I stated. But its a one day shitty feeling after dosing potent Maeng Da in One night the Euphoria and Opiod high is pronounced and I think Kratom is a good substance or alternative for Alcohol And Cannabis..

Kanna is a moderate Potent Herbal Antidepressant and one South African Pharmaceutical company has a patent on it to market it is as Zembrin, and is planing on distributing it. A US patent exists on Sceletium Tortusuom verifying its anxiolytic effects as well as good effects for bulimia, Alcoholism Drug addiction and Depression.

Kava Kava, Valerian Root and Mulungu can be used as Sedatives and as Alternatives to Benzodiazepines and stronger sedatives.
5-10 grams of Mulungu knock you out. I am gonna try 2-3 grams with Kava kava and a few Alcohol beverages as a recreational dosage.
Thanks for sharing your experiences... I have experience with a few of these, and am glad to know more info about all of them. Natural herbs are amazing!
Thanks for sharing your experiences... I have experience with a few of these, and am glad to know more info about all of them. Natural herbs are amazing!

Thank for acknowledging my work. I love natural ethnobotanical herbs. Herbal highs though not the most are noticeable. I use Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum as a Euphoriant, Antidepressant, Anxiolytic, and mild moderate intoxicant. It is an effective antidepressant as strong as paxil and prozac , very good mood lifter. I use Kava kava to sedate and relax. I use Mulungu to sedate and for anxiolysis. I use Kratom for a opiod like high .

Mitragynine and Mesembrine potent alkaloids in Sceletium Tortuosum and Kratom :D
Idk...i have trief mulungu,an i think it worked to help with anxiety a little,and might have helped.me go to sleep.I have not tried straight ul raw bark.I have tried a concentrate.I had been looking for,and still do,something herbal/natural to help with the anxiety from opiate withdrawl..And also for sleep.Well i also had been 'trying' to.drop my suboxone dose from 1mg down to .5mg.Anyway,on one day i had taken a very small piece in the morning(~.25-.50),in hopes of maybe having the mulugu help with my anxiety and other.symtoms of early withdrawl i get about 12-15hrs after a dose.Well i took some mulungu and left the house to go see my brother...A little bit after being at his apartment,i began to feel a bit of a rush of energy most...then I got pretty antsy real fast.I really almost.felt as if i was going thru precipitated withdrawl,except not as fast or intense.But I defenetly felt like the mulungu was either pushing the suboxone out my system faster,or clearing my liver so that the suboxone had been cleaned out or something.
Im not completely sure,but I had to tell my brother i had to leave right then.And usually a dose un the morning and will hold till well later in the night,even the next day....But the crawling,wanting to jump out yout skin feeling and restless legs was too much to much to sit thru.I had to go home immediately and take a piece of my sub..And i felt a lot better once the suboxone kicked in.,somewhat confirming my suspicion that mulungu may push out the suboxone and/or clean liver to point of.clearing out suboxone some..
I repeated next day to make sure,and it happened again.
So,im not sure what tk make of jt
This is great, very interesting I have not heard of the mulungu bark I'm gonna keep my eyes open for that I need a nice relaxing sedative in my life.

I highly suggest you try raw cacao beans/nibs for your next ethnobotanical, for me it's a strong euphoria/energy much different than coffee, very empathogenic and mood-lifting...try 20-25 grams of the raw beans for your first time and you will not be disappointed!
I was addicted to kratom for 7 years, then switched to poppy tea because when you take it many times a day for years you stop really feeling anything. I would get really intense withdrawals from it. But I agree it's a beautiful plant, if you don't abuse it the effects are wonderful. My early days of kratom provided some of the best feelings I have ever had from drugs.

Kanna doesn't agree with me... every time I use it, even in small amounts, it makes me feel really weird, stimulated, super anxious. I never want to touch it again, it was that bad. I've tried it 5 times over the years, always with the same effect. I used powdered kanna of high quality, and snorted the powder as recommended by the vendor.