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Urine Testing for Opioids

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Jan 25, 2018
Some background: I was an opioid addict for about 2 years, the last several months of which was Heroin. 2 weeks ago I started rehab to get off this stuff. Today I went in to my meds dr for my suboxone and did a urine test and they said I was positive for opioids still and ?meth? which the nurse said she thought was methadone. How is this possible after being clean for 2 weeks? From what I?ve read most get negative tests 72hrs after they?ve stopped. Plus I haven?t done methadone. Any ideas?

Please move or delete if not allowed. Sorry I?m new here!
^ Sorry, drug testing questions are simply off limits- we cannot help you

If you?re being honest, sorry, however in any case simply cannot help

(and they shall close this, presumably)

Not a psychic (Kadabra, Use Shadow Ball!)
Wow really? I?ve read other posts about testing though. And I have no reason to lie about that here. I just thought someone here could give me a reason why.
Um, those posts must be quite old.

Drug testing questions are banned, simple as that

We're not implying you were being at all dishonest simply saying we cannot help, or really even speculate if we could

Who knows? T. Calderone hasn't closed it, maybe she is busy trying to take my whistle...
HopefullyNot, this will be closed soon but I wanted to ask you if your doctor did the test in-house? They should also send it out to a lab for verification in the event of a false positive.
Yes they did it in house. They offered to send it to a lab for verification but I?d have to pay out of pocket so I declined. Just confused as to why it was still positive and wondering how long it stays in your system I guess. Why are these types of questions banned now?
And I just looked again and you are right, they were older posts. I never looked at the dates. Wasn?t aware this type of question was banned now. How is it people can ask how to do drugs, and what drugs are better, but not ask about testing?
Was going to mention that you could have it sent to a lab, though you would likely have to pay out of pocket, though some places shall only make you pay if it is positive

Really no reason it should show up two weeks pater

Didn't make the rules, however telling people how to beat drug tests isn't really GR, and even if simply asking "will this show up" well no one can guarantee an answer in most cases

So really most drug testing questions are shady, and a blanket ban presumably simplifies things

People don't just "talk about drugs" here, it is HR, and disseminating information- free speech, and what not

Sorry for your predicament though

Edit to add that, yes, "what drug will get me higher/should take" type posts are banned, however questions about RX medications, and comfort meds, and things along the lines of " have GAD and panic disorder type 2 of the respiratory subtype and corresponding hyperventilation syndrome, need relief, what will help for now until find (hopefully) long term medication/treatments", those are completely different
Ok well thanks for taking the time to reply. I was just trying to figure out why it was still showing up. I don?t need to beat or cheat a test, I?m not in trouble, just curious as to why it would take so long for me vs others. Thanks again
^Understand. Without knowing ridiculous details, it couldn't even be speculated; a false positive, or perhaps using something that had Heroin in it(breaks down to morphine in water and other conditions)

It just cannot be answered, either a false positive or, opioids of some type getting into system-otherwise rare occurance

Poppy Seeds can technically make someone test positive for opiates-it is that kind of thing and randomness that makes even a legitimate question difficult to answer

Try to work things out, can't speculate any further though again be well and such
Lots of OTC medications MAY cause false positives on cheap drug tests... and especially poppy seeds... as lorne said. Or maybe there was a longer acting opiod in your heroin... all speculation really.
^ Yes, lots of things can give a false positive. The I-cup type tests can be unreliable and that's why I'm surprised that your practice even uses them. Even when I was in pain management eight years ago, they sent specimens to a lab. For them to charge you extra for this service seems ridiculous to me and another way for them to make money off you. Anyway, I'm glad you were able to get clean and onto subs. Welcome to Bluelight. :)
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