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Urgent! Need help immediately please! Important!!!

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Sep 6, 2014
Hello, I'm new here with a very important post so please excuse any rule violations, and PLEASE take the time to read and response. My precise questions are at the bottom incase you don't feel like taking the time to read everything.

I don't want any advice telling swim to go to the hospital immediately, or any insults towards me or other members please. I just need advice from every perspective possible.
SWIM is having an adverse molly reaction and needs immediete help.
SWIM found said molly from a decently reputable new SWIM, and was promised that it was okay for others who SWIM(the buyer) knew.
SWIM has taken "molly" multiple times before, but is uncertain if it was ever real or not. (Yes I despise this SWIM as well for lack of responsibility)
SWIM has only had one roll similar to the one currently happening during this post, other times it has gone fine.
During SWIMs last roll from a different supplier, the effects were similar to this one. (Both were bought nearby eachother)
To the more relevant stuff; SWIM was at work today and had a very stressful day. SWIM decided to plan to roll tomorrow with SWIMS girlfriend, so decided to taste the product to ensure both our safety tomorrow. Again the day was very stressful for SWIM at work, and recently has gone through fits of depression and anxiety (undiagnosed formally).

Anyways, around 10:45 EST, SWIM took one tiny rock of the substance from a half gram baggy. The rock SWIM took was likely only around .05g of the .5 g under tongue, SWIM felt a fizzing sensation and the numb and throught went numb. Eventually the effects came on and felt normal for SWIM so SWIM assumed maybe this was real molly. The roll peaked abnormally quick for SWIM. In all honesty, SWIM doesnt have any idea what he may have potentially taken, and since SWIM has had bad abnormal anxiety recently, SWIM wonders if that is the actual cause of his current state.

So before I discuss SWIMs current state in next paragraph, let me explain a few other things that are not necessarily important but may help to explain SWIMS symptoms

SWIM currently is feeling very anxious and nervous. SWIM's body temperature doesn't seem too bad, although SWIM may not be able to tell because SWIM is currently rolling, and is going from cold to hot flashes, but it is rather gradual, not an instant flashing back and forth. SWIM feels very light-headed, and SWIM states that his head feels similar to the middle-comedown from RC tabs of 25-i, 25-c, etc. SWIMs pulse is fast, however not enough to make SWIM extremely worried. SWIM has had slight nausea off and on but it never got extremely serious. SWIM has a headache, but again SWIM was at school and then work for a long period of time. SWIM's QUESTIONS, please reply with any questions that may help to further describe the situation.

SWIM is feeling slightly better, but has a heaving feeling towards the right side of their lungs (possibly from cannabis or ecigs), and their head seems to be pounding but not painfully.


1. From SWIM's description and from photos if needed (and permitted on forum) what substance would you suspect SWIM ingested (At most, .2g of unknown "molly" was taken, however was likely closer to .1g.) ,
2. what should swim do/consume to help relax
3. how much water should swim consumer (swim heard of water toxicity)
4. After reading of seratonin toxicity, that is SWIM's current primary concern. At what point in time/after what symptoms coming or going should SWIM attempt to rest?
5. If this is simply a simpler case of seratonin toxicity, how should SWIM go about calming/relaxing? (SWIM fears relaxing too much or sleeping may cause problems in seratonin release/acceptance)
1. Nobody can identify what substance it is but it doesn't sound like MDMA and likely isn't.
2. Sit it out, it would be best if you call a friend to watch you until it passes, don't consume anything else except maybe a benzo. Keep an eye on your temperature and if it gets too high try to cool down with cold water and towels. I know you said you can't seek medical attention but you are risking trouble if you don't should your temperature start to soar.
3. Sip some water slowly, do NOT go overboard drinking loads of water.
4. If you're talking about serotonin syndrome, unlikely.
5. In all likelihood you've ingested a not so nice research chemical sold as MDMA, many of these can make you feel exactly the way you describe but it should pass.
:Hello, I'm new here with a very important post so please excuse any rule violations:


Call a hospital if things get worse
"Hello I'm new" and then referencing rule violations says you knew this post violated the rules and did it anyway. Therefore, I am locking this thread.

If you are concerned, go to the hospital. That's the bottom line. You didn't test the drug that you took so we don't know what it is and making any sort of conclusion about your safety when we do not know what you ingested would be just as irresponsible as your dosing the way that you did in the first place. If you have legitimate concern that you might be in danger, go to the hospital. There is nothing that any of us can tell you when it comes to your safety in this situation.

Best of luck and please see the BLUA and the forum guidelines links in my signature and read them before posting again.
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