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Benzos Urgent benzo withdrawl question


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jul 22, 2018
If this has been asked already, I apologize. Time is kind of the essence.

Currently experiencing pretty serious withdrawl of clonazolam (fucking devil)

My question is, will phenibut or alcohol mitigate the WD for tonight?

Thank you, and sorry.
When time is of the essence we step up the summoning. Keep yourself well Digital. Hope you don't mind. I do want to see some responses out of concern.

@smokeymcpot42088, any thoughts if alcohol or phenibut can lessen benzo withdrawal in any way? I think Smokey knows about this drug more than most after reading posts. But lots of others know about benzo withdrawal and remedies.
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Gabapentinoids- Pregabalin/Gabapentin, Phenibut, Baclofen, etc
Clonidine 0.1mg tablets

health store…. Passion Flower tincture - an anxiolytic & sedative - a GABA-A Agonist / PAM same receptors as Benzodiazepines work on, Valerian, Hopps, Califonia Poppy straw, few others. Passion Flower is best though as it’s a GABA-A receptor PAM

Pregabalin (Lyrica) 300-450mg on an empty stomach, 1h onset and near peak serum levels 90% bioavailability
Passion Flower natural suppliment/ tincture is best
Baclofen would be better than Phenibut but still would suffice
Clonidine 0.1mg tablet an hour before bed …..AMAZING anxiolytic & sedative
When I get bad anxiety I don't take extra of my prescription clonzepam I take half of a 0.1mg of clonidine. It definitely helps to calm you down
definitely do not add booze. like pouring kerosene on a fire.
I used gabapentin, got rid of the shaking and extreme anxiety. Was also a heavy heavy alcohol abuser of many years
Do you mind me asking what kind of dosage you are at? at one point I had an xxx mg clonazolam habit and I have a thread about tapering off of it, actually I think its just blended in with the tapering thread.

Benadryl for blood pressure (clonodine is better), pregabalin should help fight seizures. DXM at lower doses. i wont lie I leaned on subby pretty heavy during that taper.

I actually have no experience with phenibut but from what I read it sounds like a good thing....think it should help. Definitely should help from what I am reading about them giving benzos for phenibut withdrawal, I would presume that is a two way street.

Marijuana is always good. If for some reason you have access to barbs or ghb, gbl, etc that should just about sort you out; of course very temporarily.

I wouldn't drink alcohol although it does hit the same receptor a bit; IME after the booze itself starts to wear off my heart rate jumps and I actually need more benzos.
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Do you mind me asking what kind of dosage you are at? at one point I had an xxx mg clonazolam habit and I have a thread about tapering off of it, actually I think its just blended in with the tapering thread.
Thanks Smokey, I totally remember you coming in and helping that guy Joeypress(?) who was on 100 mgs a day. Not too many reach that level. It seems some of these stronger benzos are the chemical weapons they have been blamed to be. Clonazolam to diazepam? Probably night and day I bet.
I don't as much negativity towards it as most in the benzo world I have to tell you. It is also my favorite benzo over Flubromazolam which is even stronger.

The thing is I was fully aware what was going on addiction wise and I that I was in dangerous territory, so I split it upon arrival x grams to have fun and x grams to taper back off of it.

The dosage people end up at are just significantly higher than in pill form? I remember doing "knifeys" all the time and people would wonder, how much do you think that is? Idk between 5 and 40 mg?

That kind of unsurity of dosage just doesn't happen with pills (nor should it with powders but i knew I could handle it and in fact was hoping it was more towards 40)..... I don't think it is an inherit problem with the drug itself as much as not too many get say alprazolam powder. (and those that do often find themselves in the same situation)

Dose smart and make sure to stock up? I tell ya I would love a good knifey right about now (and always I suppose)
I don't as much negativity towards it as most in the benzo world I have to tell you. It is also my favorite benzo over Flubromazolam which is even stronger.
That is probably why you sound positive and healed. A good attitude counte for a lot.
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Alcohol wont help. Phenibut might - temporarily, but tolerance builds very fast so it wont last long. Gabapentin might be better in that regard.

Anyway, if its possible, I would taper.
Definitely taper ^ Get any other benz you can find my any means necessary. (short of desperate measures that may you get ripped off, locked up or worse.)

Any of the science folk know why alcohol seems to be counter productive? As it does hit the correct receptor site I am pretty sure. (speaking in broadstrokes at least)