upping weight without storing fat, how?


Aug 9, 2011
I've been up to 190 pounds before. I've been down as low as 130. I'm currently 145 pounds, deadlifting over 400 pounds. Awesome strength if you ask me. No gear right now. I'm scared to eat because it ends up becoming belly fat. I have tried steroids and GH before. The fat keeps storing in the belly area. Why is this? I have started looking into iodine supplementation. Seems to be where the answers are. I may have some thyroid issues then? In fact, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is one of my "health issues". So in other words I may have hypothyroidism issues which is why fat stores around my belly area. From what I understand hypothyroidism makes one's calorie intake not get utilized well therefore it does not get used as "energy" so it lingers on and turns into fat. I was hoping all calories I eat would spread evenly throughout my body and not get stored as belly fat.

Reason why I need my weight up is that I saw my pic when I was 165 and now 145 and at 165 I looked better "thick" especially the face, no skinny boy cheekbone. I'm currently trying out some Lugol's iodine, but from what I understand Iodoral iodine is what I should be using since it is for "hypothyroidism". It could be untrue.

Also, my Vyvanse (amphetamine) use has nothing to do with my weight loss. It was actually due to a ketogenic diet before. I actually think the purported appetite suppression of Vyvanse is rather weak considering I have such an appetite when on it. I could easily gain weight if I wasn't scared to eat (since it turns to belly fat). Not sure why Vyvanse is prescribed for binge eating disroder.
Vyvanse didn't affect my appetite much either. As to supplementing for thyroid, I believe GF recommended Brazil nuts but those contain selenium which I'm unsure how it pertains to hashimoto so just table that idea for now. Have you talked to an endo about your thyroid issue and what did they recommend?
I eat Brazil nuts. I've read of a combo of selenium with iodine. Also, I think iodine makes one lose weight if one is deficient. I think those body builders that use thyroid hormones like T3 or T4, I think they are suppressing their thyroid so they gain weight? I'm not sure. I know iodine has been making people lose weight, so suppressing thyroid (i.e. not supplementing with iodine or using T3 or T4) would make one gain weight?
T3 is great for stripping abdominal fat. It simply increases the oxidation of cells (fat AND muscle, which is why we add test aswell) I have had great results on 60mcg/day for 6 weeks, during this time I upped my TRT dose to 300mg/pw.

Before we jump to supp solutions, have you done a full hormone assay? Sometimes high cortisol can cause stubborn abdominal fat storage. I have leaned up a lot but now have a fair bit of excess skin from being a former fat ass.

Oh and to answer your query on t3, yes it does suppress thyroid function but only while on. Taking 60mcg is essentially doubling the amount you normally produce, so this is why it strips fat faster. Make sure you add test though (250-300 is enough). Otherwise you will experience too much muscle loss.
no wonder why the instructions on my kigtropin HGH suggested the use of test, t3, and insulin. I have little understanding of why the combo of those 4. Oh my lugol's iodine supplementation seem to be making me lose weight as much as I upped my food intake in the last week. I thought I gained a few pounds but seem as if the iodine is utilizing all calories eaten and burnt (?). I know people would kill to drop their weight only if they knew about lugol's iodine use.

From what one reviewer of lugol's iodine, the person mentioned that iodine makes T4 which then turns into T3, which is probably why I haven't gained weight despite me eating "dirty". I know last time I ate dirty I was gaining weight, when I wasn't using iodine. The directions for lugol's iodine is to use 6 drops. I only use 1 in the morning and 1 at night. From what I understand 1 drop is about 10x the RDA. Then again RDA really means nothing and is outdated. Some people see great results from 6 drops, even at 12 drops. Some people take more. I've read that back in the old days lugol's was the cure for thyroid issues, at 60 drops.

Just to confirm, is it true at all that T4 turns into T3? From what I understand one does not retain water when using iodine so that's a good thing. It would be nice to strip off all these rolls off my belly area to see what's under it. Again, I'm only about 140-145 pounds, deadlifting over 400 pounds yet I'm dumbfounded as to why I have belly fat. I should be trimmed.

I notice that my hearing is a bit better actually ever since I started my iodine supplementation. I'm curious about the other types of iodine as well. From what reviewers have said that nascent iodine provides great energy. There are other iodines to choose from like lugols, iosol, iodoral, etc. I tried the kelp iodine but it isn't as potent as lugol's. Not sure how iodine is good for hair and skin as well. Thyroid is not very well studied or understood from what I understand.

Below is a reviewer's quote about iodine that I liked:

"Iodine is so necessary for our bodies. Two years ago I started taking around 12mg daily and boy have I seen a difference. Less painful monthly cramps, thicker and shinier hair, curves in the right places instead of the wrong, slim figure--this stuff is amazing. Not to mention mental clarity has dramatically improved. I feel healthy! A must for any man or woman."

T3 is great for stripping abdominal fat. It simply increases the oxidation of cells (fat AND muscle, which is why we add test aswell) I have had great results on 60mcg/day for 6 weeks, during this time I upped my TRT dose to 300mg/pw.

Before we jump to supp solutions, have you done a full hormone assay? Sometimes high cortisol can cause stubborn abdominal fat storage. I have leaned up a lot but now have a fair bit of excess skin from being a former fat ass.

Oh and to answer your query on t3, yes it does suppress thyroid function but only while on. Taking 60mcg is essentially doubling the amount you normally produce, so this is why it strips fat faster. Make sure you add test though (250-300 is enough). Otherwise you will experience too much muscle loss.
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Yes, we produce T4 in our bodies which then converts to the active form of thyroid hormone which is T3.

You take t4 and it converts to t3, however 100mg of t4 will convert to about 25mg t3.
but iodine creates these so I don't plan on getting the synthetic forms. Anyway, lots of praise for lugol's iodine but I wonder why some people are opposed to iodine supplementation? It may be lack of information. I'm sure anything has dangers when you over do it. I wonder what problem could iodine supplementation cause? I thought lack of it causes problems. I'm sure deficiency of it does cause problems as well. I wonder what to look for when supplementing with iodine? Again I only take 2 drops daily out of the 6 drops suggested dosage. I know I'm not over using it. I don't think I'm under dosing as well considering how great I feel. I'm sure I could just use 1 drop daily and still feel great considering this is already 10x the RDA, AFAIK. Also, I've been eating like a pig, yet gained no weight. I wonder what happens to all those calories I take, does it get used up by the body for energy? Yes I do have lots of energy, physically and mentally.

From what I understand, the thyroid regulates growth and metabolism. Had I been supplementing with this as a teen I'm sure I would have been bigger and taller than I am by nature/genetics and never had estrogen issues and belly fat issues or depression or feeling dumb as a teen. I think I had been lacking iodine all along. When I swallow now I looked at my neck area in the mirror to see if there's any weird growth on my neck (as advised by some people who take iodine). I don't see anything of concern but seems as if the thyroid (or that area by the adam's apple) is appearing more "masculine" and or "functional"? It looks "alive" per se. I think it has finally "woken up" from the lack of iodine and now it is working right that my whole system feels as if working right. High calorie intake does not get stored as fat (this may be a good thing but since I'm trying to gain weight, it appears impossible without the help of another substance, perhaps testosterone?). But I like my hair. I also don't want to take those anti estrogen drugs. I would assume lugol's iodine alone could be just as anti estrogenic as some reviewers have said? I could do low dose test? 200 mg weekly?

I feel and look great. I just hope I don't encounter any issues with iodine supplementation (light dose), and if there are any issues that may possibly arise, if anyone here know how to counter it/them, let me know. I guess stopping supplementation would be the answer then?


1. a large cartilage of the larynx, a projection of which forms the Adam's apple in humans.

2. a large ductless gland in the neck that secretes hormones regulating growth and development through the rate of metabolism.

I wonder what "hormones" are being secreted here? I've read it's a whole bunch of different hormones, hard to believe considering how tiny the thyroid really is, yet the "largest" endocrine gland in the body? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Does anyone here know if Schwarzenegger was using T3? I looked at his waist and it was so tiny and had no fat considering how big his meals were. I wonder if the old school bodybuilders used thyroid hormones like T3, anyone know? Or is this more of a recent thing?

Yes, we produce T4 in our bodies which then converts to the active form of thyroid hormone which is T3.

You take t4 and it converts to t3, however 100mg of t4 will convert to about 25mg t3.
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You could do low dose test but you'd want to have AI (aromatase inhibitors) arimidex on hand just in case.

I haven't really researched iodine's effects and properties but I can safely say it does not "create" t4, the thyroid does. T4 is then converted into t3, the t3 does all the work so to speak. This is why supplementing with t3 is more effective than supplementing with t4. You can also use both together. Keep in mind this should be done with caution as we are altering the bodies natural stasis. Iodine supplementation may have some effect on what you'll be able to produce naturally. Suppplementing with synthetic t3/t4 is the only way to increase levels beyond natural, therefore having a much bigger effect.

The extra calories you are eating are being used for energy yes, and the higher your t3/t4 levels are the higher your metabolic rate is. Calories in < calories used = weight loss. Your body is using the ingested calories up faster and then it starts to break down fat and muscle cells for energy (lipolysis and gluconeogenesis). Some new research suggests we actually breathe out a lot of this waste out! It is known we also excrete it via our urine. Now if you want to increase weight naturally without storing fat...this is going to take a looooong long time with lots of patience and consistency.

No point speculating whether Arnie used t3 or not if it was around (I'm not sure but I would guess it was not). He got that physique from great genetics coupled with dedicated training and a few roids. Steroids and hormones aren't magic....the things that build champion athletes and physiques are dedication and consistency with training, diet and recovery (in the reverse order to that). Steroids and PEDs basically just speed up the process, they also create physiques and athletes with abilities that cannot be created naturally.
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Sorry I went on a bit of an irrelevant rant there after smoking a bowl, ignoring your main query about iodine.

If it feels good, keep doing it! Don't over do it and you'll be fine.
Arnie had to be using something to have that slim waist, compared to how his physique looks now (I know he's old and nothing lasts forever, he made his mark already).

Now as for me trying to gain weight naturally which will take forever according to you (which I agree), am I wasting my time and money eating Big Breakfast at McDonald's? I try to eat the ones with the highest calories (1350) for my money. It can get expensive like almost $8, with smoothie. LOL.

I only need 20 pounds, nothing crazy. 20 pounds that I HAD but decided to lose doing a ketogenic diet, and since anything I eat just turns into belly area fat. I'm sure if how my body works is different meaning anything I eat didn't turn into belly fat, I'm sure I would have held on to the 20 pounds had it been muscles, not flub.

You could do low dose test but you'd want to have AI (aromatase inhibitors) arimidex on hand just in case.

I haven't really researched iodine's effects and properties but I can safely say it does not "create" t4, the thyroid does. T4 is then converted into t3, the t3 does all the work so to speak. This is why supplementing with t3 is more effective than supplementing with t4. You can also use both together. Keep in mind this should be done with caution as we are altering the bodies natural stasis. Iodine supplementation may have some effect on what you'll be able to produce naturally. Suppplementing with synthetic t3/t4 is the only way to increase levels beyond natural, therefore having a much bigger effect.

The extra calories you are eating are being used for energy yes, and the higher your t3/t4 levels are the higher your metabolic rate is. Calories in < calories used = weight loss. Your body is using the ingested calories up faster and then it starts to break down fat and muscle cells for energy (lipolysis and gluconeogenesis). Some new research suggests we actually breathe out a lot of this waste out! It is known we also excrete it via our urine. Now if you want to increase weight naturally without storing fat...this is going to take a looooong long time with lots of patience and consistency.

No point speculating whether Arnie used t3 or not if it was around (I'm not sure but I would guess it was not). He got that physique from great genetics coupled with dedicated training and a few roids. Steroids and hormones aren't magic....the things that build champion athletes and physiques are dedication and consistency with training, diet and recovery (in the reverse order to that). Steroids and PEDs basically just speed up the process, they also create physiques and athletes with abilities that cannot be created naturally.
Aside from using certain PED's and your own genetics there is ONLY one way to optimally gain weight with the least amount of fat.

Tracking calories with a perfect macronutrient ratio. Find how much you can go over maintenance calories before starting to spillover into fatstores with the optimal amount of protein and fibre and get the bulk of your calories from carbs after hitting your minimum required fat intake for health purposes (A bit higher than the minimum is better) 1g of fat per kg (total mass) is a good rule of thumb with 3g of protein per kg (of LEAN mass) about 14g of fibre per 1.000 calories and fill the rest up with carbs.

When on PED's you can get away with a higher fat intake (But when in a caloric surpluss too much saturated fat is going to have more of a negative impact on your cardiovascular health)

In the end gaining only lean mass is down to you perfectly tracking calories and macro's.
Everyone has pretty much covered it with all sorts of views. Calories in has to be less than calories out for weight to be lost. Theoretically speaking 3500 calories is equivalent to 1 lb of body weight. So you must cumulatively burn 3500 calories to lose 1 lb of body weight. It is extremely hard to maintain a peak anabolic environment while also trying to cut off excess adipose tissue while simultaneously growing quality muscle. There is a purpose of a bulk period if you wish to achieve the greatest amount of LBM. Now how much fat you acquire during your bulk is your decision. Do you want to be able to eat anything you want in a caloric surplus to reduce the difficulty, but subsequently gain muscle along with fat? Or do you want to bulk with a meticulous approach towards maintaining a caloric surplus and utilize HIIT to reduce the overall amount of body fat, but greatly increase the difficulty if you don't possess the willpower.

A bulk period isn't all that bad and I've utilized them before. The "Bulk" part doesn't mean just eat anything and everything in bulk. You can easily increase the portion size of your protein source or for hard gainers you can utilize a higher fat diet. Remember fat is the most energy dense nutrient, but it isn't exactly the easiest to utilize. You can bulk without gaining a lot of fat. Just vary your carbohydrate intake and utilize HIIT. Even just minor/moderate cardiovascular exercise is better than nothing. Just try not to get your heart rate too high as to stay in the sweet spot for lipolysis to occur.

Now when you say you are getting fat are you also taking into consideration water retention, glycogen storages, and overall bloat from increased caloric intake? I can sometimes pig out on refeed days and look 5 months pregnant and may have even gained a good 7-8 pounds between all the fluids and food i took in. May even get extreme to the point where my ankles appear slightly swollen, but you keep up the energy demands and caloric intake then your body will follow suit.

If you believe you have hypothyroidism its best to get proper bloodwork because trying to find textbook physical signals of endocrine dysfunctions is generally not accurate. Only then will your doctor be able to help you solve if the issue stems from environmental factors or genetic predisposition. Iodine would be a relatively practical approach to possibly increasing thyroid function, but the culprit could be somewhere else. Just make sure you don't consume large dosages because it can become toxic. Not that I think you would take that much, but some people just like being extreme when it comes to supplementation.
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I was able to gain weight before I was supplementing with iodine, but I think since I possibly have some hypothyroid issues, which is why the food I eat turns to fat and does not get metabolized to the right "spots" or turn into muscles like it's supposed to (prior to supplementing with iodine).

Another thing is I'm also on the amphetamine called Vyvanse, which I think was said to speed up metabolism? Which is also possible as to why I'm not gaining any significant weight as of to date despite of me eating dirty.

I think I may be using the wrong iodine for hypothyroidism. I'm using Lugol's iodine when I should be using Iosol iodine? I'll look this up which is fact, but if anyone knows more about iodine, help me out here.
Have you ruled out adrenal functions? You really need to do a full hormone assay before self treating! As someone already said. I apologise if that is the case already and you have done it. I'd say the vyvanse could be holding you down. Over stimulation can cause lazy adrenals.

You need to learn more about optimal nutrition before you even worry about the effects of iodine on your body. Even with an optimal natural functioning thyroid you won't build any sort of good physique by eating maccas for breakfast every day, I can tell you that much!

Animal protein and vegetables, good carbs and fats. Things that aren't over processed, these are the foods you should eat!
I know little about adrenal functions, I need to look into it. If anyone can summarize what I need to get my adrenals to function well, go on.
I know little about adrenal functions, I need to look into it. If anyone can summarize what I need to get my adrenals to function well, go on.

It isn't simple. Go to a doctor to get a proper assessment. We can only offer ideas, but if you want to take the best measures then see a licensed physician in your area. You'd want to solve the root of the issue. You don't want to just treat symptoms as they come to recognition.
OK would this be the same doctor that I need to visit to get my thyroid checked up? I think they are called an endocrinologist. Would this be the same type of doctor that will check for adrenal functions? From what I understand is that treatment is using corticosteroids, etc. I'm hoping there is such a thing as natural treatment for adrenal issues like a vitamin or something.
Im thinking the amphetamine use may be having a more sygnificant impact than you think.

Do you journal your daily caloric intake?

Your probably at a noticeable deficit. When the body senses a "famine" it will store a nutritional stockpile in fat even if it means loosing muscle.

Eat more calories and the muscle will stay and the fat wont form.

Journal you intake and expenditures and then try and find a ratio that gets you where you want to go