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Upcoming 1-hour TV special: "Ecstasy Rising" on April 1

does anyone know where I can get the journal by the germans who said that serotonin (?) levels in our brains drop only 5% as compared to 85%?
Hey I'm looking for more specials. Does anyone know of more specials on extascy. Especially that one on striker on msnbc where the kids at the school actually made it. Anyone know of anymore extascy specials that I can acess through the net?

Hmm... you call us useless, yet it is you that can't use bittorrent?

Honestly, its too late now. Torrents die off after about a week or two, when people stop supporting it. You might be able to find it off Kazaa, but thats doubtful. *shrugs* Get on the ball faster next time!