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Thoughts Unleash Your Inner Grammar Nazi


Apr 29, 2018
What grammatical errors and general English language mistakes make you irrationally angry?

For me the biggest one's would be:

1) The wrong use of there/their/they're
2) Ditto with your/you're
3) When people don't know whether it's "less" or it's "fewer"
4) Apostrophes - when people don't know the difference between when it's possessive and when it's a contraction
5) "I could care less"
6) Americans pronouncing "twat" as "twot"
People that LOVE everything they like. One may love a person or a pet, or an activity maybe, but you definitely don't love pizza, you like pizza.

You know like, when, like, people overuse the word "like" like it's, like, the best word, like, ever.
Please, don't get me started.

I'm just going to walk away for my own sanity. ;)
Punctuation as in writing a long post without commas or capital letters at the beginning of sentences and also not even bothering with paragraphs just a continual flow of words which leaves me with the feeling when reading like I can't take a breath or the writer hasn't taken a breath that makes my inner grammar Nazi very very anxious and annoyed not to mention on top of that it's these types of posts that are often also littered with the incorrect use of your/ you're and another one is his instead of he's basically all that stuff

*takes breath* 😂
Misspelling “lose” as “loose”, or “weird” as “wierd”.
It really bugs me when someone with poor grammar calls themselves a grammar Nazi. If you aren’t one, it’s obvious.
Edit: not directed at anyone in this thread 🙂
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1. semicolons are always a mistake; just don't.
2. irony (nuff said)
3. people who take grammar on the internet too seriously. language evolves - get over it.
1. semicolons are always a mistake; just don't.
2. irony (nuff said)
3. people who take grammar on the internet too seriously. language evolves - get over it.

The irony thing is because you're American. 99.99999999999% of Americans just do not understand it. For a start: irony is NOT coincidence and irony is NOT bad luck.
I've embraced the humor in people's inability to spell. It's just not a mechanic of importance to some. Understanding something like irony is undoubtedly on a different level, though.

I can't help but chuckle at something like "aloud" instead of "allowed."
My pet peeve is when people, usually over text or instant messaging, write "ya" when they mean "yeah". In my mind, "ya" is to be pronounced "yuh" as in "see ya" or "told ya so".
"Haitch" instead of "Aitch"
My friend who just said "I think it will already has went"
"Sarah got a drink for Clint and I" - actually in this case it's "Clint and ME". You say/write the one that makes sense when you omit the other person. So it would be either "Sarah got a drink for I" or "Sarah got a drink for me"; therefor the correct sentence is "Sarah got a drink for Clint and me", even though you would usually say "...and I" while speaking about just two of you.
Alanis Morissette for making a song called "Ironic" where the ultimate irony is that NONE of the examples in her song are actually irony; they're just coincidence.
Kills me every time.
Alanis Morissette for making a song called "Ironic" where the ultimate irony is that NONE of the examples in her song are actually irony; they're just coincidence.
I listened to the because multiple people have told me that song reminds them of me. I don’t even want to know why.

A friend of mine overhead a conversation and it was repeated to me because it was (correctly) assumed that it would drive me nuts.
The upshot is that someone kept saying that another person was “trying to make a sample out of them.” Grrrr.
Reading comments on YouTube or wherever, people seem semi-literate to me.

—A lot of people have no idea how to punctuate. At all.
—People even use commas (,,,,) rather than full-stops (....) in rows and I wonder if perhaps they can’t see properly.
—Many people use excessive exclamation marks.
—Many people have no idea how to use quotation marks and think they’re similar to stars or something, to emphasise the words.