Uneasy acceptances of the obvious


Oct 25, 2021
I started using meth as part of Bodybuilding cobtest oreo to cut fst as part of a regimen thst also included steroidds to offset the muscle wasting and the increasees in Cortisol. It was not part of the plah at first but time constraints to be stage ready in 11 weeks demanded I work quickly and we all know that meth does work fast. I sleep well usijg trazodone and I am meeting my required calirues which are quite low because I am eating at a deficit. I hsve an array of vitamins and supplements that I take daily. So far so good I thinj. I am leaning out my workouts have been great. Thats the problem. Its too great and the absence of the feeling miggt leace a void. I don't know if I am addicted again. I alsoa don't know if stopping is truly desirable at this point in my life.. It has never been a real impediment aside from the fact that stopping is a near impossibility. But if I get sleep, eat and use supplements to ameliorate the danage is cessation really necessary
I'd be cautious so you don't end up like Zyzz not to mention the cardiac remodeling, cardiovascular risks involved from aas combined with heavy stimulants.
I went all out and sm on Sustanon, Trenbolone Acetate sbd Masteron sll at low dosages. I am harder leaner and striations are coming in. I am waiting for something horrible to happen. Thats psrt of the meth narrative. It couldn't possibly be useful . Disaster is the only possible enf
Meth does indeed work well for bodybuilders (it also enhances protein sparing, like most stimulants). But the wide range of downsides, in the bigger scheme of things, REALLY REALLY make the combination of a stimulant with AAS a magnificently terrible idea. By that I mean it's acceptable in the short-term strictly pre-contest, perhaps a necessary evil. But the rest of the time, should be actively avoided - and this is harder said than done once you start to like what you see.... :(
Since you're going into a show, I'd stay away from T3 and be VERY careful with diuretics if you're going to use them.