• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Underweight, no period.

dr katz

Dec 3, 2014
So i'm 5'4 and about 100 lbs. give or take 3 lbs. Trust me, I know that that's bad. I'm not sticking my finger down my throat or anything. So I haven't had a consistent period the last few months. The last one I got was probably 2 months ago and before that i didn't get one for almost 3 months. Usually they are pretty on time. Have I reached the point of being too underweight to get a period? Please, don't be an asshole if you leave a comment. Ps, I'm definitely not pregnant. I have lost weight, not gained... also I have no other symptoms.
Yes, your body cannot sustain a pregnancy, so you are no longer getting a period (most likely). I've worked in eating disorders treatment centers for 4 years.
Yes, your body cannot sustain a pregnancy, so you are no longer getting a period (most likely). I've worked in eating disorders treatment centers for 4 years.
Poop. Eating more, not doing meth for awhile. I don't even do it a lot but my body shrinks a lot when I do
No. I had an eating disorder for years, a side effect of which was amenorrhea (loss of menstruation due to malnutrition). It is really hard to PERMANENTLY fuck up your cycle/ability to get pregnant due to malnutrition, even when it is sustained for a number of years. If you put on weight you will very likely become regular again and probably able to carry a child.
Sorry, I meant yes you have probably reached that or are about to. It doesn't necessarily have to do with weight, either, but body fat percentage. Many female athletes get amenorrhea even though their weight is high or technically overweight because their body fat percentages are so low.