Undercover cops


Oct 27, 2002
I was recently told, that in this fair state of Western Australia, that if im talking to a geezer who i think might be an undercover cop all i have to do is say to him "are you a police officer or any any way affiliated to a law-enforcement agency"
then if he is a copper
he is legally obliged to tell me if i ask

is this true

or is it complete fucking bullshit
which i suspect it is :p
I wish people would stop repeating this silly rumour.

It's completely false. They're called "undercover" cops because they don't have to tell you they're cops.

If they pressure you into selling, and it's extremely clear that you would not have done so without substantial pressure, you MAY be able to claim entrapment, but I understand that defense seldom actually works.
i bet your 'friend' got this idea off the movie 'blow'
yes little johnny movies are real, and they tell the truth!!!
Quite sure there are no entrapment laws in Australia. What that means is a cop can beg you to buy 1000 X for 1 dollar or 1 X for 1000 and it's your bad luck if you fall for it.
wow. that's so stupid. is the entrapment law applicable to american's? although i'm australian i'm still curious. fucking undercover :X

{Bolded word in first line edited for non-constructive and inflammatory language, I know it's a figure of speech but please avoid the use of potentially offensive figures of speech, this is a serious forum. --Mariposa}
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wow. that's so stupid.

wow. nice response. 8(

{I edited the same word in your quote as the original poster as most of the mods are doing when objectionable posts are quoted. --Mariposa}
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Dr. J said:
wow. nice response. 8(

Same to you. :\

I think there are entrapment laws in USA so policemen can't coherse you into doing some illegal.
Exx_head said:
Learn to search. This has been asked a bunch of times.

From a previous thread.....


Wise man. :)

Yes, entrapment laws exist in the US but it is a difficult issue to prove. I have seen prostitution cases where it was successfully used, but fewer drug cases.

Undercover cops do not have to tell you they are cops if they are on an undercover assignment, and I presume the law is the same in Aus.

That is all. :\
A lot of the street dealers that I know REALLY believe that if they asks cops if they are a policeman that they have to specifically say that they are. For example I've heard of dealers not selling to people or even in one case pulling a gun on a guy because when the dealer asked them if they were a cop, instead of responding with "no" or "hell no," as you are supposed to in my area they danced around the question.

*Edited for non-constructive and pointless comments. Please read the forum guidelines at the top of the page for clarification before you post in this forum again. Thank you, drive through, and PM me if you have any questions. Oh by the way, nice name.*

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Just to reiterate, the above poster was correct in saying: in Australia there is no such thing as entrapment unfortunately. However, Australia IS trying to be America, so no doubt parliament will turn around and introduce it to the tune of 'star spangeled banner'.


In theory entrapment is illegal and you have the right to refuse any search without a warrant in the USA.

In actuality police will lie like hell to entrap you, stop you without any valid reason, and even search your car without consent or a warrant. The previous has happened to me in New York, Illinois, Texas, and Missouri. Keep your stash close to your body and just say "yes, officer".

If you really have some time to waste and don't have anything on you, try resisting a search. One time I was pulled over illegally and totally clean, but I didn't have time to waste for their BS (I was driving 7 hours from home to spend my birthday weekend with some friends) so I started giving consent before they even asked. They pulled me over without even making up a reason first, so I knew exactly what they were up to.
Western Australia legislation, taken from the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1981

The key quote is

""<<undercover officer>>" means person whose identity or purpose is for the time being concealed for the purpose of detecting the commission of an offence. "

Now, they wouldn't make a very good undercover if they had to tell you they were a cop, right?

The Prostitution Act, 2000 has a similar section, which is even more explicit:

"The identity or purpose of an <<undercover officer>> may, for the time being, be concealed or misrepresented for the purpose of detecting the commission of an offence."

I'm not a lawyer, but I'd very surprised if there was anything anywhere which said cops had to tell you who they were. If anyone can point to something in legislation which says they do, I'll change my mind (but I don't think I'll have to).
In the USA, at least in the great (not) state of South Carolina, an undercover cop can not legally say that he/she isn't an undercover cop.
^ everything else in the thread would suggest this is extremely unusual. do you have a pointer to some background on this?

As I understand it, as long as the undercover cop isn't the arresting officer he can say/do almost anything.
alasdairm said:
^ everything else in the thread would suggest this is extremely unusual. do you have a pointer to some background on this?


All I can tell you is I saw it on Cops. A poilceman basically said "an undercover cop can not say that he is not a cop. " When a UC was trying to bust prostitutes, he was asked by almost every ho if he was a cop, but he avoided the situation smoothly in most cases, or did not directly say that he wasn't a cop, but said something like "are you crazy"
^^^^ It's not my intent to be a smartass, but just because you saw it on Cops doesn't mean it's legal. The cops on Cops tend to play up to the camera quite a bit, and the "criminals" are, how should I put this charitably... not your average Joe or Jane.
