Underage sex

I would be worried about her parents convincing her it wasn't consensual. Good luck!
Since you're both in the same peer group, the only real issue is that of consent.

From what you've told us, you both consented and since it was your first time, the parents will have a hard time pegging you as a sexual predator.

Honestly, I can't see any legal penalty coming of this. Her parents are undoubtedly pissed off, but that's their problem.

Good job, by the way. :)
Without doing case research, I cannot be sure but glancing at the posted statute; it would appear that both sides are guilty of a misdemenor meaning that in theory, you could be charged but so could she. Once her parents realize this, I doubt they will push for charges.

oh btw, there is another long topic on this subject where mahan discusses statutory rape laws in detail. Try searching for statutory rape because mahan may have elaborated on the calif statute