Technical Problem Unable to Multi-Quote in Festivus Forum

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Bluelight Crew
Dec 13, 2008
In the Festivus forum, it will let me quote somebody, but not multi-quote. Took a video screenshot of it (oh, how I love Jing

You can see how I click on the "Multi-Quote" option, then the "Quote," and only the "Quoted" post showed. Tis pretty weird. I haven't tried restarting my browser or anything as that was the first forum I went to today. I'll restart my browser in a bit and if I'm then able to multi-quote, I shall post back. :)
Sounds like a problem under the hood. I am about to go out for dinner, but when I get back in a couple of hours I predict that I can just flip a switch and all will be good.
Sounds like a problem under the hood. I am about to go out for dinner, but when I get back in a couple of hours I predict that I can just flip a switch and all will be good.

Eh, it wasn't as simple as I predicted. We'll try and get this fixed soon, but for now you'll probably have to go with copy/paste in the Festivus Fourm to mimic multiquote. Sorry about this.
I think someone else took care of it, actually, but credit will be given where it's due :)
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