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U.S. - Billboard advocating jury nullification concerns local prosecutors


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
Billboard advocating jury nullification concerns local prosecutors
Marlon Correa
The Washington Post
October 29th, 2013

The illuminated billboard in the Judiciary Square Metro station near the F Street entrance was strategically placed.

Prospective jurors who take the subway to D.C. Superior Court and exit near the National Building Museum see these words: “Good jurors nullify bad laws” and “You have the right to ‘hang’ the jury with your vote if you cannot agree with other jurors.”

Since the billboard went up this month, District prosecutors have been worried that the message could sway their cases. In the past week alone, they have asked judges in three cases to ensure that jurors had neither seen nor been influenced by the billboard.

The billboard is part of a growing national campaign to encourage jurors who disagree with a law, or think a punishment is too harsh, to vote for acquittal. Kirsten Tynan of the Montana-based Fully Informed Jury Association, whose name and Web address is included on the billboard, said the nonprofit group generally challenges crimes it calls “victimless,” such as vandalism by graffiti or gun possession.

James Babb, a Philadelphia-based graphics artist who organized a fundraising campaign to put up the billboard, said he raised $3,000 in about a week through Facebook and other social-media sites. He said he is concerned about laws that he thinks are too restrictive.

Read the full story here.

I would love to have the opportunity to be a juror in a drug case.
I love this and I think more should be put up.. very nice work James Babb.. If they are unwilling to end the failed drug war then we will have to find a way to end it for them. I feel that public opinion about drugs and the utterly failed drug war has really begun to shift and its about time. end the damn drug war and let the good people who are locked up for drugs out.


"Jury nullification occurs in a trial when a jury acquits a defendant they believe to be guilty of the charges against them. This may occur when members of the jury disagree with the law the defendant has been charged with, or believe that the law should not be applied in that particular case." source
This is awesome my brother almost had jury duty the other day.

He was dreading it but I think it would be cool to try and help out people being wrongly convicted for things that are our rights as human beings.
Fuck yes!
We need more open-minded people to be on juries and stop prosecution of victimless "criminals".
LOL at them citing illicit gun possession as a victimless crime and not mentioning illicit drug possession.
^^ Owning guns has nothing to do with gun related crime.

Just saying. If it did, then Switzerland wouldn't have the lowest crime rates while having the most guns in the hands of citizens.
The United States owns more guns per resident, at around 0.89, than any other nation in the world. The U.S. has over 50% more firearms per capita than the next two highest nations, Serbia and Yemen at about 0.55 and three times as many as major European countries such as France and Germany.

LOL at them citing illicit gun possession as a victimless crime and not mentioning illicit drug possession.

We benefit from the US gun community being our allies, I think. They are massive, powerful and extraordinarily motivated.

People don't know that jury nullification is a thing. Once they realize it's something they are legally allowed to do, it'll be much harder to seat juries and therefore much harder to prosecute bad laws.
^^ Owning guns has nothing to do with gun related crime.

Just saying. If it did, then Switzerland wouldn't have the lowest crime rates while having the most guns in the hands of citizens.

I don't remember saying it did, although in a country like the US where it is easy as piss to get a gun anywhere you fucking want having illegal firearms is probably more often than not an indicator that the person doesn't have the best intentions in possessing the gun and/or isn't legally allowed to possess firearms due to convictions or mental illness and has gone to the black market to circumvent this. Neither situation is one that I would want cruising around armed in my community.

I would much rather that people take drugs than run around with illegal concealed instruments of death but that is just my perspective.

Really I just found it comical in terms of the damage that can be done, I can't blow your fucking head off with a quarter sack of weed and a gram of coke (not literally any way :p) but anyone roaming around with a firearm can do so in a split second. It is hilarious how often I have heard Law Enforcement and other drug war proponents hide behind how many crimes are committed by drug addicts as an excuse to why drugs should be illegal as a preventative measure, yet the same logic isn't being applied to guns that can kill a group of people in seconds. I realise that this article did not pass any direct condemnation on to drug use but my interpretation of mentioning gun crime and not drug crime is that the author considers illegal guns less bad than illegal drugs (which are the perfect example of a victimless crime to be quite honest) which is fucking ridiculous.

I will never ever understand how the United States has managed to make ownership of devices that have little practical purpose other than killing or maiming other people more of an issue in regards to personal freedom than what people can put in their own bodies, it truly is crazy.
not sure if i agree with this, maybe when it relates to things like weed possession but i dont see how that would go to trial

if you want to change laws its best to petition your local lawmakers by demonstrating unity of the people

and just a side note, drugs are a victimless crime? if so go into the meth psychosis thread in best of bluelight and count the amount of posts involving guns. i guarantee theres tons of people in prison under similar circumstances

fact is drug addicts steal, burgularize, and do a bunch of shit that isnt victimless
Drug use in and of itself is a victimless crime, unless you want to call an addict a victim of themselves or something. Yes, some people go too far and do stupid things under the influence of drugs, I don't personally think it is fair to blame the drugs or to say that drug use is not generally a victimless crime. I have used methamphetamine hundreds, if not in excess of a thousand times, I have never had meth psychosis, never robbed anybody to pay for it or done anything else unsavoury to get it. I don't see how psychosis is caused solely by meth use either, sleep deprivation is a major factor, obviously meth does allow lots of people to stay up a lot longer than they would normally but psychosis is as much the result of deciding to stay awake as it is using meth.

Regarding crazy people with guns who happen to be on meth, I don't see the relevance. Crazy motherfuckers engage in all sorts of everyday behaviour as a side to their crazy shit, its not really an indictment on every day activities is it. I am positive that lots of serial killers have spent time jogging regularly, maybe regular jogging makes people serial killers? :p

You can't take the actions people do to support a habit and blame it on drugs, did heroin put a gun to their head and say go rob that dude? Of course not! That is just crazy logic to be quite honest, this makes even less sense when you consider the cost of drugs are grossly inflated due to the fact they are illegal and so the incidents of robberies associated with drugs are increased BECAUSE they are illegal.
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and just a side note, drugs are a victimless crime? if so go into the meth psychosis thread in best of bluelight and count the amount of posts involving guns. i guarantee theres tons of people in prison under similar circumstances

fact is drug addicts steal, burgularize, and do a bunch of shit that isnt victimless

After reading the pharmacy robbery thread, I'm almost ready to agree with you.

We can't claim to be harmless and then go and salivate over strong-arm robbery.
fact is drug addicts steal, burgularize, and do a bunch of shit that isnt victimless
Lots and lots of drug addicts dont do any of these things. There are plenty of functioning addicts and I think this is a generalized statement that portrays all addicts out as nonfunctioning. Also as the power of this legal statement is left up the the jurors the can either choose to use it or not as circumstances dictate.
Yes you are right there are 'drug-users' that "steal, burgularize, and do a bunch of shit that isnt victimless." But those are drug users that are 10 to 1 pretty shitty people to begin with.. What I am saying is with or with out drugs they would more then likely still steal, cause trouble, and other crimes.. I would say that a good 80-90% of 'drug-users' are NOT criminals and don't steal, kill, rape or any other crimes involving a victim. Its the drug-users on the street mainly (low-income) that the media focuses on to make ANYONE that uses drugs at all as low-life thieves and bums. IMO all drugs should be legalized and sold like any other drug OTC. No databases, no regulations, if you wanna take a substance the gov't deems illegal (that they bring in the country themselves; CIA) then you should be allowed to take that substance.. And when I say "all drugs" i mean all drugs that have been proven safe, and yes that even means stuff like Heroin, LSD, ganja, etc... The only drugs that should be banned are most of those 'research chemicals' from China, but NOT before doing extensive research on them to determine if the substance in question is safe.
Drug and gun possession are both obviously victimless crimes. Vandalism obviously isn't.
victimless |ˈviktəmləs|
denoting a crime in which there is no injured party.

vandalism by graffiti seems to be a victimless crime to me. Paint or markers can be cleaned off or painted over pretty easily.
^ It in't free though and it isn't always immediate, some people take real pride in the appearance of their property and it is certainly not trivial to them to have some assholes ugly tag scribbled all over their fence or wall. It is hardly the worst crime ever but I would argue there is certainly a victim in a lot of cases. For the record I am not one of those people, just saying they exist.
True for some reason I initially missed that part of your relevant quote, if you want to talk in respect to injuries then yeah vandalism is a victimless crime. By the same extension of logic though, embezzlment, theft, and all sorts of stealing shit are victimless crimes, making threats would also be a victimless crime since nobody actually got hurt you just threatened to hurt them. You could argue armed robbery is a victimless crime by that definition if you don't count mental trauma as an injury, seems like a really strange definition to me...