Type O-Negative fans - They're so heavy.


Bluelight Crew
Aug 30, 2010

Love/d the music. Always.

Post you're appreciation of their eclectic, dionysian, splendor; at your Will - Praise Bacchus in celebrating being hated!:|%):D

I don't usually pick favorites but Type O is definitely one of my favorite bands of all times. R.I.P. Peter.

I don't usually pick favorites but Type O is definitely one of my favorite bands of all times. R.I.P. Peter.

Yes. Indeed. :)

I like their unabashed, lack of pretentiousness - how could you not love that?
Pure Art! Farce mostly but between the ideological cracks there was great music and a bunch of men with skills and a vision; that got stifled by competition. In another time; they may have been considered a post-modern rock/metal phenomenon ( if corporate things got them) I think, the fact that Peter was lost between the world of being a musician and a brand - messed them up. I rekon that they were trying to make a career but sold out to the business model (ie sex and pop-ability) instead of just trying and possibly failing. It's an awful game; when your money and art are bleeding to sustain you.
I think Peter seemed like he couldn't establish boundaries between the two - corporatism and love of music - a lot of good artists cant and rightly so; neoliberalism has ruined and destroyed skill and art; musical and otherwise by commodifying genuine art/craftsmanship - not giving it any meaning above a cheap buck - basically the system pimps-out artists for popularity, currency. Wall-street fucking rules and monetary-based; social darwinism... absolute bulshit. %):p

Listen to this magik composition.

In fairness, some of their lyrics were atrocious lol ...however, their technical ability was brilliant and I think the juxtaposition was honest and lovely - made for very unpretentious, honest mix of masculine-ishness; which made them all the more endearing as a complete outfit. Maybe this was done on purpose - probably, then again maybe not but considering they had evolved - that would have been fabulous - seeing their technical skills with better lyrics and with satire thrown in for good measure - would have been fantastic. Much the pity. Anyhoo.

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Black No.1 = favorite tune.

Always funny how they referenced Lilly Munster but they used a version of The Addams Family, intro - as the intro to Black no 1. Wonder if they were appealing to any, particular demographic to sell their music to? ;)

It's a great tune! Great sound and cheesy as hell - yep!

Speaking of which...

Summer Breeze.

actually a tribute band did this, which is pretty awful and fabulous! :D

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Type O Negative sold out? Their lyrics were atrocious? I certainly don't agree with you at all. Peter wrote from the heart and wasn't afraid to get pretty damn personal in some of his songs. They had a few poppy songs but they hardly sold out. Just listen to their last two albums before Peter died and tell me they sold out. Tbph you don't sound like a true fan. Just because you like a few of their songs doesn't mean you're a true fan.
Type O Negative sold out? Their lyrics were atrocious? I certainly don't agree with you at all. Peter wrote from the heart and wasn't afraid to get pretty damn personal in some of his songs. They had a few poppy songs but they hardly sold out. Just listen to their last two albums before Peter died and tell me they sold out. Tbph you don't sound like a true fan. Just because you like a few of their songs doesn't mean you're a true fan.

Well, Im seriously surprised, Nutty lol
For reference sake; never said they 'sold out' - in the way you interpreted it( ie losers - Im not from the US so forgive me if Im not as judgemental as you) but they ( in terms of compromising their vision) sold-out, artistically because they had no other way to make money and Pete had his addiction etc - they were playing to an audience of many young, goth, girls - am sure they wold have aspired to be taken more seriously musically, as they should have but they . as many bands, have to earn a living as well as make music - its a tough one - where did you get that from? How do I know you're a true fan? I have their band logo branded on my arse and my canines are filed into fangs - so don't you go questioning my devotion you little, scut! :p

I like them, Tis all
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Well, Im seriously surprised, Nutty lol
For reference sake; never said they 'sold out' - in the way you interpreted it( ie losers - Im not from the US so forgive me if Im not as judgemental as you) but they ( in terms of compromising their vision) sold-out, artistically because they had no other way to make money and Pete had his addiction etc - they were playing to an audience of many young, goth, girls - am sure they wold have aspired to be taken more seriously musically, as they should have but they . as many bands, have to earn a living as well as make music - its a tough one - where did you get that from? How do I know you're a true fan? I have their band logo branded on my arse and my canines are filed into fangs - so don't you go questioning my devotion you little, scut! :p

I like them, Tis all

I really don't get you... They only really had the goth thing going on for SOME PARTS of two albums. The rest of their catalogue is hardly what I would call goth, they're a doom band. Hell some of their songs border on thrash ffs. And as far as compromising their vision and their fans just being goth girls I'm not seeing it. I don't don't know how you can say all of these bad things about them but then claim you're a huge fan. Why would you be a fan of a band who you thought all of these things about? It makes no sense.

Would you call this goth?...

Or this...

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I like a few of their songs.. If you like them you should check out this band called Swans, their stuff from the 80s puts music like this to shame. Not many ppl have heard of them and they are severely under rated, imo.. I think the name of the album I have is called children of God... But super dark music with some awesome vocals from the female singer, and the males voice is sooo deep. But check em out if u havent
Type O Negative sold out? Their lyrics were atrocious? I certainly don't agree with you at all. Peter wrote from the heart and wasn't afraid to get pretty damn personal in some of his songs. They had a few poppy songs but they hardly sold out. Just listen to their last two albums before Peter died and tell me they sold out. Tbph you don't sound like a true fan. Just because you like a few of their songs doesn't mean you're a true fan.

Nutty, Id like to address some of the issues you brought up but because they are fucking shallow and pointless - I shall refrain from answering them. If you have a genuine question ; without trolling me and without being disrespectful I will answer them gladly :)

Lol... Trolling you? You really are something. And accuse me of being disrespectful? Look at your own posts. All I said was I don't see how you can talk a bunch of shit about them and then proclaim yourself as a huge fan. It makes no sense. If that offends you I really don't care.

And I highly doubt you actually have filed down teeth and a tattoo on your ass. 8)
How about Peter Steele on Jerry Springer. Don't remember the year, but it was probably 23 years ago. I watched the whole episode when it aired. It may have been in combination with Marilyn Manson or Peter may have been on a few times. Easy to find on YouTube.
Lol... Trolling you? You really are something. And accuse me of being disrespectful? Look at your own posts. All I said was I don't see how you can talk a bunch of shit about them and then proclaim yourself as a huge fan. It makes no sense. If that offends you I really don't care.

Critiquing and being critical, are two different things - I respect the integrity of their music but of course it's a difficult game in the music INDUSTRY and I am just critiquing and giving an opinion ( it's not that important) and I obviously like them, respect their integrity as musicians and as creative folk and hold them in high esteem ( yet I never make a habit of deifying bands because that is ridiculous - the essence of what they create may be magic and be absolutely, beautiful but getting caught up in following them like a sports-team destroys the integrity of that).

Sorry if you don't understand the paradox that goes with appreciating stuff but nothing is black or white and just because you 'critique' some band doesn't mean you don't appreciate them - quite the opposite, actually! :)

More music and less whining, eh, ya tinker! ;)

* Btw Nutty, clear out your pm storage - I was trying to send you a message but apparently, you'r etoo fkn popular! ;)

And I highly doubt you actually have filed down teeth and a tattoo on your ass. 8)
You'd be right - I was being facetious in response to your 'your not a TRUE Type-O fan' silliness. lol
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I like a few of their songs.. If you like them you should check out this band called Swans, their stuff from the 80s puts music like this to shame. Not many ppl have heard of them and they are severely under rated, imo.. I think the name of the album I have is called children of God... But super dark music with some awesome vocals from the female singer, and the males voice is sooo deep. But check em out if u havent

I have heard a few tunes of theirs and yep, I totally agree - they're pretty special. ;)
Must educate ma ears on more of their music.
You should start a thread, mate!