Trying to overcome withdrawals


Jul 2, 2020
Hey, not sure if this is the right place so please feel free to switch it to wherever it belongs.

I kinda had a tough year dabbling back and forth, I could blame being at home, nothing to do, covid, w.e. But it’s most likely me.

Recently I had a stint from where I went almost most of March to July without any oxycodone. Then I made the mistake of thinking you can just take a couple days worth, which turned into about a month.

It’s been 5 days since my last dose. I was mixing between hydrocodone and oxycodone. I have kratom, some Xanax, anti-diarrhea stuff lol. I hate the goose bumps, I hate the chills and I hate that I feel back into it.

It’s not too late yet to get back on the horse. It was only in about a month too anywhere from 30-6mg swallowed or snorted.

i’ll take any advice to help get through these next couple of days! 🤞thank you!
The kratom should take care of a lot of it. You were taking 30-60mg/day of the oxycodone?
By day 5 do you feel mostly better or are you still feeling like you're withdrawing?
You should be almost through. Have you been using the Imodium in this detox?

Edit; your using kratom to treat your withdrawal so this will prolong your acute withdrawal period.
Your doing great!!

but I would chuck the kratom and Imodium. They reduce withdrawal symptoms , but the fastest way out is by leaving the opiate receptors alone. The system resets after all the opiates are half lifed out of our system and then it takes around three days for it to reset. Often we prolong the suffering by trying to medicate through it.

Dont beat yourself up over this slip.. it’s one we all pretty much have made. You are doing amazing work. If you end up using in this struggle don’t get down on yourself.. look at your recovery plan and make positive adjustments so you don’t end up looping around the same circle again.
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The kratom should take care of a lot of it. You were taking 30-60mg/day of the oxycodone?
Yeah I was ranting from some days only taking 30mgs and then other days where I would take 60Mg but spread out throughout the whole day each time
By day 5 do you feel mostly better or are you still feeling like you're withdrawing?
I definitely still feel like I’m withdrawing. Goosebumps, sweats/chills, aches, crying out of nowhere, no motivation to do anything. The thing that saves me the most is a hot bath or laying down in the shower.
Whoops, yeah I should have clarified, the anti-d stuff is loperamide. But I haven’t used any of that yet. So far since Monday, I have been taking some smallish doses of kratom (3 grams) either 1 or 2 a day to try and help ease symptoms. I thought they helped ppl get through withdrawal and not just prolong it. Crap, now idk what to do. Felt like kratom and the hot bath were my only relief. I also can get some buds, cbd, Xanax, etc. I just need to start feeling better ASAP and any advice would help My last oxy dose was sun/mon August 2. Im hoping im almost there but it’s not my first w/d so I know it gets longer/worse each time. So any advice on what to do from here? Should I taper with the kratom and take a little less each day for the next 3 days? Some some buds? Should I take a little xan at night to help sleep? Thanks for all the help and responses, it definitely helps not feeling alone.
Do you think a kratom taper would work best with acute withdrawal?
I thought that it was suppose to help with the physical side effects and not prolong withdrawals unless you get addicted to kratom which then you would have to w/d from maybe? Idk I’m all still too new to know
Honestly I'm not sure either. I was trying to get a response from that dude I tagged in the post. I also had 1 month clean, fucked up and am now taking kratom to kick. I'm not even 48 hours in but I feel fine. I'm just wondering if I'm taking wayyy too much kratom and will fuck myself with those wds
I’ve done it before and it works but I would say that I had to keep up with the kratom for a while after but I was down to like 1 reg kratom kap .5g a day and most people said it’s just mental at that point. Hopefully the guy you tagged responds so we can get more help!

anyone know how long it’s safe to take some Xanax at night before developing a dependency too?
My last oxy dose was sun/mon August 2.
Yeah I would've definitely thought your oxy withdrawals would've at very least been more manageable by now. Sounds like the kratom is indeed prolonging the withdrawal process. Kratom has opioid properties so it makes sense that in a sense trading one opioid for another will prolong the withdrawals.
anyone know how long it’s safe to take some Xanax at night before developing a dependency too?
Benzo withdrawals are DEFINITELY a whole other nightmare that you want to avoid at all costs, so please do not take xanax for more than 3-4 nights in a row, without upping the dose, to avoid getting addicted.
Yeah I would've definitely thought your oxy withdrawals would've at very least been more manageable by now. Sounds like the kratom is indeed prolonging the withdrawal process. Kratom has opioid properties so it makes sense that in a sense trading one opioid for another will prolong the withdrawals.

Benzo withdrawals are DEFINITELY a whole other nightmare that you want to avoid at all costs, so please do not take xanax for more than 3-4 nights in a row, without upping the dose, to avoid getting addicted.
woo i can second that. if you hate ope wd, you might not walk out of benzo wd. I am now tapering out of 20mg daily oxycodone from a major injury and ill tell ya - it's frankly laughable compared to the 14 month waking nightmare i just endured that was diazepam cessation. avoid bzd withdrawals at all costs.
So I finally got a little clarity into why I my symptoms were so bad for so long even with the comfort meds that I took here or there, my fiancé caught covid and brought it home and we all got hit hard. So it turns out that I was withdrawing from the opioids and having covid at the the same time. Absolutely the worst. Feeling much much better. Taking mini bits of kratom here or there and taking small pieces of Xanax on nights that get dreadful but I think I’m over the worst of it, I hope. Then just have to beat off the depression and emotions and cravings when they start to get bad. Living cleaner really is so much better once you get back used to it. You really start to feel like you again but it really does take a lot of time and determination. Hoping I can stay good this time!