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Kratom Trying to order kratom

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Aug 11, 2019
I am located in Australia and tried to order 5 bottles of kratom tablets from an overseas vendor and I was given a tracking number and it arrived the other day HOWEVER instead of 5 bottles there were only 3 and it had been opened by US customs and the bag inside the outside envelope was slit open. So I don't know if the vendor only sent 3 or US customs took 2 out. I do wonder why they would take 2 out unless there is some rule with the amount or kratom you can import?

I emailed the vendor and still haven't heard back but they were slow to get back to me before this so I am still hopeful they might explain further. So I am not having much luck with buying kratom and getting it delivered in Australia reliably. I used some superannuation money to buy this and cannot get any more for another 12 months so this is it :(
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