true or false: clothes make the man


Jan 11, 2000
In a time when "rave gear" is becoming the national trend, do you judge people on how they dress? Can you tell what kind of a person they are or what they are into by their clothes? and do you have a favorite outfit or article of clothing you like to wear when you go partying? Things to ponder...
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
My friend and I were just talking today about our "shoe fetish". We have this obsession with guys shoes. The guy could be way hot or soooo cool, but if he's got bad shoes they're such a turn off. Silly eh?!?! I used to have a wife-beater fetish too(those white tank tops) but ever since I got into E and stuff I don't mind them if they're worn by ravers! I dunno?? But in response, yes, clothes do make a man!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
I know exactly what you mean - hello loafers!! (kidding, kidding)
but wife beaters....oooo...
Here's what I think (since I wasn't asked)
Clothes don't make a man (or a woman for that matter), but they make him look good.
I don't like or dislike someone because of how they dress, but I definitely think that clothes say a lot about a person and what they're into.
In terms of what I wear when I party - usually a tank of some sort and pants I can dance in!
You are so right. Clothes don't make the man, they just help me decide if I'm into him or not. My BF dresses in many different types of clothes - grungy, dressy, etc. as do I. I'll go out one day in a tank top and skirt and then another in Mod Robes(do you have those down there??) and a tshirt. It depends where I am and what I'm doin. I guess it's the same for guys

HAHAHAHA!! Loafers!!!!
Picture this rollergirl: you're at a rave, you see this way hot guy in a wife beater and some phat pants. He's dancin like crazy makin you want him way bad. Can't keep your eyes off him........then you look down and he's wearin loafers!!! Haha!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
[This message has been edited by luv2luv (edited 15 January 2000).]
All I know, is that if a guy's wearing a hoodie and kickwear's it's GAME OVER for me.
I have a weakness for cords too!!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
luv2luv, I completely got that mental picture!! Except I rementalized it (I think I just made up a word) and I pictured the HOTTEST raver in big fuzzy barbie slippers or something.. hehe.. or loafers with those little fringes at the end!! (you just know some poor guy is reading this as we describe his wardrobe. in advance: sorry!!! YOU LOOK GREAT IN THEM.. uh huh sure) And um, what's a mob robe?
Barbie shoes!! Haha!! Shit!! Okay, I can stop laughing................
phew!! Done now. Mod Robes are a brand of pants we have here. They used to just sell them in skater stores, but I saw them the other day in a sports store(damn them!!) They're just polyester/cotton pants. You can get them in a bunch of different colors. They have a buckle type drawstring(like school bags have). I've seen fuzzy ones, ones with different pocket, I even have a yellow skirt - damn I just looked at the tag on the ones I'm wearing and guess what I found - a website - go to, I haven't been there yet, I'm going now, hopefully they'll explain them or show them.
So, what's up with those loafers anyways?!?!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
im a dude, and if u cant dance in it, then whats the point?? styles comes second to comfort, for me. but its not like im wearing furry pjs or something. did you mean game over in a good way or bad? kikwears a tad overdone, but i got plenty pairs myself.
i never go a day without a wife beater.
..checking out the site now. Sounds good.
I agree with chick boy (I'm writing and I forgot his screenname - sorry!) Comfort is important - but hey - the 2 can come together!! ESPECIALLY if you're a guy!! (isn't that annoying?)
and um.. when has game over EVER been a good thing?
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
So thats why I aint got a girlfriend - its the clothes!!!
A friend told me once that she judges a guy by the 3 following things -
* the tie
* the watch
* the shoes.
Anyone else follow that principle.
I know personally I am not into a girl who wears heels. I like a sporty kind of look on girls (coz I love girls that work up a sweat - mmmmmmmmmm
Damn I just went to the site - they don't show pics(yet) Keep checking it out. They're so cool.
Chicken Theif - if you have a nice ass then who cares?!?! Just kiddin.
Comfort is number 1, but if you look way retarded then it might not make someone else feel comfortable.
MMmmmmmmmmmmmm..... warm and fuzzy and soft hoodie!!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
luv -- you saw no pics and i saw unknown host... okey dokey pokey. see.. I was rethinking this and I decided when guys look REALLY comfortable you just wanna cuddle up in them (like fuzzy, warm, soft hoodies)
So... I guess it's ok, boys. (now that you all have my aprooval)
just be careful for that fashion police!
Rollergirl and I are the fashion police!! Please do not be a victim. Feel free to wear all the fuzzy clothes you want and please for the love of god!! Leave the loafers at home!!

If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
YES! I am all about being a part of the fashion police!!!
We can make up little slips and everything. I can see it now:
"You! Yes you - over there in the plaid pants with matching luggage! STOP RIGHT NOW! Here's your citation."
Ooo I'd love it
Yay!! We now can call ourselves a team!! We have our own fashion police team!!
**********CODE YELLOW*****************
That youngen over there has shown a brutal display of public iggnorance wearing those LOAFERS with those phat pants!!! Grab him!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
I have a friend who will judge a guy entirely based on his shoes. hee hee. Poor boys. Anyway, Rave gear is much more popular and more comfy than anything else! But most people i know, including myslef in this, do not judge a person at a party or rave by what they wear. It's all about love
It's not about judging - it's about turn-ons and turn-offs. I would never judge someone who wore something I didn't like, they just may not turn me on, that's all.
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
Well, i think it is about judging - to a certain extent. I really feel like clothes are an expression of the person wearing them. That's why you don't see old butlers namesd Alfred sporting rainbow wigs. It just doesn't work. I think that clothes say a lot about a person. The hard part is wher eyou draw the line from interpreting their outerwear to interpreting their inner wear. (did that make any sense?)
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***