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trouble peeing on opiates??


Feb 17, 2017
I've been doing heroin(mostly smoking it) on and off since the beginning of 2016 and no matter how often I do it I have trouble peeing. I know this is a common issue so I assume there are techniques to help with this. I have a few of my own. Anyone have any?

Also I find it hard to swallow food when in really high but that only happens sometimes.
Both are common side effects of opiates, I'm on methadone now and finding it extremely hard to swallow food :( also peeing a little harder but not much to notice. Anyway I don't think there's any techniques to help it making it easier. I guess eating liquid foods would help swallowing but as for peeing I don't think there's anything.
Nothing like standing at a public urinal, with people around you, trying to get the stream started, after eating a handful of pills.

There have been times ive stood there for 5 minutes. I know people must be thinking "what the fuck is that guy doing just standing there"

So awkward. Lol.
It might seem awkward at first(if youre a guy) but sitting down to piss relaxes the muscles and makes passing urine MUCH easier.
I was a HEAVY opiate user for years(my entire 20s) and that tip saved my life and my bladder...
Make yourself drink more water and that might help with urination. I've never had trouble swallowing from opiates but with me, having dry mouth would make eating a chore taking forever to get one bite down.
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss I also get kidney ppain the morning after. I guess blood vessel constriction narrowing the urethra idk that sounds gross but that'd be my guess.
As suggested, sitting down can help.

Some people find little tricks that help them start to pee. Things like turning on the faucet so that the sound of running water can help (this never works for me but some people say it helps)

Personally, I very lightly run my fingers along my lower back. The slight sensation can almost make me shudder which for some reason helps me pee. Might just be because it relaxes me.
As suggested, sitting down can help.

Some people find little tricks that help them start to pee. Things like turning on the faucet so that the sound of running water can help (this never works for me but some people say it helps)

Personally, I very lightly run my fingers along my lower back. The slight sensation can almost make me shudder which for some reason helps me pee. Might just be because it relaxes me.

im a girl lol I already sit down
lol I can't even imagine what that must be like 8( For me people probably think i'm sitting on the toilet too poop shy to go while anyone else is in the bathroom
Happens to me a lot, it's so embarressing, I call it 'pissipation' instead of constipation haha :)
Ok so i don't know why I didn't just tell you guys when I posted this so i'm doing it now. I'm going to share the techniques I use lol..

So one trick I use sometimes is the water trick. This one was suggested to me by an old pal when I first started to get into h. Basically you trick your body into thinking you're already peeing. You get a cup and fill it with water. I've tried different temps from warm to cold to lukewarm but I find in between cold and room temp works well but i'm sure it just depends from person to person. Also, make sure the cup isn't small. while you are sitting or standing, whatever, slowly pour the water over *cough cough* yourself. You would be surprised at how often this works lol. sometimes you gatta use two cups but thats when you are really high lol.

Then this one I made up myself.. and it probably sounds pretty weird, even more weird then pouring water over your dick to trick yourself into actually peeing.
basically I just distract myself. I look around the bathroom and start naming things I see and what color it is. So I look around and i'm like "Blue towel.. yellow shampoo bottle... white soap... brown shower curtain.." and so on until I pee. I use this like every time lol and it works well for me.

Another thing, do not close your eyes! if you start to nod off it just makes it harder to pee!
I have this same problem mainly at night I'm on MMT 140 Mg's and after I take my remoron and doxepon atnignt I can't pee
I get so mad and push so hard that my bladder starts to hurt. It def sucks