Trippy Effects During Opioid Withdrawal?


Oct 7, 2017
Has anybody else who's experienced a real opiate/oid detox ever noticed some strange, almost psychedelic effects that show up for brief moments during withdrawal?

I notice my pupils are way more dilated than usual when I'm sick, and my vision at times takes on that "shiny" effect you get on the onset of a LSD trip, for example.

Maybe I'm smoking too much herb, but the other night I could've swore I was getting mild "tracer" effects—open eye visuals—not only from my own movements, but strangely from people on TV too, just like when I'm actually tripping.

Other than the usual detox ailments, I feel fine otherwise. I don't take any SSRIs or anything that messes with serotonin. These are just things I've observed from time to time during my numerous detox attempts.
It's probably related to cannabis use.

I think I know what you are talking about and experienced similar things when WDing from opiates and benzos that was brought on by cannabis use. Almost like coming up on a heavy psychedelic but with a lot more anxiety and paranoia with no or little euphoria.
Yes, precisely! It's not very fun, but it is an interesting side effect. Wonder if pupil dilation itself is responsible for some of it, at least for the visual aspect.

Don't eyeballs kind of function on a similar principle as camera apertures, insofar as they regulate how much light gets in? I don't know much about eyeballs haha, but I think that's right.
Yeah that is a trip( no pun intended ha) a small percentage of cannabis is considered a psychedelic :O
I think I know what you are talking about and experienced similar things when WDing from opiates and benzos that was brought on by cannabis use. Almost like coming up on a heavy psychedelic but with a lot more anxiety and paranoia with no or little euphoria.

To be fair, benzo w/d does involve hallucinations when it gets back. But I think I know what you mean too. I can recall moments during opiate withdrawal when I would be struck with the beauty of things and everything appeared so vibrant. It wouldn't last long but would usually make me cry spontaneously. I can't say I've ever had tracers or outright visuals before though.
I had the "tracers" when I was detoxing. I understand its fairly common.

I've experienced this , slight tracers. Colors would stand out more as well. Things were definitely more vibrant . I figured my brain was just frying and sizzling due to WD / trauma I was experiencing . I wonder what the scientific explanation is.
Anyway , surly the weed plays a part as well.
Getting clean has been like seeing the world for the first time of my life. Actually noticing the detail and beauty in things. Having a willingness and desire to explore the world around me, as opposed to having escaped it in euphoria for so long. And yes, that is trippy as absolute fuck. I feel like opiate euphoria over-rides the ability to actually pay attention to your surroundings, which makes sense with pinpoint pupils and all...and getting clean in the autumn with the leaves changing colour has been wonderful. Even noticing houses in neighbourhoods that stand out and being like oh! I'd like to live there, that's pretty rad of a house.
I'm enhancing it with healthy daily doses of 2c-c as well. So yes, I am on the craziest trip of my whole entire life and just have 8 days after I relapsed after having 3 weeks. I am in a sacred space, it is the sensitivity of opiate withdrawal combined with the catalyst of 2C-C but really there is no explaining what is happening in my life. I can't even begin to describe how ridiculous and awesome and just plan nonrealistic things have been. It just could never ever be explained by modern day science or logic at all. Synchronicity everywhere, patterns, unity and interconnectedness. It's just blowing my mind so good and pure and clean that I keep taking more and more, but I believe this will be self regulating. I am so functional on 2C-C, that I met my new boss today with saucer eyes after sleeping one hour last night. The job I got is essentially a psychedelic playground in my own home. It is ridiculous! It's not even a job, it's pure creativity and fun! It was the 2C-C I SWEAR, this never would have happened otherwise. The psychedelic state attracted this into my life and somehow made it happen. That's the type of crazy shit I'm talking about.
I saw my brother today and oh man it was amazing. We are blood brothers, 10 years apart but best friends and he is the only one who truly understands me. We see into each others souls... I am the elder but he helps me as much as I help him. He is so mature for his age, and I shredded a cover track I learned by ear the night before and then performed for him in the morning after practicing for hours. We analyzed the key together, the chord progression, and the fast paced riff I nailed and he was trying to get it but it's really tricky. Of course he understood the key (G#min) and the progression apart from one thing. Two A#'s and an F# I believe. It was a slight tweak of a powerchord I believe. Not really sure, but it is what makes the progression awesome because it's just so random. We had an amazing intellectual discourse afterwards as well. Then he played me some lovely fingerpicking style guitar that blew me away and I asked him if he knew I was tripping face. He just calmly said that no, it was completely unnoticeable. I am just like WTF look at my eyes bro!!! And I burst into hysterics of cackling, maniacal giggle fits of fun. Oh man, gotta be a good influence on the guy but he doesn't use drugs at this time of his life or in his past. He believes that they are not for him, including psychedelics. I think he trips out off me... I get the message across, that's for sure. We see into each others souls man and that isn't always the case with siblings. I have another sibling I don't even talk to or even know... it's pretty shit.
Anyways, I'm seeing colours in the screen and the screen has 3d depth again. Like I can reach in, yet I am completely in control. This is fucking AMAZING for being only 8 days clean after a devastating, soul crushing relapse!
I've had saucer eyes for dayssssss man and I'm attracting beautiful insanity into my life! Things are changing in wonderful and mysterious ways.