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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Trazodone (100mg) - Experienced - taken on an airplane


Staff member
Aug 16, 2019
100 mg trazodone, oral ROA

+ 300 mL strong black tea

Taken ~25 mins before boarding a flight from the Midwest to the PNW. It ended up being roughly 4 hrs in the air. This occurred yesterday.
Background experience with this substance is quite extensive. Initially introduced to me by a friend sharing their Rx, I found it to be a tremendous sedative and/or sleep aid. After a visit to the psych floor of the hospital during a suicidal nervous breakdown, I was prescribed 20 mg fluexotine and later 10 mg escitalopram instead. Due to sleep troubles (and just general ‘speediness’ with the drug) I was switched to the latter and also prescribed trazodone. I quickly dropped the SSRI but have continued intermittently using trazodone. First, at doses of 50 mg. And later, titrated down to 25 mg. This dose provides me with effective insomnia relief, but avoids side effects such as dry mouth, and feelings of thirst. There is still a minimal amount of hungover grogginess that occurs until 10 hrs post dosing.

Anyways, I initially tried to zonk out as soon as the flight took off. What followed was short spurts of (seemingly) REM sleep mixed with equinumerous lengths of wakefulness . It was different than falling back asleep on a lazy morning and experiencing increased lucidity within dreams. Rather, the dreams took on the form of the external environment. Hallucinations of people not present on the plane did occur. They spoke to me at times. But, right now, trying to recall a distinct memory of one, it is impossible.

The normal dreamscape with trazodone at 25 mg is vivid and weird yet stupidly fun. Things often take on a sexual tone, seemingly out of the blue. I often remember stark images of faces. Usually, people I know. Admittedly, I do not keep the best dream journal to document everything.. But of these things I’m sure.

I certainly found this plane ride to be a curious experience. Not a trip though.

When I woke I was surprisingly not sleepy. I was able to work through a couple pages of a math textbook that I’m currently studying. And that, I do recall. I was not super thirsty but I drank one cup of hot black tea which almost certainly affected my perception from them on + one can of orange juice later. Conversation was stimulating and engaging after the tea.

Altogether, I think avid lucid dreamers would appreciate this drug, even if only to test rougher waters. Probably not something a drug naive person would appreciate. But do what you must, just be safe.

<3 tgh

Tagged by Xorkoth
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First time posting one of these. Figured since it was a pharmaceutical I could be completely sure in what I consumed, and thus might be useful to folks
Always useful @thegreenhand !

Personally, trazadone has never interacted well with me. I freak out on it completely for some unknown reason. I have also taken in in blind tests too just in case I was having a psychosomatic issue but that wasn’t it! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Glad it works well for you. I tend to just pop 10/16mg diazepam on a plane and I’m happy out. Lol
Always useful @thegreenhand !

Personally, trazadone has never interacted well with me. I freak out on it completely for some unknown reason. I have also taken in in blind tests too just in case I was having a psychosomatic issue but that wasn’t it! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Glad it works well for you. I tend to just pop 10/16mg diazepam on a plane and I’m happy out. Lol
Never taken a sleep aid on a flight before this myself. Never taken benzodiazepines actually lol.

I find even 12-15 mg can be an effective dose. Less is most certainly more with this drug.

bombarding my brain with classical psychedelics from a young age makes me feel that an analogous antagonist such as this could be beneficial. Revert things a little perhaps..
Trazodone brought me the maybe weirdest dreams I ever had from substances. Made me not realize when I fell asleep but the scenery I was in (bed, table etc) remained in my brain's visual memory but underwent trippy changes like once a dead woman staring at me (didn't get anxiety tho), sinking into or turning around and flying out of the window w/ the mattress... This was @ 100mg. It didn't relevantly reduce the sleep onset but the dreams continued on and off during the complete maybe 2 weeks I took this medicine.

Weird that you guys feel such low dosages. But I have developed extreme tolerances to quite some drugs over time, somehow when you over-use one agent sometimes other will be less effective too and it's not just cross tolerance but maybe increased metabolism.. 15mg mirtazapine recently stopped working after just 1-2 nights and then even 90mg did absolutely nothing. Trazodone's an antihistamine like mirta but also works on adrenergic receptors kinda like low dose quetiapine.

Interesting that it's a BZP derivate and higher dosages will get metabolized to significant amounts of that and might be responsible for part of the effects, positive and negative.
I'm prescribed 150mg daily at bedtime but haven't taken it for months (nor any of my other prescriptions). I've been too busy tripping and rolling and the meds were interfering.

I think the piperazine it's metabolized into is mCPP not BZP.
mCPP was once sold in party pills like BZP. There's no telling what kind of effect it has but it's a primary metabolite of trazodone and I believe nefazodone, too. It is highly implicated in the pharmacology of both drugs.
Wow, mCPP is a primary metabolite of trazodone? Weird, I didn't notice anything like that at all. I HATED mCPP, god what an awful drug, I was massively overstimulated, anxious, and my body felt bad. Literally no redeeming qualities. Absolute trash. Trazodone is sedating, not stimulating, so that seems odd. I think trazodone is an alright sleep aid, I didn't find anything negative about it really.
works on adrenergic receptors

So it's stimulating then, I thought it was a sedating one, well if it works on the histamine receptors and adrenergic, it obviously can make some people hyper and some sedated then?

I tried it years ago and had side effects but was taking other drugs at the time so I don't know if that's why it made me hyper etc and I don't remember it helping my sleep
Wow, mCPP is a primary metabolite of trazodone? Weird, I didn't notice anything like that at all. I HATED mCPP, god what an awful drug, I was massively overstimulated, anxious, and my body felt bad. Literally no redeeming qualities. Absolute trash. Trazodone is sedating, not stimulating, so that seems odd. I think trazodone is an alright sleep aid, I didn't find anything negative about it really.
Have you ever taken trazodone and not gone straight to sleep? If you wait through the sleep inducing phase at the beginning then it actually becomes stimulating and is then impossible to sleep that night.
Have you ever taken trazodone and not gone straight to sleep? If you wait through the sleep inducing phase at the beginning then it actually becomes stimulating and is then impossible to sleep that

How long does the sleep inducing phase last?
Trazodone was developed as a newer generation antidepressant (before SSRI's existed). I don't think it's common to prescribe it anymore for anything other than as a sleep aid. I sometimes take a smaller dose (like 50mg) for anxiety in the day or evening.

I find the antagonism of adreno receptors provides decent anxiety relief if nothing else is around.
With doses over 150 mg you start to see the 5HT reuptake action which would be stimulating. Doses like this are used for antidepressant effects

low doses generally are not stimulating, but as @simstim noted there is an optimal window after dosing to try to fall asleep. I wouldn’t say it’s ‘stimulating’ but I do find it disorienting and can get a sense of overheating or hot flashes
Trazodone is sedating, not stimulating,
This is very dose dependent as trazodone is often considered an SARI, i.e. it is a serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor. In particular the reuptake inhibition (generally stimualting) is not seen at lower antagonist doses which are generally sedating
In my experience it's best to take it right when you go to bed. If you stay up doing other stuff for 30-60 minutes you might miss the sleep induction phase and be up all night

I was thinking of trying trazodone again as didn't give it much of a chance last time as soon as I got side effects I quit, I've been on so many different antidepressants I'm not allowed be on them anymore, but now I've told my doctors to stop my zopiclone they might let me try trazodone for sleep and anxiety, obviously they don't know I self medicate with benzos but can't stay on them long term as my tolerence just goes up and up
So it's stimulating then, I thought it was a sedating one, well if it works on the histamine receptors and adrenergic, it obviously can make some people hyper and some sedated then?
Not all adrenergic receptors are stimulating, look up clonidine for example, it's an agonist which potently reduces NE output and the opposite alkaloid yohimbine as an antagonist at the same receptor was the single most jittery experience I had so far. Unfortunately quite a few older binding assays either weren't able to discriminate or didn't bother to do so, and don't tell whether something is an agonist, (silent) antagonist or inverse agonist. Trazodone binds to a bunch of adrenergic receptors - if it was an agonist at most of them, people'd get hyper instead of sleeping so it's fairly safe to assume antagonism. The stimulation comes from mCPP but I didn't notice anything either, but had only 150mg's.

Somehow I suspect binding affinity to fluctuate between individuals - this is a phenomenon with these assays that sometimes different papers list very different numbers for the same species. Would explain why people's experiences with drugs vary so greatly.
Not all adrenergic receptors are stimulating

Really, that's interesting

look up clonidine for example, it's an agonist which potently reduces NE output

I've heard of that being used as a comfort med in opioid withdrawl, and I just quickly googled to see if it can be used for anxiety, what is NE output?

But I'll look it up properly as I need anxiety medication instead of self medicating

Somehow I suspect binding affinity to fluctuate between individuals - this is a phenomenon with these assays that sometimes different papers list very different numbers for the same species. Would explain why people's experiences with drugs vary so greatly

Yeah I have weird reactions and side effects on drugs that others don't have side effects on at all

if it was an agonist at most of them, people'd get hyper instead of sleeping so it's fairly safe to assume antagonism. The stimulation comes from mCPP but I didn't notice anything either, but had only 150mg's

I thought an agonist binds to the receptor, like gaba valium to calm you down and an antagonist does the opposite like the drugs that block opioids from working

What is mCPP?
I thought an agonist binds to the receptor, like gaba valium to calm you down and an antagonist does the opposite like the drugs that block opioids from working

You're right, agonists bind and activate receptors, and antagonists do the opposite. So an agonist on adrenergic receptors will cause stimulation, since it's activating those receptors. And an antagonist will do the opposite.

What is mCPP?

meta-chlorophenylpiperazine. It's a shitty piperazine stimulant that was made available many years ago and never made for the commercial RC market again since it sucked.

what is NE output?

NE is norepinephrine, the neurotransmitter responsible for the stimulating effects of stimulants.