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Trance induction techniques


Sr. Moderator: AADD, CE&P, TD
Staff member
Mar 9, 2005
I thought we could share some trance induction techniques that we all use. Even ones we have devised independently. Whilst active meditation techniques, such as breathwork, are applicable, I would be most interested in hearing of less common techniques. Chanting, humming, dancing, drumming (rhymes!), gaze-direction tricks, binaural beats, brain stimulation, tapping, etc. whatever...

In another thread, there is a brief discussion of drumming as a means of meditation. Its something I do with my congas. It seems effective in terms of locking the brain into a trance-like state; for me, this isn't about connecting with higher power or spirit, but an effective tool to assuage my anxiety- but it has a particular effect that I associate with psychedelics- drugs that I find extremely spiritual. It seems to simultaneously narrow the scope of external awareness, whilst opening up spaces in the inner world. I think this function of the brain is almost a built-in 'escape' mechanism. Most religions have similar practises: relentless, focused, aware repetition. Rosary beads and whirling dervishes.

For me, I find the paradiddle to be very helpful. For those who don't know, this is a very basic drum beat with the following pattern (L means left hand, R means right):


I feel like the fact the pattern is inverted upon each iteration somehow engages 'more' of the brain. Its a pattern in which we play a mirror image of itself. It is easy to play, but it requires some concentration to avoid simply playing 'LRRL LRRL LRRL'. For me, once this gets going, it feels autonomous and I can become quite detached, almost dissociated. It is an effective trance induction technique. Of course, with conga's, it leads to some really cool 'melodies' too, if one varies the hit zone.

I think there are almost infinite ways to achieve this state- please share. :)

ps. I may have made a similar thread once before, but that was then.

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One of the most magical things a person can do is gaze into another person. This is done as a consensual practice engaged with the other. No more quick and direct way to see that perhaps there is more to this reality than we give ourselves credit for. I don't know how to interpret the ways a persons face changes, except to say it must be some combined field we create reflected through our third eyes. Just be prepared to see anything. Seriously, don't be surprised at what you see; it's normal to see strange things. I've seen everything from extraterrestrials to voodoo dolls, though more typical is a fluctuation between old and young, beautiful and ugly.

You can of course do this to yourself in the mirror. I don't entirely recommend this unless you have an open mind and don't scare easily. Your third eye can show you some strange things. It has been know to spook some people out, but I don't read into it.

I don't construe any information from any of this except getting a reminder that reality sure is strange.
My method involved drawing pentagrams and crosses (and inverted pentagrams and inverted crosses). Basically, I would draw a pentagram in each cardinal direction, one by one (which was easy because my trailer's front end pointed south with the other end pointing north), and then - depending on whether or not the pentagram was inverted - I would say something very silly or something very philosophical. eg: if the pentagram or cross was inverted, I'd say something like, "Jesus was a doughboy... he tried to exercise me... but I like my trainers a little more 'light on there feet' than he was."

I specialize in white and black magic so this was an exercise to balance the two energies. Other than that, it was fun to see what my mind would automatically come up with when I got deeper and deeper into the trance.
For me, I find the paradiddle to be very helpful. For those who don't know, this is a very basic drum beat with the following pattern (L means left hand, R means right):


I feel like the fact the pattern is inverted upon each iteration somehow engages 'more' of the brain. Its a pattern in which we play a mirror image of itself. It is easy to play, but it requires some concentration to avoid simply playing 'LRRL LRRL LRRL'. For me, once this gets going, it feels autonomous and I can become quite detached, almost dissociated. It is an effective trance induction technique. Of course, with conga's, it leads to some really cool 'melodies' too, if one varies the hit zone.

I do the paradiddle sometimes on my desk when I'm bored or occasionally if I'm playing drums. I can't say it puts me in a trance but it does sort of block out everything. You should try this one sometime...

RLRR LRLL RLRR LRLL LRLL RLRR LRLL RLRR. It's basically switching back and forth between which hand leads into the paradiddle, and like the paradiddle it can be played indefinitely.
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Does media count? I induce my trance by watching movies and shows that convey a certain emotion I want to tap into. I think we all do this without knowing it but if persistent and you discipline yourself to watch the same media over and over you will become that underlying emotion the media you bask in encompasses, or it will attach itself to you. You do this by watching not what your brain is programmed to want to watch but by watching what you truly want to feel. If your angry and pissed off all the time your brain wires itself into that state and you'll crave blow your head off movies as an example; it'll recoil at happy anime shows or something similar. I had this technique down to a t but got lazy and let my brain feed itself back into a negative state and the negative media I started watching more often again and I let my media induced trance fade away :( when it gets too out of hand I notice and can start monitoring my media again though.

second thing is emotion from within! If focused long enough on a certain emotion it loses it's personal identity and it becomes pure energy you can use to transform yourself positively or negatively. Anger is the most potent form of energy that you can manipulate into a positive force or devastatingly sinister one, it can turn you into an athlete or hitler if you don't let your focus slip!

All just my personal experience and what has worked for me in the past. I'm still getting a grasp on these trance states and how to make the changes in trance 'stick' . Deliriant drugs also have the power to induce trances but not at first, it takes a whole lot of shit-feels and being in delirium to get to the point where you can resist the madness and become whatever you want to create out of the madness, this isn't a drug part of the forum though so not going to mention anything too in depth. It's quite possible to trick your brain into accepting beliefs and perceptions it'd never accept in a sane state of mind, for better or worse though. Haitian voodoo masters use mandrake on subjects to transform them into 'walking zombies' in a perpetual trance that's beyond their control to change because the voodoo master holds the elixir.