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Tramadol for high opiate tolerances

o believe the moral of the story is dont take more then the recommended daily limit or take it withd rugs that decrease the seizure limit, and dont take it everyday just like any drug. i find its a very hit and miss drug in that it jsut doesnt work for some pople (and somteimtes it hasnt even worked for me) and i know that it can work well in people with high opiate toleranfe. a friend whose up yo 200 mg/morphine a day (oral) told me neber to give him that shit again cause of the body feeling a 300 sr gave him- i actually find they come pleaseurable the more used to trammy u get
also potentiates other opaites nicely. oxy doesnt give me much euphoria as i expected ( i find it relatively overratrd) but with tramadol its bliss
I get sick from Tramadol. It's synthetic but it still binds to opioid receptors. Opiates make me nauseous unless I just use a little bit.

Tramadol is known for causing seizures if taken orally at 700 mg and intravenously at 300 mg. Those numbers both drop if you have alcohol or other drugs in your system.

My husband takes it for pain, but he doesn't get much relief and it seems like a shit drug to me. Everyone experiences Tramadol differently, which is strange, don't you think? In fact, the exact way in which the drug works is unknown! (It's in The Pill Book.)

Safety first...
oxycontin used to give me a gorgeous euphoria~I could get the pink 20s from a friend, peel two and powder them, then snort. I felt in love with the world and with myself. I quit because the new formula can't be peeled and powdered. I miss the lovely feeling it gave me.

When they first changed the pills there were a lot of threads here about how to use the new pills. I tried the various methods suggested, except for anything requiring a rig because I don't do needles. I was completely unsuccessful with the new formula pills so I just quit. I only used oxycontin about twice a week so quitting wasn't an issue for me. Missing the euphoria has remained an issue for me, however. I would like very much to feel wonderfully relaxed and happy. I've not found anything oxycontin before or since. I went back to smoking heroin for a short time after they changed the oxycontin pills but heroin wasn't as good as oxycontin was... for me personally. I was surprised when I read your post that you thought oxycontin was over rated. What was your experience, if you don't mind my asking?
Tamadol does help with withdrawal from many opiates...but I don't think they make a drug that completely stops withdrawal. :(
Tramadol will fuck you up (seizures). If you take more than 400mgs, you will definitely need to take 20mgs of Valium or so to mitigate seizure risk.

Tramadol is not worth it - the come down is hard, too. SNRI plus opioid. Tough.....
^i think you mean withdrawal. there's no pronounced comedown from tramadol like meth (for example) provides.

withdrawing the snri effects and the opioid side of things is disgusting to say the least.
^i think you mean withdrawal. there's no pronounced comedown from tramadol like meth (for example) provides.

withdrawing the snri effects and the opioid side of things is disgusting to say the least.

Wowza, I beg to differ. Coming off tramadol is worse than any other opioid after high-dose use for let's say 2 days.....i do actually mean comedown. I started crying for no reason, completely depressed. I have only used tram a few times and this always happens.
now i know what you mean, i think. like a hangover effect? i don't get that too bad.
also potentiates other opaites nicely. oxy doesnt give me much euphoria as i expected ( i find it relatively overratrd) but with tramadol its bliss

Maybe depressed people get teh most out of it. Makes me feel sick and really nervous if I take these on empty stomach, after food, no problem, but nothing enjoyable about them either.
The first few times i had this also, being irritated and uber-nervous, but after a few irregular doses spread over some weeks, these effects diminished completely. Now tramadol is making me a bit more sociable while it's also calming, like i get it with all the opiates/opioids i've tried till today. Luckily i don't get any sort of comedown.
the antidepressant comedown from the tram is harsh. I think its an SNRI on top of being an opioid, so it's coing off a large dose of an opioid (no comedown) and from an antidepressant (MEGA comedown/crash)....the norepinephrine seems to get pretty depleted 2 days after coming off tramadol....no the day after which is weird...takes a while
ive had good experiences with tramadol but probably because the times ive had it was either opiate naive or hadnt had h or any other decent opi for a while. in colombia they sell 50mg tramadol capsules and a 200mg/100ml syrup at pharmacies - no prescription required. they also sold panadeine fortes and DHC in a similar solution to the tramadol, needless to say when i discovered this i took full advantage. one night i drunk one of the 200mg syrup bottles and once the extreme nausea had passed i lay on my bed having crazy k like CEV's and some nice euphoria, i was surprised by how enjoyable it was. i think i prefer tramadol to codeine, the side effects from codeine are too much for me and other than nausea i dont really have any problems with tram.

tramadol can be useful for is easing heroin or other strong opiate withdrawal, i bought a bunch when i finished my stash of h in colombia and took a 50mg capsule twice a day for about 5 days then dropped down to one a day for a few days and managed to get off without too much trouble.
Yep tramadol is extremely dangerous when mixed with other drugs, especially anti-depressants. I ended up on life support and very nearly died because I took Effexor XR with tramadol whilst in India :(
wow, i'm glad you're ok and still around.

can i assume you got serotonin syndrome? if so, what treatment did you get? what was the experience like within the indian medical system?
wow, i'm glad you're ok and still around.

can i assume you got serotonin syndrome? if so, what treatment did you get? what was the experience like within the indian medical system?

if its anything like the thailand medical system.the experience in the hospitable woulda been shit.shooting somone up with 300mg+ of tram after telling them hes allrgic to em 3 times over then wrote it out on the form underlined (whilst piss was in his system) with a potinator he had a full on seizure.
^ i'm only going by generalisations and vague understandings here, but something tells me thai hospitals may be a step up from those in india.
there are many factors that could easily make an individual's experience far worse than anothers, such as language barriers, ecomonic standing/poverty/population mass of each country.
but having known folks to have been in hospital in each country, my cousin came back looking skeletal, POW style from an indian hospital, whereas people fly from australia to have surgery (ie cosmetic, dental) in thailand by choice or wanting to save a buck. perhaps india too, i'm not sure.

i don't want to start some discussion of ethnic/cultural generalisations, and a lot might have changed in the 10+ years since a sibling lived in india, but the logistics of a successful health program in a country of a billion+ and mass poverty is a little staggering.
i imagine that like a lot of places, the rich classes/castes alone get the best available medical care.
india is a rapidly changing country though.

i am also under the impression that a strong 'opiophobia' exists within much of south east asia. after the long history of both colonial exloitation and the illicit opium/heroin production history of the golden triangle, it can be hard to get adequate (legal) pain relief in some of these countries, as the stigma is huge and caused by an intense political backlash to the prolferation of heroin addiction in the region.

thailand i'm not so sure about, but i am pretty certain that most of the opiate pain relievers we take for granted in the west (prescribled, not black maket) are banned in the Philippines. such is the history, the stimga/fear/propaganda of the poppy and her various derivatives.
it's an inhumane practice, denying really sick or injured people a drug that will relieve their pain, specifically in palliative care.
there seems to be this widespread view now that drugs that could potentially cause pleasure or stereotypical addictions are frowned upon.
pleasure is sinful, no? really hypocritical of course, but we've been conditioned into thinking this way. maybe not you and i, but certainly lots of people and especially governments.

if thailand has a similar culture, the tramadol = pain relief idea could be an established one, which is a shame because of its risky interactions and inadequate pain relieving properties in people that just need to be numbed out of what ever it is causing them immense discomfort. like surgery, cancer for example.
i could be very wrong about this (it's a geopolitical guess based on the region and i'm too tired to find supporting evidence right now. thailand's days as a drug tourist mecca are not quite over, but a brutal government crackdown several years ago could indicate a widespread ban of otherwise accepted opiates/opioids in medical treatment too. not a wise place to try and score off strangers; prisons are harsh, sentences can include execution or years in squalid tropical hellholes.
perhaps somebody has more info on this?

careless/obnoxious/dismissive drs can be found the world over, i'm afraid.
but yeah - the story above shows the dr to be absolutely negligent. who knows what would lead to such abysmal treatment? a lot of drs in australia are pretty ignorant of the particulars of certain drugs. they know a lot about the brands/meds that have their name plastered all over their pen, notepad, coffee cup, stationary holder though.

i'm sure i've heard similar tramadol stories in the western 'developed' nations too.
some doctors seem to resent advice from people who have done a google search or two and are 'trying to tell them how to do their job', even when a) the patient's body/mind/health/life at risk .
especially with things like tramadol - to a paranoid doc that suspects drug-seeking behaviour, and are reluctant to prescribe a more tradtional pain reliever to conventional opiates/opioid. it works for some people, but certainly not all.

if it is dangerous and full of deadly contraindications, either your life is in their hands, or they'll be dignified enough to do some research to support or refute your claims before administered said drug.
...if they understand good enough english to comprehend you that is. i'm not saying this like we should expect that - australians aren't always known for showing restraint or good judgement when holidaying in such places.
i think the moral of all of this is that developing nations are an unsafe place to take unfamiliar medications, or to party and act like a dickhead aussie with all the bravado of 'im not at home, there are no consequences, my boss is in another continent i'm going to go wild' showing no respect for the locals or your health.

from what i've heard, tramadol is available OTC as an analgesic in india. i don't know if the institutionalised knowledge and attitudes towards drugs there are significantly different, but that's always been my perception. we are talking about a country that seems quite open to certain globally-banned drugs, as things like bhang are part of indian culture. not to mention hashish.
if you listen to traditional indian music - sitar and tabla - tell me that isn't some of the stony shit you'e ever heard. of course, government regulations don't always make sense when it comes to drugs. america wants all consciousness expansion abolished, unless it's in pill form from a massive pharmaceutical company.
anyway, i'm rambling. one of you i've been everywhere, man cats needs to help me out here
I almost overdosed on tramadol in india after having around 800mgs (i know thats stupid but i has having 500mgs a day for a couple of months), my body was having involuntary movements and i was in a bit of a state, my now ex gf never fails to remnd me of the fear i put her through that night, i guess i am a selfish prick when it comes to drug use.

i will be in India again in december, this time by myself, if i don't get over my current opiate habit in time i am really hoping tramadol will be a substitute, opiate wd's and mumbai doesn't sound like a fun combination

third world hospitals are not fun, i was in hospital in bolivia from eating some cheicken, a good experience in hindsight but at the time it was hell
ive tried oxy a few times, always oral/snorted and a few times plugging. i just find its so hard to hit that stweet spot- too little and ur just a lttle tired and nauseas and too much and i just get super itchy.. occasionly ive got a asweet high/nod off it, but thats always been mixed with xanax or tramadol. i find morphine (oral) much more euphoric