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Harm Reduction Tramadol and pregabalin . URGENT


Aug 29, 2018
Hello high guys, i am quite over dosed on meth but back to the topic, i suffer chronic pain and i have only 5x20mgEr OXY and a lot of tramadol but the problem is, i need something for seizure prevention (i took huge doses of tramadol for 10 years and suffered 1 collapse and 5 seizures), but since i am tweaking i only want to take like max 300mg spread, Will Pregabaline prevent potential seizures?
Not for sure imo, every anti seizure agent has a distinct mode of activity and only protect against some kinds of seizures. Pregabalin can even induce seizures itself in overdose. But tramadols seizurogenic activity is connected to its dosage, when your huge dosage was really so huge then this doesn't mean that you'll get seizures from regular therapeutic dosages of tramadol.

BUT as tramadol is a SNRI, it isn't safe to take it together with meth because that is also serotonergic and both together mean possibility for serotonin syndrome which isn't nice to have as well. I'd stick to the oxys for now and use the tramadol when you're not tweaking.
No, this is not a safe or effective practice. I know what you're asking and the answer is basically, no. There is some evidence that Gabapentinoids MAY have some positive benefit in treating CERTAIN and SPECIFIC forms of seizure disorders. They are not a blanket treatment for seizures or Status Epilepticus in any way relating to how Benzodiazepines are used for that purpose.

If you want my extremely frank opinion, it's that you have a slight change of lessening the change of having a seizure, but you could very well be making things worse. There's just not enough data really to say one way or the other, but I definitely advise against taking the Tramadol at all.
I took 20mg oxyER and 300mg tramadol spread in time and it so fucking helped me for a few hours, i also tried that pregabalin and it only stop making me so overheated, it even maybe potentiated other effects. I'm not scared of serotonin syndróm cause i stoped maximal dose of Vortioxetine since finally 6th antidepressant cured me after 10 months of maximal and doubled max doses sometimes.
I was scared of seizures cause i also quit HUGE doses of BZD (30mg alprazolam daily or sometimes 400mg diazepam)