Tramadol, a story of abuse and sadness.


Apr 18, 2016
Hi guys, swim just wanted to share their personal experience with tramadol…

It started when swim was 17, their father in law had an accident and had to use tramadol for the pain,
3 months afterwards while swim's daily life was about smoking at least 2 grams of weed, taking effexor at 225mg a day and xanax to sleep…

Actually the full story started when swim was 14…
Swim didn't have a prescription for the xanax, they just heard about it once and one day
they felt so bad and sad and anxious they decided to go to their mom's room while she was away and look in the drawer where she hides the "just in case" pills.
There swim found a box of xanax 0.5 mg with only one pill taken from it, so they decided to steel one, just to see, 1 hour afterwards swim stole the rest of the first packet,
swim took one everyday for a week than they knew they didn't have enough for the next week, this time they took 2 packets,
a week after they took one more packet.
They ended up getting caught by their mom while she was searching for swims pack of cigarettes, she found both.

She understood swim didn't feel good, in 3 years swim saw 3 psychiatrist and was prescribed seroquel, effexor and occasionally xanax.
Seroquel just made swim feel extremely bad, gave them panic attacks and made them feel sad and tired all the time, which was "impossible" according to their psychiatrist.
Swim had had enough of it and decided to stop taking seroquel, they never had anything coming close to mania or schizophrenia anyway.

At that time swim was 17, they were smoking weed, taking effexor and xanax,
and felt overall sad and anxious all the time, probably because of that guy swim loved whom was just playing with swim…
Swim is a guy too, he didn't know how to deal with the fact that he was gay, he was socially awkward and he was an easy pray for Antony, that guy he loved so fucking much.
Antony was supposedly swim best friend, they had a really "good" relationship except when Antony decided that he had better things to do for his best friend to matter.

Antony knew swim loved him since they met when swim was 14, swim will forever remember that day, it was Wendy's birthday,
it was raining, they took shelter under a little bridge.
While swim didn't take pills yet (a matter of months), they all drank with friends a lot of vodka, swim felt good, everyone did.
Antony decided it was a good idea to start a "kiss contest" (sounds even more ridiculous now), he didn't know swim yet.
So Antony started kissing everyone, then he walked in front of swim and kissed him, not like he kissed the other, it was a real kiss, a french kiss,
a passionate and sensual kiss, his mouth tasted like lemon juice, it was soft damp and literally hot.
When swim opened his eyes everyone had stopped talking and drinking and they were all staring at them, at that moment Antony looked around and said "I'm not gay"
swim should have know from that moment that it was the stupidest idea of his miserable life, yet he couldn't help it, that dumbass fell in love.

So there we are, swim is 17, he is sad, he found a full bottle of dolzam 200mg in his mom's drawer, and started by taking half of a tablet, than he looked on the internet,
and found about "parachuting" so he started crushing the tablets wrapping the powder in cigarette.
The first day he took one, the second he took 2, the third he took 3 and kept it between 3 to 4 dolzam a day.
That stuff made him feel like nothing ever did in his life, nothing came even close, NOTHING, even till this day, swim can't find anything that works as good on his symptoms.
He was able to focus at school, socialize, wasn't anxious, became instantly funny for some reasons and admired by his friends.
He ran out of pills in less than 3 weeks.

Swim is 20 now, he took 15 mg of valium an hour ago, he still takes effexor at 150mg (red pill) a day, and also 62 mg of concerta plus 20 mg of ritalin everyday.
Swim still loves Antony, he still is as anxious and sad as he always has been, he still cry every night, he doesn't talk to Antony anymore yet swim is crying right now,
he misses him, all the time.

That's why swim is thinking about tramadol.
Tramadol is the only thing that ever made him believe he felt good.

Thank you for your time.
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We don't use swim in this site - it's anonymous, just use I statements.

I don't think you should use tramadol. I understand you are hurting and lost, but tramadol isn't going to fix that. I think you could benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy- it really helps with obsessive thoughts and could help get you over Antony. I think you need to find other interests, and if you find yourself thinking about Antony recognize what you are doing and change your thoughts to focus on something else. I'm OCD and I have trained myself over time to help with the obsessive thoughts. I am not saying for you to forget Antony, but for the time being, what you're doing isn't emotionally healthy, and you need to stop fixating on him. You hve no control over what he does, and it sounds like he has moved on, you need to do the same. Drugs, any kind not just tramadol, are going to impede your ability to move forward. They are a bandaid and will make you feel better only temporarily, it is best that you deal with this issue soberly so you can continue to progress and grow as a person. You will eventually meet somebody else. Keep in mind it's very hard to meet a healthy person and have a healthy relationship when you are not healthy, and drugs almost guarantee that you not be healthy, and will prevent you from finding a healthy loving partner. take care of yourself, get your mind in a better place, and love will happen. If you stay living in the past you are closing the door on your future, and possibly closing the door on a relationship that is better than the one with Antony. Good luck!
I don't like when people criticise my way of telling my life story.
Ever heard of freedom of speech ? For fuck sake what's the difference,
using swim helped me keep on writing because I was describing the events as if I witnessed them instead of reliving them all together.

But I get that this poorly designed website wouldn't want their users to have a great experience or feel confortable to share.
No problem, I'll use a decent site instead. You know one in which people don't censure each other.

I tried to move on, I don't speak to him, I don't see him, I actually don't see anyone because I can't, it's never good enough.
I'm pretty sure I'll never find anyone because I don't want to.
I can't keep on loving anyone, everytime it ends up the same fucking way, go out for a time then move on, rince, repeat.

I don't like that, I don't care about pretending to love someone just to have a reason to fuck, either you tell me "let's fuck" or "I love you" just don't mix those fucking terms up.
You wouldn't believe how many time that last sentence as been acknowledged then ignored, just because it's easier.

Antony isn't gay, well that's what he says, I'm sure his mom must be very proud about that, wouldn't want her son to be pussy, what would god think.
That being said he does pretty gay things for a straight guy, and I'm not just talking about the sex, the only thing he never did is do anything in public.
Wouldn't want everyone see him hug another guy, what would his mom think.

Whatever, I can't get over it because it has been the longest lasting relationship I ever had with anyone of any sexual orientation but it's also the relationship that resulted
in the most drug taken by both him and I, I didn't do drugs before I knew him.
Every time I'm sad and I roll up a joint I think about him, every time I crush a ritalin and snort it I think about him, every time I take drugs I think about him.
I can't help myself because I'm used to have him by my side when I do those things, even pissing standing up I can't do without thinking about that asshole,
every thing I can possibly do in my life reminds me of him because there was a point in my life when I did it with him.

The only single thing I can do without thinking about anyone is design and it's exhausting but eventually I come home sit on my bed,
start my xbox and cry.
What the fuck am I supposed to do, I can't fucking forget 5 year of my life just like that, I won't ever fucking forget, even most drugs don't help, except opioids.
When I take that I'm feeling good.

I want to get over it, I've been told that an uncountable amount of time, I want to, my brain just fucking keep on coming back to that shit.
I just want it to be over :(
Totally understandable friend.
You are having cravings is all.
The best thing you can do is try to move on and build a life without him.
It's hard to overcome addiction when you also have worry and stress too.

Take it one day at a time.

Best of luck to you!
Tramadol can cause seizures too. And the more you take the worst it is to come off them.
You are stronger than this and it all depends on your willingness.
Most of us have gone through addiction and it's an awful feeling when trying to quit.

If one day at a time is too long for you take a period of day at a time. One hour, if it demands you do to so.
Cravings do not take that long. You can do this.[
Good luck!
But I get that this poorly designed website wouldn't want their users to have a great experience or feel confortable to share.
No problem, I'll use a decent site instead. You know one in which people don't censure each other.

This is one of the best designed websites I've come across in quite a while. Just sayin.
Wow - I understand you're upset but your directing your frustrations at the wrong things. If a simple site rule upsets you this much, I worry about how you handle life. What concerns me is your statement that you feel like you are being censored for using the word swim. That indicates to me that in life you are feeling very powerless. I've been there, and the feeling sucks. I used to be angry at everyone, and thought the world hates me, so in response, I hated it and was angry and hostile at the smallest things, and I incorrectly perceived offense from other people when in reality none was intended. Some how, you have to get to the root of your insecurities and frustrations. You are never going to find peace until you do, and the anger and frustration is just going to build. Trivial rules shouldn't have such an impact on your day.

FYI - Regarding censorship, the Internet is a lot freer than it used to be. Be happy we live in a time where we can freely discuss personal drug use. SWIM came about in the early Internet days because sites would be shut down if users freely discussed personal experiences that dealt with drug use.
^ That's pretty accurate. This is part of the guidelines- as simple as that.
I hope you understand that we care and about the valuable posts you received.
We are just trying to help you, regardless of your opinion about the website.

I believe that you are not angry with the website but the situation you find yourself in.
Take care!
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Wow. Ok, I still miss that dude, by the way. That piece of s***.
Not crying anymore. A year after I wrote that post, on July 5th, 2017, I learned that one of my friends had himself.
See, now, that was a good reason to cry. So good in fact, "swim" spent a bit in the psych ward.
It didn't help. What helped was that I talked with friends on the phone, and started to feel better.
Another thing that changed was that the day I left, I got drunk and drank a bottle of DXM cough syrup.
(270mg so 3mg/kg) as far as I remember, that was my first experience with it. It wasn't great.
Oh and by the way, still on ritalin except now it's "30mg 4 times a day"[sic]
still on Effexor after trying to quit twice over the years (keep in mind, I've stopped smoking in the past, only to start again in July '17)

Tramadol did help a lot, in that it made me numb but not totally high. But "wait, that's illegal".
Sorry for the bump :whistle:
Your so young. I was in the same place at around your age. I started with tramadol. 14 years later and Im just getting off methadone. U dont wanna live my life. Just chill out. Find a way of life that works. U say you design? What do you design? Like graphic design? I NEED YOU TO SEE THIS! GET OFF THIS PATH. JUST CHANGE PATHS. IF you think your life sucks now. Just fucking wait. If I could go back and slap the ever living shit out of my 20 year old self I would. How much trouble I would have saved myself. I'm not sure you understand the gravity of the situation. You think your life is hell now and it is. But its stage 1 hell. Wait till your 25 or whatever and in stage 5. Then wait til thirty and stage 8 or whatever. Its a fucking nightmare. Just run. Go back to school whatever it is you gotta do. Just keep busy and live miserable until you can find something worth living for. Everything seems over the top when your in your twenties or whatever how ever old you are. I just saw 17. But when your young everything seems like the WORST, but its not. It gets way worse. Like a frog in boiling water you wont notice until you find your life completely fucked. Or shit you might not even make it that long. Literally half the people I knew as a young junkie are dead. Half. OR they r the biggest fucking losers. Not worth at all. Any other path is better.

Not sure if u realize it yet, but your on your way to shooting up.

" If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way" -Basically Johnny Cash.
Your so young. I was in the same place at around your age. I started with tramadol. 14 years later and Im just getting off methadone. U dont wanna live my life. Just chill out. Find a way of life that works. U say you design? What do you design? Like graphic design? I NEED YOU TO SEE THIS! GET OFF THIS PATH. JUST CHANGE PATHS. IF you think your life sucks now. Just fucking wait. If I could go back and slap the ever living shit out of my 20 year old self I would. How much trouble I would have saved myself. I'm not sure you understand the gravity of the situation. You think your life is hell now and it is. But its stage 1 hell. Wait till your 25 or whatever and in stage 5. Then wait til thirty and stage 8 or whatever. Its a fucking nightmare. Just run. Go back to school whatever it is you gotta do. Just keep busy and live miserable until you can find something worth living for. Everything seems over the top when your in your twenties or whatever how ever old you are. I just saw 17. But when your young everything seems like the WORST, but its not. It gets way worse. Like a frog in boiling water you wont notice until you find your life completely fucked. Or shit you might not even make it that long. Literally half the people I knew as a young junkie are dead. Half. OR they r the biggest fucking losers. Not worth at all. Any other path is better.

Not sure if u realize it yet, but your on your way to shooting up.

" If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way" -Basically Johnny Cash.
Wait :unsure: I am 25 :p It did get worse. Now I'm already dead, I cannot die anymore.
You sound pretty depressed :( you alright? You can DM anytime if you need to talk (I think. No clue how it works here)