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TOPKEK - Uncovering the truth of the Univerrse


Jan 18, 2011
The TOPKEK is the awareness of the nature of existence; it cannot be experience as it does not exist, it is singularity. The only things that which do exist, do so in duality. TOPKEK is sometimes referred to as Kia or God.

The truth of the universe is that there is no truth. This is absurd and meaningless. Thus the universes is choatic. Chaos has no meaning as it does not exist either.

So seems kind of silly, doesn't it? Well that is the point, at first anyway. This is where you have your cosmic laugh that reaches TOPKEK level and reabsorbs back into the Universe to further mutiply or perpetuate or what have you, evolve, whatever, i'm not even sure. But this is the purpose of there being something rather than nothing and why there is duality.

So there you have it, my belief system, TOPKEK. Feel free to inquire. BTW i discovered this on MXP.
lol damn i was really high when i wrote that.... i dunno i think it's still logical... topkek is like top lol world of warcraft thing...ha
Interesting, I got a taste of what the Void is like and it was a little bit like you describe. Honestly, it kind of freaked me out, if nothing else only because of my ideas about it. The understanding that is forming for me is that when considering the nature of existence the closest thing to the opposite of truth isn't false, it is the void. In that sense, it is still outside the realm of duality. The absence of light is darkness, but darkness is not the opposite of light. I wouldn't say it is the sole nature of existence if nothing else cause my experience is so different, but I would say it is an essential aspect.
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robotripping said:
The truth of the universe is that there is no truth.

The sentence I am writing is a lie.
The truth of the universe is that there is no truth. This is absurd and meaningless. Thus the universes is choatic. Chaos has no meaning as it does not exist either.

The universe looks remarkably ordered, at different scales too. I'm amazed at how people fail to notice this really.. I mean for a supposed accident of existence it has done well for itself, don't you think?

Why set the Universe as the boundary condition for truth? Why not speculate that it is just one room of many in the house of existence?

ps drug related revelations are generally muddled half-truths =D
you missed the point lol IT IS ORDERED IN DISORDER LOL

well it's certainly paradoxical. u guys know i got this from Peter Carroll right? lol

anyway, i really miss being here :( i dont have the time to be on here anymore and i'm just different now.
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