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Top 5 Favorite Movie Characters


Jun 14, 2001
In no particular order - and a probably changing list whenever you ask me...

Butch - Pulp Fiction
Agrado - All About My Mother
Sara - Requiem for a Dream
Max Cherry - Jackie Brown
The Kaufman Brothers - Adaptation

and a bonus:
Diamonds in the Rough - Saving Silverman

i just made this list hella quickly, so i'll probably be reposting later :/
let's see...

Lester Burnham - American Beauty
Sarah - Requiem For a Dream
Bill "the Butcher" Cutting - Gangs of New York
Thurgood Jenkins - Half Baked
Stiffler - American Pie
Tyler Durden Fight Club
Stevo and Heroin Bob SLC Punk
Leonard Shelby Memento
Patrick Bateman American Psycho
Max Cohen Pi
my first two choices were already mentioned- :)
Tyler Durden - Fight Club
Lester Burnham - American Beauty

the next three:
Sofia - Vanilla Sky
John Coffey - Green Mile
John Nash - A Beautiful Mind
Tony Montana-Scarface
Travis Bickle-Taxi Driver
Rauol Duke-Fear & loathing
Alex DeLarge-A clockwork orange

Renton - Trainspotting
Amelie - Amelie
Nakita - La Femme Nakita
Ripley - Aliens
Jim - Empire of the Sun
William Blake - Deadman
Holly Golightly - Breakfast at Tiffany's

ok i cheated but i couldn't decide and I'd just end up coming back and changing later anyways! :p
Dennis Hopper as Frank Booth in Blue Velvet

David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth

Robert DeNiro as Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver

Frances McDormand as Marge Gunderson in Fargo

Christopher Guest as Nigel in This Is Spinal Tap
Last edited:
LL's Top Ten:

Andy Dufresne / Tim Robbins / The Shawshank Redemption

Keyser Soze / Kevin Spacey / The Usual Suspects

Vincent Vega / John Travolta / Pulp Fiction

Mr. Pink / Steve Buscemi / Reservoir Dogs

Lorenzo Anello / Robert De Niro / A Bronx Tale

Trent / Vince Vaughn / Swingers

Ellis "Boyd" Redding / Morgan Freeman / The Shawshank Redemption

Vito Corleone / Robert De Niro / Godfather II

Monte / Edward Norton / 25th Hour

Sam / Samuel L. Jackson / Fresh
Can't . . . stop . . . naming . . . favorite . . . characters . . .

Carlito Brigante / Al Pacino / Carlito's Way

"Bottle Of Champagne . . . Fast!" / Antonio Banderas / Four Rooms

Kleinfeld / Sean Penn / Carlito's Way

Archibald "Moonlight" Graham / Burt Lancaster / Field of Dreams

Amon Goeth / Ralph Fiennes / Schindler's List

Pino / John Turturro / Do The Right Thing

Ted Kramer / Dustin Hoffman / Kramer Versus Kramer

Benjamin Braddock / Dustin Hoffman / The Graduate

Ed / Billy Bob Thornton / The Man Who Wasn't There

Sean McGuire / Robin Williams / Good Will Hunting
  • sylvester stallone's rocky balboa
  • martin scorsese for his horrific vincent van gogh in kurasawa's dreams
  • john belushi and dan akroyd as jake and elwood blues, the blues brothers
  • james coburn as britt in the magnificent seven
  • steve mcqueen as det. lt. frank bullit, bullit
How the heck did I forget Forrest Gump?!
The Dude/Jeff Bridges - Big Lebowski
Dignand/Owen Wilson - Bottle Rocket
The entire cast of Caddyshack.
Rudy/Sean Astin (I've got to give it to the last movie ever to make me cry.)
Indiana Jones/Harrison Ford - 'natch.

Nice choices LL. I smell tuna! ;)
hehe...good choice on 'The Dude' :)

Han Solo & Darth Vader - Star Wars Trilogy
Indiana Jones - Indiana Jones Trilogy
Drill Sargent - Full Metal Jacket
Mad Martigan - Willow
Kaneda - Akira
max fischer from rushmore
aragorn from the lord of the rings
juror #8 from 12 angry men
tyler durden from fight club
matt hooper from jaws
wolfgang amadeus mozart from amadeus
rev. harry powell from night of the hunter
sick boy from trainspotting
lt. vincent hanna from heat

wolfgang amadeus mozart from amadeus

Yeah!!! Tom Hulce and that obnoxious LAUGH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
1. keyer soze/verbal kint - the usual suspects - kevin spacey
2. The Vampire Lestat - Interview With the Vampire - Tom Cruise
3. Mikey - The Goonies - Sean Astin
4. El Mariachi - Desperado - Antonio Banderas
5. nicky - casino - joe pesci
Lt. Ellen Ripley / Sigourney Weaver / The Alien Series
Forest Gump / Tom Hanks / Forest Gump
Indiana Jones / Harrison Ford / The Indiana Jones Series
Mrs Doubtfire / Robin Williams / Mrs Doubtfire
Ace Ventura / Jim Carey / Ace Ventura 1 & 2
Off the top of my head:
Django - any of the Django movies
Louis Cypher - Angel Heart
Bubby - Bad Boy Bubby
Agent Smith - The Matrix (1)
Bill the Butcher - Gangs of New York
John Connor - Terminator II (he gets all the good lines)
The Bull McCabe - The Field
William Hayes' father - Midnight Express