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Took suboxene after methadone. help!


Feb 29, 2016
My husband and I were trying to detox at home we had a bottle of 70mg methadone yesterday morning which we spilt together .. we were not feeling very well so we used our DOC dope later that day to pick us up which it actually did. We have a high tolerance. Anyway this morning both of us took two strips of 8mg suboxene, 30 mins after we both got really sick .. we were throwing up, going #2, vigorously sweating, our nerves were out of control. It felt like electricity was running through our veins .. also sneezing while we were throwing up . I don't no what happened to us but it lasted about 3 hours I wanted to die. Now I'm sitting here scared to death to touch a suboxene ever again but I need to get clean. First what happened to us? And how long should we wait to take suboxene again ?
You are experiencing what are called "precipitated withdrawals". Check out the suboxone megathread for detailed info on subs for detox and can search "precipitated withdrawal" through BL and find several good posts as well. Briefly, before starting suboxone you must be in full withdrawal (at least 12-18 hours with no opiates, frequently 24hrs+ with heroin and even longer with methadone because of the very long half-life). If you take subs before the opiate is fully out of your system you will go into immediate severe withdrawal from the buprenorphine (active ingredient in subs) ripping the opiate off the receptors and replacing it. For your situation: if you want to use subs to get clean do not take any opiates/opioids for next 24hrs at least. Can use benzos (Xanax, ativan, klonopin, valium, etc.) And other non-pain meds to get through it (look up Thomas method if interested). Need to be in FULL withdrawal before you can start subs again. Restarting subs: (best done through clinic but if insistent on trying at home) start with set amount, usually around 8mg. Increase by 2-4mg every 12 hours or so until withdrawal symptoms tolerable but not "high". Once stable can begin decreasing by 2-4mg every 1-2 days until you reach a maintenance dose that works for you (subs work best around 4mg/day). If not going to continue maintenance decrease to smallest amount possible (usually 0.5mg depending on dosages available to you) then use Thomas method or similar to get through the sub withdrawal (no matter how low you get will still have to go through some withdrawal). Doesn't sound like you have enough experience/knowledge of withdrawal to manage detoxing without help. Seek out an outpatient (or impatient if able/ready) clinic/treatment center to help you both detox properly. Keep us updated on your progress! You can do this!
Thank u so much for the reply I really appreciate it we really got scared and didn't know what to do. We lost hope in suboxene but u helped bring it back. Also thanks for all the information u gave us we definitely will follow.
Peace and love.
i'm surprised it only lasted three hours.....you guys are lucky
Damn OP, you really should read up before you do drastic stuff like this. I'm not trying to be a dick but precipitated withdrawal is common knowledge, you would've saved yourself serious pain.

I second everything magg stated, except to add that you should take the first 8mg slowly, about 2mg at a time. For all you know, 4mg might hold you. Take 2mg every hour until you hit your comfort zone. And don't take any until you're in COMPLETE AND UTTER WITHDRAWAL, or you will plunge into pwd again.

Be careful OP, when used correctly, buprenorphine will save you from suffering, but if used incorrectly its a ticket straight to hell.

Edit: Don't forget to TAPER DOWN. You can pm me if you need help.
Yeah the methadone is what fucked you guys there I am pretty sure. I have seen/heard/read that if trying to take subs after methadone, you have to wait about 3-5 days before taking subs, because it has a long half-life, just like buprenorphine itself. You can take subs sooner after short-acting opiates like heroin, oxycodone, morphine, etc... Because of shorter half-lifes. I have experienced those PWs before .. Not fun at all , especially that sweating and that electric shock shit thru your whole body's nerves. Yuck!! So yeah, next time you do that make sure you are in full-blown withdrawal, pretty much at the point where you cannot take it no more. And the sub will work beautifully. And follow the way these people here said to dose. I used very heavily, and it only took me 6-8mg and I would feel perfect. Lol. And yeah before taking any drugs RESEARCH them. I have made this mistake countless times .. Lol
I've done it too... But I was driving through the Sonora Desert, determined to kick H, with my script of subs.... I took mine at around 24 hrs after my last shot of smack, and was thrown into a day and a half of pure HELL... God that sucked.... As well as making me scared of subs to this day!!! Lol!!
Yeah 36 hours after last dose of smack is the ideal wait period to go ahead with the sub. 24hours and less really depends on how heavy you were using and the quality of the shit you were using. I remember one time I injected 2mg of sub around 22 hours of last dose of smack in the midst of a 2 month long moderate smack habit. After I injected, instant WDs. Profuse sweating , hellish nausea, and that electric nerve shot shit again. I found it best to do a very small dose of the sub first, like 0.5mg or so, so it can get at the little remaining opiates on your receptors, and the precip WDs won't be as intense. If you don't feel anything bad, then you should be good for a full dose. And I know what you mean about being scared to take the sub. Lol
Best bet as mentioned below is start small on your induction dose. I'd even go so far as to 1mg first, wait to check for pwd's, then continue to dose but at 2mg intervals (both to be safe from pwd's bit also because for all you know 4mg might hold you fine).

At least, that's how I roll when I first induct.