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"too anyone who has these symptoms" My old thread and how im doin now....


Aug 1, 2012
hi guys its been a while since i have been on this site. staying away from the forum seemed the best idea.

Some of you remember me , some of you dont....

i was the original poster of "too anyone having these symptoms"

Heres a brief overview from my post

vision problems, feel like i was in a complete daze, everyone around me looked like they were moving too fast to catch up, couldnt grasp reality properly

anxiety/panic attacks (probably due to what the hell was going on)

complete utter short term memory loss, would think back to what i done during the day earlier and think " shit i cant even remember how the day went"

trying to think on a subject or equation was an absolute nightmare

had no motivation, thought i was losing my mind

dizzyness/felt weird turning my head

brain zaps during the day and when i went to sleep (only lasted a 10 days though)

a mild depersonalization/ but not that noticeable

Im not going to lie to you, the first year was the worst year i have ever had. The pain and upset of how i felt was unbearable, i would go to work with no motivation, just a robot following the daily chores of life. I would then go home and lay in my bed, watch television and wonder , just wonder how things went wrong, how my such great youth with friends, party's and motivation for life had crumbled into a feeling of doom.

The amount of times i cried myself to sleep i couldn't count on 2 hands. I was just mixed with dull emotions, angry with myself for doing so much on one night. Sad thinking will i ever be the same again?

Everyday i done this, every single fucking day. This lasted a good 18months maybe 20, i had a well il call it partner called dawglaw when it all started, we both got the same similar symptoms around the exact same time (nearer enough 1 week to each other). Each few days we would comment on how we felt, telling how our symptoms had changed or how we had managed. We both were worried, we both did't understand how to solve this, around 6-8 months went by and dawglaw had finally broke the chain, he finally managed to understand what to do to solve this mess...i did't.

When he explained his way of getting out, i couldn't understand it, i just did't understand how he had done it. He explained to me that he stopped caring, he forgot about how he felt all the time but i was too scared to be like that, i was too worried about how i felt to use his method. It was simple, i feared it but he did't, he managed to show his brain that he wasn't scared, and that my friend's is how you do it. These symptoms are not of a damaged brain, these are how your brain protects you.

Your brain went through some hard times when you were out partying that night or wherever you were. What did it do ? it switched on safe mode or what many call it (depersonalization/derealization). Its a defence mechanism, Your body has many of them to stay alive, this is one of them. Your subconcious mind picked up on your fear and anxiety, told your brain you need protecting....and guess what? there you are wondering why you have...

no emotions
feel dreamy
feel like your personality has been sucked out of you (it hasn't trust me, your still be the old you when you get out )
no motivation
feel like a robot going through the actions of life with no purpose
vision's messed up ( i actually admit i don't know why this happens....i just saw the patterns that if i feared it or got angry about it it would get worse)

These are just some of the symptoms i had, yours maybe different, they may be the same. As i said why do you have these feeling ?
Because your brain is not interested in having a good time at the moment, your brain is trying to help you stay alive. Why have i had it for so long you ask ? why have i had this for a year or 2 or 3 and nothing has changed? maybe you have only had it a month ? but this is because you haven't given your brain a chance to recover.

Your brain is just waiting for you too stop the fear, the worry , the anger so it can just regain its normal mental state. Everytime you worry and get angry about it your doing fight/flight mode. Anger is the fight, flight is the anxiety that beats you up everyday because of this hellhole your in. Wouldn't it make sense that if you stopped the anger, stopped the fear and got on with life no matter how you feel, your brain would't need to protect you? ....This is my point. When you go for a run , you sweat, your heart race increases, you start to breath heavier to supply more oxygen to the muscles. When you stop do you expect to keep breathing heavy ? do you expect to feel your heartbeat to keep racing? no. Its exactly the same with this, give your body a chance to recover, the more you worry the more you are running (hypothetically). Its about getting on with life , its about forgetting how you feel (i know its hard it took me the best of 3 months to work out how).

Now your going to have up's and downs i will promise you that. You may wake up one day and feel fuck its going ! then have a setback. This is completely normal in recovery, your get setbacks, its just how it works....one day you feel you can beat it and then a week goes by, you think "ahhh why is it not going" and then you start the process all over again. THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU DO!, i made that mistake so many times, i would feel like i could beat it then if it did't go after a week etc i would get angry and question it all over again. Just make progress, as you make progress your just know your getting better, once you know your getting a little bit better theres only one way to go with this right ? yup the way you were just doing it. Forget about it , get on with life, find something in life you love doing, save for something you always wanted. This was my motivation saving for a car which i am currently doing, it gave me such motivation to just get money so i can have my dream car, it occupied my mind.

Just do what you can to be active, distract your mind and do what you can , when you do this the power of depersonalization and the symptoms you have lose power, they become less caring to you. The setbacks will become less often , when this happens you know your in the right direction. Its about occupying your mind and becoming less caring on how you feel all the time, by doing this your giving your brain a break. When you start coming back , and you feel a glimmer one day of the old you, dont keep checking to see how you feel, see if its gone etc, just carry on going. Its hard trust me i know! , but keep trying and never give up, Get on with life and start living! the sooner you do that the less time your waste and the less time your be in this shithole.

Im not 100%, i only realised this shit about 3 months ago how to get out of this hellhole, it took a good 18-20months before i realised what i had to do. 4 months ago i was so pissed off with it all, so fed up , i would think about how i felt probably 20-25 times a day , checking how i feel. Then i took this advice ......now i only think about how i feel 4-5 times a day (6-7) on a bad day (tiredness, sleep is important!). Why? because my symptoms are so unnoticeable, when my mind is occupied with work and friends i hardly notice anything because it has dimmed down so much, thats how i know its going.

I read about a crippling anxiety sufferer who had all the symptoms of me and many others, he dp/dr and he just did't know what to do, he had it for nine years but couldn't understand what he had to do to get his life back. He then visited a old doctor of his, the doctor said something to him that changed his life forever and it made me change my thought pattern aswell. He said

"Your start getting better, when you stop trying to get better"

It just made me completely realise what i had to do. I just had to stop all the thought patterns and get out in the world and do normal stuff and stop all the worrying that was making my life hell. Once i done that , things got easier and easier , the setbacks got less and less , when this happens you know your going the right way.

I know im boring you with this long thread haha , i just wanted to get it out their because i know how many of you are feeling , its hell i been there many times throughout the last 2 years, i just want to give you that push you need that i couldn't get my head around. Whether you like it or not, you have anxiety, you may not think you do but you do , you just forgot how it feels to be calm, i thought the same thing.

Anyways if you have any questions feel free to ask , many others can help you on this site and help you through the horrible feelings mdma has caused for many so anyways

good luck and stay positive :)
An incredible post, surfer. Completely relates to me too. Mind over matter is the essential tool here. I'm on three months, and in the last 4 weeks I just began to say "screw this". Ever since, I've had rapid improvement. Coming back on this website isn't helping, but there are few people that are still in the loop of thoughts and I want to help them out as you are.

One question though, what visuals did you have and have they gone away for you?
Surfer! Thank you so much for checking back in and writing this awesome post. You have no idea how great it is to hear you give a hopeful update as someone who has lurked through the depths of long term comedown posts. You're the man!

I find myself in a very similar boat 12 months in.

Chins up! We can do this :)
So would you say your Dr/dp and vision problems have gone now surfer? I'm only two months in and it drives me nuts ):
You did roll again after your comedown started right? Could you elaborate on when exactly you did that (in terms of months into your comedown) and what happened when and after you rolled again?
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Keep on trucking guys. You will be back sooner rather than later.
Thank you gibberman, it certainly is mind over matter. Its all about how you deal with the symptoms, the way i am nearly free is because i gave them no energy , its also becoming a habit now that i forget about it alot, more and more i seem to stop thinking about it. When it does come into my mind or i notice a symptom it just doesn't bother me no more. Its strange because before these thoughts use to haunt me, the symptoms use to scare the living day light out of me, but i learnt that as you give them less power they become less fearful. Its about staying positive and not letting the thoughts take over you.

Gibberman my visual problems were : couldn't handle lighting , everything looked highlighted in a way (cant really explain, if you have you know what im on about). everything just looked fake, tunnel vision, just everything was messed up in my vision, also everything moved too quickly, if people went past me i couldn't grab hold of how there face looked etc.

herenow yes it is very important to keep on that wavelength, giving it the "fuck it im gonna enjoy my life" attitude is the exact way you go to recover, sitting there and worrying is not going to get you anywhere im afraid it will just keep you in the hell hole longer but i will tell you that you will get setbacks were you think " i been trying but its still going im fed up with this shit" just calm down, take a deep breath and just reassure yourself your recovering, i promise you it will come soon enough !

india yes my vision is very low in dr now, its very unnoticeable most of the time. Il notice it every now again and just shrug it off, its not important to me no more. India you need to stop the "its driving me nuts" attitude. Listen to my advice, as i said give your brain a break , let it go back to normal mental state by stopping the worrying and the anger about it. YOUR BRAIN DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DIFFERENT ANGERS AND FEARS, i say this strongly because its very important, when you fear a tiger coming towards you , and you fear a thought, its the same message the brain gets , which is "protect". that anxiety is produced in the brain in a part called the amygdala, as this happens your brain gives the the symptoms that you feel, This is the reason why you are stuck in this cycle because your not letting the brain reach homeostasis. Letting go of the thoughts india and getting on with life will make those symptoms go away i promise you! just stay strong when they happen and get on with life as much as possible, it will get easier i swear.

hi scaredfirsttimer, yes i did roll after my comedown which was a massive mistake. Not in terms of it fucked me up even more because it did't but it just wasn't exactly what my brain was asking for. I got the comedown in july 2012, Mid October i took a pill at a club, got really buzzing and had a good night. That was on the saturday, by the monday i had slightly more anxiety but nothing new than what i already had , so no it did't change any of my symptoms, i think this is because my brain had already sent me into dp/dr , there was no really more damage that could of been to cause more symptoms. I highly recommend you don't roll while your in this crap, its really not what your recovery needs, its about letting the brain do its thing, if you want to roll wait till your better, its just not worth having to suffer more for one night of fun.

Hey dawglaw how you been buddy ?, its been a while :)
Good to see you guys still up and about. I remember going through this phase back in like 2009, i had no one to relate to. Everything you mentioned happened to me. It took a longgg time but i got better just like you, now... i don't even try to think about my rolling days. All i can do now is move foward
Surfer179 a total pleasure to hear from you :)

I remember the pain you were experiencing. Total respect for coming back on here and writing up about what you went through and positive words to recovery.

The essential thing to realise at this point is these posts get historically tagged and they serve well and beyond your responding audience. There are many silent listeners out there who will read this report and it will provide the stepping stones to mental recovery.

I am recovered like yourself now and will always pop in from time to time to make sure anyone going through what i experienced gets my support.

Thumbs Up I am very happy you are still out there and things are looking up.

F1nished, future wow it's been a long time :) we were all in the same boat together, it's fantastic to hear knowing both you made it out the other side already. Back then I remember us all finding it hard, it's been a real challenge over the last 2 years, life has never been so hard for me but I finally found the right move a few months ago, I just wish I realised back then so I did't waste so much time of my life suffering. It's really great to hear from you guys.
Hey hello hi futura2012 i myself have fully recovered.. Its been 8months now and i never thought i made it.. Thanks to futura, dawglaw.. Im totally normal now.. I have a great job. I broke up with my 6yrs partner 2 months ago and i still feel like my old self no anxieties etc.. I guess the only way out of anxiety is acceptance.. Im happy reading this post. Its been months since i have been here.. I just saw a bookmark on my phone and wanted to stop by.. Ive had the most stressfull months but hey i am recovered so anyone can... And last week i saw in the news that the pill i took 8months ago is very dangerous it contains a mixture of mdma, crystal meth, viagra and cafeine its in the news because a lot of people suffered anxiety, palpitations etc so i guess the question that had me bothered for months before has been answered. Lol its called fly high a green capsule.. Been drinking cofffee, alcohol and energy drinks and had no problem for months so i can really say i finally made it thanks again for futura and dawglaw for the advices.. And for those suffering read the blogsite in anxietynomore.com it was a big help thanks byebye
Hey hello hi futura2012 i myself have fully recovered.. Its been 8months now and i never thought i made it.. Thanks to futura, dawglaw.. Im totally normal now.. I have a great job. I broke up with my 6yrs partner 2 months ago and i still feel like my old self no anxieties etc.. I guess the only way out of anxiety is acceptance.. Im happy reading this post. Its been months since i have been here.. I just saw a bookmark on my phone and wanted to stop by.. Ive had the most stressfull months but hey i am recovered so anyone can... And last week i saw in the news that the pill i took 8months ago is very dangerous it contains a mixture of mdma, crystal meth, viagra and cafeine its in the news because a lot of people suffered anxiety, palpitations etc so i guess the question that had me bothered for months before has been answered. Lol its called fly high a green capsule.. Been drinking cofffee, alcohol and energy drinks and had no problem for months so i can really say i finally made it thanks again for futura and dawglaw for the advices.. And for those suffering read the blogsite in anxietynomore.com it was a big help thanks byebye
Absolutely fantastic jethro1000! This will give many people including myself confidence in recovery!
Amazing OP, and amazing recovery stories on this thread, some people in the bl community have helped me so much in my recovery, I am forever grateful for that. What futura said about silent readers is absolutely true, I've been one myself for several months and im sure there are tons of other people out there that are struggling with comedown symptoms and that get a lot of comfort out of threads like these. Shout out to all of the above posters and all the other great people in this community, bless you all!
It's great to see success stories. When surfer future and I first came here there was nothing but horror stories.

Every one who is really struggling, go back and read our old posts. We were right where you are now. Things will get better, I promise.
^^ what he said , trust me , read our old threads , we were in your shoes before, recovery is completely possible and will happen , you just gotta believe it! we are proof!
This is an extremely positive thread..

Couple of things to add:

I must reinforce the comments from Dawglaw if you are under any doubts as to - did we experience what you are going through now? then really do have a trawl back as I went through total horror!! big time. So did everyone else on here now recovered. THIS IS TO ILLUSTRATE NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU WILL GET BETTER.

I also want to give people a stark reminder of how this anxiety can really affect you in a very NEGATIVE way one of our members and friends somedud paid the ultimate price in his life. The anxiety got the better of him.

Look back and you will see the experiences he went through. An extremely intelligent and thoughtful chap. but.. no matter how hard you think or how hard you trawl there is no precise answer as to the cause of this. Also there is no "pill or potion" to fix you. The only fix is gonna be time and confidence you will get out of this mess.

Having gone through two attempts at suicide myself I must make it clear that if you are in the middle of one of these LTC horror experiences and you really feel there is no return you MUST look at this thread and just have BELIEF that one day all these awful symptoms you might be experiencing do eventually go.

this may include:

Brain fog, Memory Loss, tinnitus, excessive sweating, paranoia, panic attacks, unable to retain information, sad, over emotional, depressed, unable to sleep, mild hallucinations such as interference patterns, over sensitive to sunlight etc etc. There are many others.

If all of a sudden you are thrown into a world of these symptoms and you really find yourself in a situation of WTF. OMG ive frazzled myself for life. The answer is no you haven't but..

you've knocked your brain for 6 and its in a state of shock and needs some time to recover. Unfortunately during this recovery period it can be a very painful journey.

All I say is this VERY IMPORTANT point. Its temporary, how you feel now is not how you are going to feel in the future. Don't let the anxiety get the better of you by thinking death is the only option.

We have lost one member and I am here to prevent this from happening to anyone else.

As with all things in life I think sometimes we have to experience an element of pain. As the expression goes:


See this as a passing time. Develop some back bone and face those demons. At the end of it all it is your mental and physical strength that will get you through this.

We are here to help anyone suffering from these awful experiences but only you can tread the path.
This has helped me alot been reading every now and then since new years day 2014 and havnt really posted to the site but it's so helpful and hopeful to read all the good story's.

Before I found this site I was sitting alone in my room begging to sleep from the second I woke up I'm not close to recovery yet at all but I'm leaving my room and not praying for sleep 24/7 and I owe it to all you guys in this very thread as it's your story's that have made me realise I'm not in this mental prison for life.